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Grow Pretty Flowers
May 24, 2007
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I am SOOOOOOOO PiSSSSSSSED OFFFF I could never mind that word might get me into trouble..
I have a friend that been out of jail for 4 yr and met him through my Hep C group and he seems to be on the UP AND UP on things and we became friends and over time we became Good friends and I would kick him down from time time with local weed and I started to wonder about a few things.
1 No girlfriends
2 Never talked about females
3 He always talked about why he went to jail )Growing Mj he said
4 I was thinking he might be gay

We got to talking about growing our own MJ and here I thought I was Getting a Good friends To a share each other grow and have fun growing and I going to help him get set up and yes he seen my 2 females grow..Ops

I was going through wwwmeganslaw.ca.gov last night and I put in my friends name and there it was right there I was looking at his ***** Mug and I Fell back into my chair.
I want to CUZ On Here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I am SOOOO Hurt that I do know what I going to do except CUT Him LOOOSE as a Friend..
There is a Violation on him that megan laws is saying and that is because he didn't let them know he has Moved.

After seeing that I thought to myself that i better do a check on other friends around too..
Should I pull all my plant up now and quite for a while, or should I tell him that I pulled them up because the cop were to lose for comfort ( LIE )

Would u turn the check or turn him in?
Flyinghigh said:
yes he seen my 2 females grow..Ops

Weigh the consequences man. IF you shut him off, (as you should), AND he decides to get pissed off about it, then you might be in jail or on probation for a long time yourself.

He can use you as a bargaining chip. "Hey, if I turn in a MJ grower, will you cut me some slack this one time?"

Of course, he may not. The risk factor there is what you have to decide on.

Jeeeezzzzz man, breaking rule number 1 gets people into an awful lot of trouble.



(It backfires more than anyone ever expects)

Thank you for swallowing your pride and telling all of us about this terrible thing. By doing so, you've provided yet another example of why rule number 1 should never be ignored.
Dunno Flyinghigh, guess it all depends on what he did, and if you believe that people can change. I personally think that people can change but I wouldn't be prepared to take that chance, as I have a young child.

Maybe he's a regular guy who messed up, saw the error of his ways and just wants to live the rest of his life peacefully smokin weed, maybe he aint. Maybe he was innocent.

If it were me, I would certainly confront him about it and see how he reacts.
If he's in violation because he is not where he is supposed to be, i don't think you need to worry about him talking about your grow (if he doesn't get caught)
Man that bites the big one bad. Not only did he build a freindship on a lie, but now you have to worry about these things. IMO id wait till you get your harvest on and then do a tear down of the grow and do what you feel is best, If theres a reward for info that may be of some consulation for the deciete that he created. Or just do like you said and cut the turd loose with a lie about having to stop growing and move on. Wither way man you will have the support and love of many ture friends here on the forum.
man thats weird.. so this site is only about sex offenders?

I'd have to agree with what runby said man. It could go horrible but it could be ok. Talk to him about it.
POTUS said:
Weigh the consequences man. IF you shut him off, (as you should), AND he decides to get pissed off about it, then you might be in jail or on probation for a long time yourself.

He can use you as a bargaining chip. "Hey, if I turn in a MJ grower, will you cut me some slack this one time?"

Of course, he may not. The risk factor there is what you have to decide on.

Jeeeezzzzz man, breaking rule number 1 gets people into an awful lot of trouble.



(It backfires more than anyone ever expects)

Thank you for swallowing your pride and telling all of us about this terrible thing. By doing so, you've provided yet another example of why rule number 1 should never be ignored.[/quote

:hitchair: Beat Me:hitchair:
Yea i know i broke the number 1 rule, and there Noting i can do about that and i thought I had a good friend that wanted to grow his own and from there I felt comfortable to talk about these things and even talk him into moven to a low cost appartment with 2 rooms and there we were going to grow a few mmore and I was going to help set that up..

I am learnning rule # 1 from this!!!!!!!!!
Runbyhemp said:
Dunno Flyinghigh, guess it all depends on what he did, and if you believe that people can change. I personally think that people can change but I wouldn't be prepared to take that chance, as I have a young child.

Maybe he's a regular guy who messed up, saw the error of his ways and just wants to live the rest of his life peacefully smokin weed, maybe he aint. Maybe he was innocent.

If it were me, I would certainly confront him about it and see how he reacts.
If he's in violation because he is not where he is supposed to be, i don't think you need to worry about him talking about your grow (if he doesn't get caught)

Depends on what he did?
RH would u be his friend if he has change and just found out he a molestor?

I am going to confront him about it !!! What happen will happen.
RH would u be his friend if he has change and just found out he a molestor?

