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Sep 2, 2008
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Hi everybody im didier and i want to know something about hermafrodite I bought some seed from kind seeds,8 of them have germ ,4 of them grew up but 3 of them were hermaphrodite .Do you think that my plants (hermaphrodite)can affect my friend's plant (female)he live a few blocks away from my house. please anwser fast thank you in advance.
I would be more worried about the hermies effecting my own plants not someone elses, if you have any females the hermie WILL pollinate them, how many plants have you got growing altogether?

Are your plants and your friends plant both growing outside?
I just realised today that they were Hermie so I puted my only female inside .Should I cut the hermies now so my friend dont grow seeds or do you think it already to late .Both crops are outside.
CUT IT OUT AND DESTORY THE HERMS!!!!!!!!!!!! if that you want to keep your plants to be females your females can turn to be herm, I have seen it!! not smart!
Birds, bees and wind all transport pollen, as well as your clothes, I suppose. But unless you're in an area with heavy honeybee population, it's doubtful that your friend's plants a few blocks away are contaminated. Hummingbirds have never been interested in mine, and they are pretty plentiful in my yard.
Dont cut them down! WTH!!!!!! hahahaha Keep em outside! If your friend lives a few blocks away, speaking from a physics standard, the possibility of your plants pollinating his from a distance like that is HIGHLY UNLIKELY. You have to think about things like wind direction, etc.

I would not go touchin on your hermies and run inside and touch on your female. I've had hermies that have produced REALLY gud stuff. Personally, i dont care what i smoke as long as it gets me there ya know? Its up to you! if it was a male, id tell you otherwise.

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