Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Have a great one Rose!!
Good Morning OFC...Fine day taking off here...about 38* and clear...should be sunny most of the day. I had to purchase a new push mower yesterday...these Chinese products sure do fail quick...the old one was only 2 seasons old...went to crank it and auto choke cable breaks....then it has a hard spot trying to crank it...bottom bearing on out-put shaft I suspect and it has been under a shed .I may patch the old one up some ...it still runs... junk components and all. Nick those plants look great!...Got to up-pot mine tomorrow if I can get time...the Purple Cake has taken the height lead...vigorous growth from it. Off for the walk and a couple jobs today....Enjoy your day amigo's !

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Gday HP end of the day here 29th feb done and dusted for another 4 years , was supposed to be a day off today but missus had list of jobe she wanted done , my body is sore now kicken back with a beer and some big cheese , Welcome to water world St Nick , much more civilized , don't need to get your hands dirty , LOL ., Happy bday Rose , Raising my beer cheers
hope you all have a bonza day
Good morning yall!
Its cold, I hurt, my aunt is going off her rocker and Barny wants to get out and play.
Sometimes I get SO flustered I just want to run away! Deep breath.......
I'm out of weed, the dispensary products SUCK! If I could drink I think I'd hit the shine this morning but I already don't feel good. All I need is a hangover to finish the job.
On a good note, my girlz are looking SO pretty! Little fuzzy tufts are turning into buds and they're already getting frosty.
I hope y'all have a great green day!
Good morning OFCs. Happy Leap Day. Rose, you missed being a youngster by a day. Have a Happy day after.

Yesterday, I got a pair of seed packages from overseas. I'm impressed with Sensible Seeds. EU rates them very high in several catagories, no pun intended. I still have to wait for room in the grow space and clean up time before planting.

I was able to get the microscope/endoscope working on my android tablet. At first, I used my phone For mobile use, but the endoscope cables to the phone required three hands. Moving the plant to the phone was outstanding. For $20, I am astounded at how well it works. I'm doing slides of my live res and any other micro that tweaks my curiosity. I want reference pictures of a healthy well aerated reservoir and a contrasting shot of a anaerobic reservoir. From my readings, the shapes of colonies are rod shaped chains vs spheres, but my knowledge is shaky.

Today is slated to be a nearly springtime day. Tomorrow will be even warmer. The front of my house has all the show melted, behind my home is covered with snow and will be for a week or so. The temp change between the two is odd but I'm used to it now. I'll be out front.

Smoke one for me.
Good morning OFC!
Keef, covid19 has hit Texas! Keep your head down! Stay clean, lots of bleach!

For what it's worth, we've struck peace with the Taliban. Hopefully that will allow our troops to make it home in time to enact martial law? Just kidding, but our boys n girls should be coming home! I pray this holds. May we reign in peace.
This is going to hit the refugee camps horribly. With the amount of displacement globally, from war, environmental/natural disasters, and general poverty, there are a LOT of terrifyingly vulnerable and already malnourished folks living crowded in camps with little to no sanitation and that is a recipe for mass casualties. I'm worried.
Morning OFC !-- Slept like a baby !-- It's a different world now !-- I need more coffee !- Carona come around here I got buckshot hot dammit !-
What will the world look like when we put it back together ?

Edit :-- I'm not worried about no virus !- President said It was just another Democrat hoax to try to take him down !- Wonder how much they pay them people to act sick ?- Evil democrats !--Looks like they be most powerful --being able to pull off a world wide hoax !-
Caps and a pipe !- As for as my plans for the day go so far !
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I was just speculating what the world will look like when this is over !- It will end and we will find a new normal--- I was including this GOP disgrace in that !-- It's not ending in the King of Right Wing ruling America for sure !
My nephew had recently took a new job and moved out the mudhole to nicer digs - New job has slowed way down so he moving back to the mudhole with his girlfriend who announced yesterday she was pregnant !- Might need to low crawl my way up out this mudhole !-- I like them just fine but I need to be somewhere else ! -- I might end up being an outside pot farmer who don't have another choice ?-- Don't make me do that !-- I'll just show up with a big slab of hash come fall ?
Caps kicked in !- I like me some caps !-- Need to charge my ecig battery back up but the pipe is working just fine !- Just kinda disappointed that I find myself in a place without any options !-Again !-- I like options !- I worked hard getting this grow up and running - I hate to lose it !- Growing is a long term thing - it's hard to do it in chaos !-- I got the grow to the point I could hit the ground blooming at a new place but I ain't seeing that new place ?-- That don't mean I won't find a way out - just means I ain't found it yet !-
Thanks Umbra for the link. K have a feeling that you have upped my grow-ju to a color belt level.

Right now I'm pondering how to incorporate that to GH3 water growing. I have two and soon to be three live reservoirs. I'll have to run an organic, a hybrid and a chemical test. Bio buckets are already set up, I just need a tea bag.

What ECs should be run? How much of which additives are needed to to clear out tap water? These are some As to chase down in google. Thanks again. You sneak a lot of heavy hitting info in your short posts.
Good morning OFC

I think I will go get some clones today. I am looking to get 4 Blue Dreams and 2 Magic Melons. If need be I will drive to Oakland or Sacramento to get them. I like to do Sativa dominants in my shop and Indicas outside. I will start my outdoor grow in June.
I like the idea of water gardening but plants grown in soil tastes so much better. :)

Time to smoke a bone.


Enjoy this day!
Morning Dax !- U sure U don't have a head injury ?- I see my head injury focus reflected in U sometimes !-- U on this grow thang like stank on **** !-- U can't help but be a successful at it !- U striving to provide the proper environment to get the best the genetics have to offer !
When it comes to genetics ?--OFC be off the hook !- U can't buy **** like we grow !
Before I get too far into flowering, I wanted to trim the girls up and spray them. Even though I wear a chem suit, gloves, and full face respirator, took a shower after spraying the girls
The world? You mean Trumpland

I watched the "Back to the Future" sequel with Biff Towers. It is eerie how pre-escient that was years before political name became president. I have to wonder if a time traveller tried to alter our future by warning us. I joke, of course. But wished people would have listened.

Keef, I have scale and bugs to eradicate. Soon, I'll be all in for new genetics. I haven't had my first smoke since 70s, yet.
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