As I said Flyinghigh, I am a father, and when I hear of some of the bad things done to kids, it turns my stomach. A strong part of me would like to get hold of these people and get "yo medieval on their asses with a blowtorch and pliers"

It's easy for me to sit here all "idealistic", after having a smoke believing that people can change. A lot don't. I'm trying to look at the positive side. What Potus said is also very true.

See what he has to say ... best of luck
Dubbaman said:
Man that bites the big one bad. Not only did he build a freindship on a lie, but now you have to worry about these things. IMO id wait till you get your harvest on and then do a tear down of the grow and do what you feel is best, If theres a reward for info that may be of some consulation for the deciete that he created. Or just do like you said and cut the turd loose with a lie about having to stop growing and move on. Wither way man you will have the support and love of many ture friends here on the forum.

I might just wait til the grow done and then cut him loose and LIE to him like our friendship is a lie..
This isn't going to go well with the wife !!!!:eek:
She has been Molested in every way Possiable when she was very young and she was married once but her X was the same way with her in some ways and she has 2 wonderful kids from him and when I came into the pix she HATED MEN and I change her ways of thinking to some what and we got married and here it is 16 yr later and 5 Grand kids later and I would do anything for her kids and they do the same for me!! Her kids look at me as there Father then there real dad..
When she hears about this she going to flip and let me know to cut him loose to as a friend and I KNOW she wouldn't want him back into this house ever again........

Can't Judge a person tell u find out !!!

This is all SCREWED UP !!
After hearing what you've just said Flyinghigh, he gotta go !
One more Lost Sole in life..
Not only did I find him in the list I also found 3 more that I had come across over the yr that I am not friends with but I do Know them !
I just want to cut there Ding Dong OFF and say u will Never hurt another kid !!
I have kids and the idea of any kind of child abuse turns my stomach.

Personally friend or no friend, i'd tie him to a chair and pull out his finger and toe nails with a pair of pliers.
Yo Ho Flyinghigh,

I agree with what POTUS has said about tell no-one, and of coarse now you have to watch your back cowboy.
There are things that people do that are really stupid, like robbing a store or a bank. Sometimes a person makes a bad mistake in a fight, like foolishly pulling a knife. There are crimes of all sorts being commited for all kinds of different reasons.

A very long time ago, if a man killed another by accident in a stupid fight, he could flee to certain locations where he was deemed safe, and he could be forgiven since it was not pre-meditated, and occured in the heat of a battle.

BUT !!! There are certain crimes that cannot, and should not be let go of easily. A man who molests a child for his own sexual pleasure is not a man !! He has trespassed into an area that is forbidden, and shows that he no longer cares for anyone, or anything other than his sexual pleasure at some childs expense. This is an aborant behavior, and I personnally would recommend that you seperate yourself and your good heart from this deviant. At the very minimum he poses a potential threat to your family and those who are too young to fend him off.

Remember that he did this to himself, he is burned because of what he has done. It would have been easier to forgive him had he commited murder.

Most folks have no clue as to the real damage that goes along with his action, This memory will affect who he did this too, and even to an extended degree the other family members. If he did this to a female she will likely have issues with trusting men, and what will happen with her future husband and her? If it was a young male, how screwed up will he be ?
Think about the hurt you feel, and ask yourself if you would do such a thing to a child ? There are some rules and laws that we have created that are good, and are designed with our best interests at hand.

As a father myself, I know without question that I could not and would not allow him to live had he done this to my daughter.
To be absolutly honest about it, I'm not sure that I could refrain from going mid-evil myself, and this is a terrible way to think.

Sorry that you got hurt bro. It is not often that we run into someone that we feel comfortable allowing into our lives. Good friends are few and far between. Protect and shelter your family, know where to draw the lines.

If you are a good heart, then sooner or later the good Lord will set someone into your path to meet, and then perhaps you guys can find a way to begin a friend relationship that can blossom. Don't let the hurt eat you up, move on with life, and let him pay his penalties. Remember he knew the cost, and the damage that he was causing ahead of time, that's why they try to hide their actions. A person that respects others as well as themselves and does good to others never needs to hide in shame.

