THG Gets Her Hands Dirty

  • Thread starter The Hemp Goddess
  • Start date
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I took a couple of cuts, but they are not rooted yet. The Satori that I have going now are in DWC.
I will try and snap some pictures today. They seem to be doing okay. I worried about the color on some of them, but they do look healthy. I flipped them to 12/12 2 days ago. They are not all sexed, but I don't have a huge amount of room in the closet they are in, so I am giving them some encouragement.
Nasty stay indoors weather today. We had a micro burst last night that toppled several trees around me. Had a customer call me and ask me to go check their place....a large tree had uprooted and gone completely through their snow roof. I couldn't tell whether it had compromised the home or not, but told them to get ahold of their insurance agent. It has been pouring buckets ever since.

So, I watered my dirt kids today and snapped some pics. I have 12 plants in a there right now. There are 2 freebie fems (keeping my fingers crossed and looking at them everyday) with 10 reg plants. So after they sex and I weed the boys out, I should have enough room. It is a 2 x 6 closet, but I hate to try and make a 600W reach 6'. They are occupying a little under 4' x 2' now. The color on some of them is great, on others it looks a little light, but not enough to be concerned. I have some light bleaching from having the light too close. I rotated the plants today also--the trays in the middle went to the end and the end trays to the middle.

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:woohoo: i knew you had it in you---right on THG---how do you like playing in the dirt
Looking really good THG. Will be good to see how many you can grow in that space since its same area in size as mine and i want to start 12/12s.
Yual gots green hair and a very green thumb pilgremess! Very nice work yual do with yur ladies. Cant wait til yual show the harvest

Thanks all--I'm liking the dirt. I do have a ways to go, I'm not going to get too cocky.
Yual doin just fine Mamme keep on doin what yur doin be all fine no doubt in my mind yual have vast know hows and seen yur post replies to knows enough that you in fact knows enough! Happy havestin! Cause yual goin to get there. Ifin yual dont cook in the dirt what is yur main way ifin yual dont mind me askin?

Well, thanks BWD. I have been running hydro (DWC) for many many years (since 98). LOL--I'm a plumber and going with hydro just seemed a cool way for me to grow. Now I am getting interested in outdoor veggie gardening and just decided to do the whole organic dirt thing.
The Hemp Goddess said:
Well, thanks BWD. I have been running hydro (DWC) for many many years (since 98). LOL--I'm a plumber and going with hydro just seemed a cool way for me to grow. Now I am getting interested in outdoor veggie gardening and just decided to do the whole organic dirt thing.

Well good fur ya mamme! Yual be likin the dirt trail reckon for sure. Be mighty good get outdoor and feed yur flash true vitimin c and be gettin some fresh air to lung. Yual go girl! Build fire while yur at it and I be on the way with the shine.

Sexed the plants today and ended up with 7 girls. Two of these were freebie fem seeds from attitude, so I ended up with a 50/50 male/female ratio.

I'm happy with how my organics are doing. Thanks NV--it is so nice to "just water".

Here are the girls in order:

1st pic - Seed from a buddy on the left--a K2 Agent Orange cross I believe, an Aurora Indica on the right

2nd pic - An Aurora Indica on left, Government Mule on right(a Cannacopia cross of G13 x Deep Chunk)

3rd pic - The freebie fems NL x BB on left and Veneno on right

4th pic - Another K2 x AO from my buddy

BWD--I do spend all the time outdoors that I can. Nothing like sunshine and clean mountain air to set you right.

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Lookin good yual should be proud fur sure. As for clean air yes be gettin my share of it too well until I start haulin off me pipe then it be a different type air be breathin ;)

looks great thg...what are you feeding with in flower?

rainy here. hindering all outdoor activity. i can never wait to start prepping my veggie garden each spring. (have'nt started yet. been freezing still). looks good for a warm up though this week with chance of rain each day entire week...

do you make compost? if you stick with organics, its the way to go. i make big piles right on the ground next to my gardens every summer. whatever is left over after winter i use as a starter next year. that way i always have fresh medium to use each fall/winter grow...(i don't grow during summer indoors). today is actually my final day of the indoor season. four plants left to harvest.:)

i grrow in bags too. i like them. i like them alot better than air pots. (no need to water daily). i only water once a week in them in both veg and flower. i soak them when i do...

i've grown in both water and dirt. i like both ways, but organic taste is hard to beat...once its set up, it pretty much takes care of itself...

you're doing great...(hey, did you build the compost barrel?) first time i ever seen one indoors. lol...peace...
I am feeding them nothing--all the goodies are in the soil. I don't know if I am going to have to add any nutes--this mix is supposed to feed all the way through flowering.

It is still freezing here, too. I built a fire this morning to ward off the cold. I am making raised beds for my veggies as I have horrible "dirt" here, I think rocks and clay sum it up. I am also itching to go.

Yes, I built several compost barrels. I have a compost barrel (55 gal) outside that I just recently started. I also have red worms going. The "inside" tumbler is a 30 gal and was for mixing NV's organic mix in. I still have some in there that I have not used yet.
Did it cook for you, the soil I mean? Mine hasn't reached cooking temps yet and wonder what I did wrong. My pansy's love the new soil. I didn't think i should use it till it gets hot. hmm.

Your growing lots of stuff I haven't heard of so it will be fun to see what you think.
Looking good up there!
They all look happy, healthy, and perky! How are you finding the difference between hydro and soil? I'm gonna try my hand at a couple of DWC I think my next time around to get the hang of things.

Can't wait to see all the different ladies all grown up! Green Mojo!
guess i'm slow and missed this was a super soil grow...sorry...
Rosebud, I had it inside, but it did not seem to get very hot. I decided to give it a try regardless as I didn't think I did anything wrong. And so far, everything is fine. I have 3 Beyond the Brain that started DWC that I put into this soil. They are about 6 weeks into flowering and still doing great with no added nutes, teas, etc.

PartyBro, I am liking this soil. Generally, I have my master bath shower full of buckets of nute solution 2-3 days a week. I really takes a couple of days to get things like they should be with hydro. I am liking the not worrying about pH and keeping correct ppms levels.