Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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It's raining and cooling off -- Got that Sundae Driver -x- BOG cloned -- took 5 cuts only need a couple --
That OFC holiday meal -- There's a bigass feral hog comes around here sometimes with a brood of babies -- bout my size - maybe 20 lbs dressed ?---I always wanted to smoke a whole hog !--- Got to have my bigger gun and get up on the house before I open fire on them -- I miss ?-- I piss them off and they come try to get me !-- I keep reloads on my body this time -- Alligator taught me the value of a speed loader when it's in your tackle box down there with the gator !-- I keep reloads on me now !-- Big momma pig got to be 250 lbs -- I'll kill her but I don't want to piss her off doing it !-- They dangerous !-- U shoot one the rest come get U !-- I be on top the house shooting down -- Put my shotgun up there too !-- Pissed off feral hogs will kill U !-- I only need one but it'll be war if they charge -- I keep shooting till I run outta bullets - That'll take awhile !-- Dam I don't have the stock to it anymore -- just pistol grip and 30 round mags !-- Can't hunt hog with that ?-- Shotgun tear them up too bad - I'm study on it before I go after a pig !
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I wire a baby bottle nipple on the end of a .22 and they never hear it !-- Still get on the roof 1st !
They got no plan for dealing with the feral hog problem -- Just like Louisiana and the nutria problem -- U want to stop an invasive species U got to put a bounty on them -- They put like a $25 bounty on each nutria or feral hog the problem will disappear !-- Or find a market ?-
Keef's Wine Weed-- and BBQ ?
Feral hogs about as dangerous as a brown bear if I remember.... Maybe cut the crap and get the auto mag? You didn't want a trophy right? Just make it lie down the first time or there won't be nothin left. I see a 250# pissed off momma tipping a trailer lol!
Get you a butt stock brother!
I just got a scope for my SKS and I plan on putting some young tender meat in the freezer with it.
Feral hogs? Too bad they aren't around here! I'd do my part to keep the population in check.
I LOVE whole hog in a pit.
Tip the trailer over ? - I did not think of that !-- Best I get in that tree !-- pig can't climb a ladder can they ?-- I just guessed 250 - Only saw the back half but she is big !--- I be after the young ones !-- Growing up we ground our own meat -- One those hand cranked meat grinders -- Except ours had a shaft welded on to attach the 2 handed power drill -- Pay attention if U running the drill -- Hit a piece of gristle and the drill throw U around some -- Every deer season seemed like a pig showed up !-- So we made deer and pork sausage !
Head cheese or brawn is a cold cut that originated in Europe. A version pickled with vinegar is known as souse. Head cheese is not a dairy cheese, but a terrine or meat jelly often made with flesh from the head of a calf or pig, or less commonly a sheep or cow, and often set in aspic. The parts of the head used vary, but the brain, eyes, and ears are usually removed. The tongue, and sometimes the feet and heart, may be included. It can also be made from trimmings from pork and veal, adding gelatin to the stock as a binder. Sometimes it is made with nothing from the head.

Head cheese is usually eaten cold or at room temperature.

Historically, meat jellies were made of the cleaned (all organs removed) head of the animal, which was simmered to produce stock, a peasant food made since the Middle Ages. When cooled, the stock congeals because of the natural gelatin found in the skull. The aspic may need additional gelatin, or more often, reduction, to set properly.
Wasn't no feral hogs for the native Americans to deal with -- White man brought them and they got loose -- devastated the East Coast American Indian way of life !-- Tore thier gardens up and such !-- The White man had thier backs -- They came in peace !-- Just to pass out a few small pox tainted blankets -- Spread a few European diseases so they God could cleanse the land of these-- uncivilized heathens !
What did they call that era ?-- The Rape of the Americas ?
So the neighbor lady, the sweet Asian lady asked me to teach her English. LOL, i am not a teacher. So i went and got some bob books, that are starter books for adults with flashcards. We spent about an hour and I used a part of my brain that i hadn't used in ever.. painful on the left side. LOL I need a nap.
Nick, I think i would like oyster dressing, i have never had it. There was a pig farmer in Oregon and the pigs ate him when he fell in the pen. There is a pet pig named Ester on facebook. she is a delight, she lives with 2 gay guys and a couple of dogs and an indoor turkey named Cornelis. Ester the wonder pig, i believe is her fb handle. I have a ham hock in the fridge so it hasn't stopped me from eating pork. Speaking of that, did pork taste worse when we were young? we hardly ever had it but I don't remember it being as good as it is now. Maybe mom didn't cook it right.
Conventional wisdom has always been to cook it to well done, which dries out many cuts to shoe leather... the abundance of caution was warranted up until relatively recently when the USDA finally gave the green light on med-rare due to successful management of trichnosis in the meat supply. I too remember childhood pork chops being dry white hockey pucks, except for dinner at that one friend s house whose mom used extra shake n bake which was and still is kinda magical lol
A med rare cut of pork is fantastic. I was looking at Berkshire cuts last night. I think I'm going to order a meat and game package. I'm getting bored with the standard protein. A few quail, muscove duck and also some snappin turtle..... Snapping turtle and boar andouille anyone? They had ostrich and kangaroo too. New Zealand venison.... I'm hungry. I be back later.
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