Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Went out of town overnight on business. Had dinner with my boss and co workers. Somehow the conversation came around to me and I said I was the oldest person in the room. They all laughed and asked how old I was. So I told them I'm 60. No one thought I was more than 50, lol. Must be all the weed
Not a great day today, our dog Bucky has stage 3 kidney disease, one of our dear old meals on wheels ladies died and another had an accident and needed stitches at the emergency room...Bucky spent the day receiving intravenously fluids and is now on a strict low protein diet...it is a bit cooler though...Cheers!
I'm sorry about Bucky. I had a minpin mix that had that.
Had to give him IV daily.
Its the hardest thing to watch and old buddy go down.
Good morning guys

2Red: I hope your day gets better as it goes along. Sometimes life seems to hit us with everything at once.

Hang in there.
Good morning all,
so smokey here again.
RE. so sorry about Bucky. How old is he? It is so hard.
Bud has been sick. I kissed him. Now i have the sore throat and he is going to the doctor. Don't kiss people, just don't.
My new Grandbaby at about 7 weeks...
I trimmed my biggest regular plant today and am trying to start some clones...this will be my first attempt at cloning so we’ll see how it goes...I didn’t have any cloning gel or powder so I used honey...how long typically until I should start seeing roots? It’s too hot in my winter grow cab under the lights so I have them sitting on a sun porch just getting indirect light...
What a wonderfull thing! To be honest tho, I can't ever actually see the baby in those scans. Never saw my own or anybody else's. I guess I just don't know what I'm looking at. lol
Never the less, congratulations Grampa!
Good morning OFC.
Well its been raining on n off since yesterday afternoon so not much to do outside today. (That don't hurt my feelings none) lol.
I checked in on the clones and for sure I have 2 Frank's gift and 5 NS X BBSL. Looks like my neighbor is in for some more clone gifts cuz I can only use a total of 4. I gave him some extras the last go around and it spoiled him. Now he has an indoor grow going all the time. (Its contagious!)
Good morning, WE GOT RAIN and wind to blow the smoke away for a minute. I need to go back out and trim my pot plants up from the bottom again. I haven't been able to go out in over a week.
RE, congrats, but I hate to tell you she is having a baby frog. I saw it with my own eyes. :D I am an x ray tech, i know these things. I don't know a thing about ultrasound obviously. Happy for you .
Gloman, you are a gardener pusher, making people grow clones and changing their life.

Hi Ness, Hi Keef, come back when ya can, we miss ya.
Good morning, WE GOT RAIN and wind to blow the smoke away for a minute. I need to go back out and trim my pot plants up from the bottom again. I haven't been able to go out in over a week.
RE, congrats, but I hate to tell you she is having a baby frog. I saw it with my own eyes. :D I am an x ray tech, i know these things. I don't know a thing about ultrasound obviously. Happy for you .
Gloman, you are a gardener pusher, making people grow clones and changing their life.

Hi Ness, Hi Keef, come back when ya can, we miss ya.
Evening Rose, OFC. I was busy transplanting yesterday. Today, I'm kicking back. It's 6:30 I don't know where the day went.
Hey ya’ll, I guess I’m thinking about the changes I see in myself as I get older (kinda started lookin a lot like my dad)but in the beginning is when change really occurs fast...yeah it kinda looks like a bug to me, my daughter calls it her “Jelly bean”...
Cheers y’all!!!
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Good morning OFC. Day is young and I don't know where to start. A bowl and a cup of joe sounds good.:cool:
Good morning OFC!
Ness, you got some nice looking babies there!
I have some new girlz starting too. I'm liking this cloning thing, now that I'm having pretty good luck with them. I have Frank's Gift and NS X BBSL starting now and ill do a 4-5 plant rotation probably about every 4mo.
Good morning all. RE, i am so happy for you guys. i know what you mean about changes in looks, i see my older sister in my face all the time, it doesn't make me happy. LOL I hope i didn't offend calling the jellybean a frog.

Ness, those look great.

We got some work done outside yesterday, that felt great. It is a beautiful summer morning with a hint of chill in the air. High of 93 today so cooling off. ha.
Umbra, how goes it with you? How is the lemon tree? Is she a tree like mine? My indoor is bigger than my outdoor, weird huh. She had a slow start and was a bit picky about her soil .
I have a "pennytine" that is beautiful indoors. She will make nice meds.
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