One last thing for you to consider. Remember that the system does not place these violaters into the main stream of prison to serve out their punishment because the others would take his life before he could blink. That speaks pretty loudly about the sin this fellow committed don't ya think ?

smoke in peace
I have no advice. But I am sorry things turned out the way they did. Good luck with all of it. :(
hi flying i so do understand how the wife would react.... when i was a child i was molested bye so many guys.... it started when i was 4 years old... it wasnt my parents but it was thier friends long story but my mom work 3rd shift and my dad was a drunk and at night when he would pass out then the molest would start... so i have a very stong HATE for anyone that thinks they need to child for thier sexual pleasure and i know ppl thinks that cutting off hiss wee wee is going to help....but im hear to say they dont need thier wee wees to hurt thier victims...i hope all works out for your the grow.
Well its time to get a few of the skeletons out of my own closet ;) i was in a situation like this many moons ago and i went about it all the wrong way. Its been said on here that i have a shaded background too with he legal system. Needless to say i spent some time in one of my areas less fine vacation spots, just shy of 5 years to be precise.My offense was for taking matters into my own hands with one of these type of people. The person who was hurt was a 11 yr old girl who i had known nearly her entire life.She was molested and raped by a guy who had graduated in the same class as i did, he was supposed to be babysitting for my friends parents whose sister this was. At the time of the incident with the girl my friend and i were out on a trip to a famous county around these parts for its very good smoke. When we returned from out trip and learned of the news and found that the culprit was still at large, we formed a hunting party. Groups of 3 all went out and were looking for this guy and so were the police, I happened to find him first, one on one he and i went around and i beat the man so badly that he lost sight in one eye and his nose had to be reconstructed. We all make mistakes, and many of us pay for them and ruin what can be the rest of our lives with our choices, as i have done, and we pay for our mistakes too, even though we are still persecuted for the rest of our lives for it. In this case the whole friendship was built on a lie by him false pretenses where all he had to offer so you didn't see him for who he really is. Tell your wife the scoop then both of you can confront him together. See if he really (in your honest opinion) feels regret for what hes done in the past, and then let your best judgment decide on how you should or should not proceed in a continuing friendship or acquaintanceship with said individual. As for me and my past sure i feel regret for what ive done and i feel badly for the damage ive caused to the person in my past, but still to this day there is nothing that i would have done differently at the time and with the human feelings i had at the time. I have since seen the man who i hurt so badly and hes still the exact same shifless user of others he always has been from what ive seen and was told about while i was on my state paid vacation. Oh and for the charges that he faced for the rape, he was given 2 years suspended in leiu of what i had done to him and put on probation and counceling for 3 years. 2 months affter completing his probation he was arrested again for exposing himself to a group of young girls in a school parking lot, served a year and was released. I havent seen him since i ran into him shortly after his release from that, I made my apology to him and he just srugged it off like it wasnt important.

Sorry for the long rambeling post guys and gals but it had to be said.
theres has been to many days nights i have thought about what ive wanted to do to them animals (they not even worth calling a human)
but i know in my old age that an eye for an eye just dont help much nothing just cause more problems for all
now i cant sit here and say i wouldnt do the same as dubbaman( my hats off to you not saying what you did was right but...) if that had ever came my way so far in adult age i've been lucky ,,,, everone tells me i live like a hermit crab and i,m sure its cause of them... but anytime i hear about a child being molested i get so damn i mad cause i know how that child life is can turn out... when i was 17 i had my 1st child thank god i lived with my mom because the 1st 3 months of that childs life i couldnt bathe or change his diapiers.. all them thoughts came back in a bad way i was so scare that if i touched him that i would turn into one them animals... and i swore to myself when i had kids no one ever hurt them the way i was,,, well it toke my mom 3 months (with her there)to get me where i had felt comfortable with him...... it would depress me so bad i felt like a bad mother... but my mom and my therapist made me relize that it was my fears and that no way ever in me that would i hurt my child or any other child,,,, ok im done rambeling im srry all as you can tell this is a touchy thread for me
I lost a friend to this kind of evil. An even closer friend than that, a roomate, friends with his family, practically brothers. Though I'll never know what the real story was, my friend is gone, having fled. No one knows where he went.
I also saw an old college friend in the news a few years back for luring a girl to a hotel.
And, I have SEVERAL female friends who were molested.
I don't know what to say man, this stuff is waaaay too common. It's much more common, but similar to the serial killers and crazy gunmen. People with severe mental illness that don't seek help until they lose themselves to the disease, and become worse than dead.

Maybe not worry too hard on your 2 plant situation. Can an allegation from a sex offender be used to get a warrant? Or would it? Also, did you say he is in violation of it? He's not going to the police to rat on your 2 plants when he is in violation of his sex offender status. Sick in the head, but not stupid, after all that's why he didn't tell you.
Maybe start a few vegetables or flowers, so you can pull a switcheroo just in case?
i agree people can change but where nonces are concerned i would not take the chance lifelong friend or not id tell him to get on his way before i did something i may regret.

nonces imo there is only one thing for them and its not castration i consider death penalty is the only solution and the same goes for rapists.


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