What yu have there is a nutrient imbalance and/or ph imballance caused by the overwatering. She is in big time shock at the moment. If yu put her in good soil when yu transplanted, with all the proper nutes and ph ballanced, and very light on the water for a few days (moisen the soil then allow to dry) she should come back. Yu may end up loosing some leaves b4 its over tho. I am not a soil man, I do hydro, but I think she will pull through. do yu use organic or chem ferts for this grow? I ask because if yu can get some cal/mag solution and set it up for a foliar spray, then I would say to do that and spray a bit (not a lot) once a day for the next week and see if that helps... There are some really good stickies over on the "sick plants" thread. There are some really good charts that will help yu recognize any deficiencies as they begin, and what to do for them. Give them a read in yer spare time. Hang in there, I think she will pull through. good grow mojo