trimming lower branches

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Active Member
Feb 26, 2007
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I am trying to resolve to debate on trimming the lower branches to produce better quality buds. I have heard that if you trim back the lower shoots that the plant will be able to dedicate all of its energy to creating a better crown or better quality of the remaining buds. I only have the abulity to grow one plant at a time.
In thinking about this i wonder how much of a benifit (if any at all) would this produce.
I like quantity as well as quality.
Has anyone seen real results from this method of cultivation?
If so, how much better are the remaining buds?
trimming the water leaves or some say, the sun leaves, results in mildy lower THC levels. Higher concentration to the top can be obtained by trimming leaves. But like I said, your plant won't its full pontential. Any grower will tell you not to trim your plants leaves beacuase it is annual herb, there for it needs all the energy sources it can get. Don't trim them.:)
nice THC
bro how would you like if your parents would chop your legs of , just for you to get more strnght in you arms ??
Only trim the lower leaves and shoots that are being almost completely blocked out by all light and only if it is very dense growth to prevent a mold problem. If you have sufficient fans that keep it stirred up down there, keep it minimal.
The nodes that are covered by the sun leaves can be exposed without cutting the sun leaves. Simply tuck under the big one and expose the lil buds. simple. DO NOT TRIM.
The "leaves" are what need/use the light, not the buds. IMHO..

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