Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Good morning old stony ones...my back is still there and telling me...alternating hot and cold...
I decided to start a worn bin and see if I can collect some castings as the ones I have been buying just seem to be old and kinda lifeless...anyway I got a couple thousand worms in the mail the other day and here is the worm hotel I’ve come up with...I just used so coco coir that I had laying around and some of the compost from my pile...I put’m in there and ripped up the cardboard box they came in so they can go ahead and eat that along with some coffee grounds and egg shells I processed into dust..also an old squash and bell beeper from the fridge that had seen better days...
So we see how they do and mayhaps make some good ferts too...
So you're using a clear plastic bin with holes in it for air?
Looks good and what a great idea! Feed em cardboard and coffee grounds? Hmmmm!
I have one like that but I used it for shrooms I may repurpose it now.
@thegloman, I was really just using what I had on hand...I guess maybe I should have used something not clear...I did give them stuff to hide under (an old piece of carpet) and I have a light hanging over the top so hopefully since they don’t like light...they’ll stay down under and eat...gave them some old chicken manure yesterday and today a chopped up squash and pepper so they seem to be happily worming among the various stuff I’ve put in there and I have not seen one try to escape yet...they should have plenty of food for a day or two...
If you have a little EM1, you can get monster worms.
I think I do, thanks!!!

thanks mrcane, I’m takin it easy and hittin the pipe with a little harlequin and she got me pretty relaxed...
Been wanting to try worms for a while now as I by castings but they never seem very fresh...especially in the summer we’re the nursery has them piled out in the parking lot in the sun...
Way cool...I figured you had grown it...crossed it...improved on it...you tend to be a few decades ahead of the most of us.
When I was a tester for OJD, I tested some impressive stuff. His hazelope was DNA's HTCC winning cut of chocolope. Not a seedling from the offspring the actual cut from DNA. It was bred to G13/haze. The pollen was Soma's personal pollen of G13/haze. Only 1 caveat, no F2. I asked before we started about breeding. OJD never did an F2. I waited 10 years and I did the F2. Rose has some. Getting kind of old now. But those genetics alone are worth breeding to.
So umbra,
Do you just wet the scraps with EM1 or do you.sprinkle it all thru the worms enviroment?
How about bokashi? Do you think that would be good to mix into the dirt the worms are in?
Lots of yummy tea from kitchen scraps too!
I know a guy who took a trash can, put a drain valve in the bottom, then put 2x4s on edge in the bottom. On them he put a large and small knit screen.
He's putting kitchen scraps in it and bokashi.
I think that's a bit on the large side but he says he has lots of scraps with 6 kids. lol
Wassup friends. Got the Jeep inspected today so back on the road. It is supposed to rain for the next 4 days, won't that be fun. I been kickin' around the idea of going on a cruise. Then I remembered, Headslap, corona virus. I done enough 6 month cruises for Unca Sam, I don't wanna do one for Princess lines too.
Good morning OFC. I am making 2 new scrubbers and ordering a fan today. It's nice to have a spare. In a previous life, I was a carbon scrubber operator . So, I want things ... Change of plans.

Actually, plan B, I'm buying the scrubbers new. I plan on reusing the scrubbers, regenerating the carbon. If I get a decent all metal unit, I should be able to regenerate the carbon without disassembly. That removes any reason to diy. The process is simple. Burn it until the impurities are carbonized, and quench cool it to reopen the micro fissures in the carbon. Clean the outside of it and hook it up again for another six months of so.

The heat that was used in an industrial setting was red hot for maximising the micro fissures in the carbon. I don't see why on a small scale, just cooking until it's burnt won't work about as well. I've burnt food in the oven often enough over the years. There is no rocket science there. As long as there isn't hidden plastic parts, all should be well.

I've seen silicone caulk that was made to withstand oven temps, to 600 degrees f. Pizza temps are about as high as I would need, so if the lazy plan doesn't work, I still can revisit plan A.
Good Morning OFC...Nice cool morning here and Sun for the next 3 days...now that is an improvement! My solar power driveway light is struggling to stay charged with all the cloudy weather. On a positive note on Corona virus...2 countries are hinting at progress on a vaccine ...possible that animal trials will begin next week. The Doc that spread the news and was punished by Chinese Government has died from the Virus...so far the quarantine efforts in the US has limited it spread. I vote with 2RE...good time to catch up on home chores....Weatherman is on...now they are saying up to 7 inches of rain next week...due to another front stalling and backing up...shakes head....we do not need this. NM goes legal this Fall and I may just float on over there in my flatboat! We have been in this pattern of extremes for the past 18 months. Friday it is!...the week was just a blur. Enjoy your day amigo's

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The last post triggered some thoughts. A number of years ago, a weather front stalled over my city. After more than a week of downpours, my family's homes were flooded. We lived outside a 1000 year flood plain, but had water up to the roof of a 1 1/2 story house. My mother lived close and was hit just as bad.

Suddenly homeless refugees, with only the few things I could fit in a station wagon was a powerful lesson about global warming and how weather patterns change. I thought that being in a place that had not flooded in recorded history was a safe bet. So no flood insurance. This is happening all over the world with increasing frequency. I call that proof enough for me of climate change. Scientists predicted weather patterns would be affected in just that way, and are right.

We have rebuilt far better than what we had before, so no tears or even sadness. Life is good. My marriage is stronger than I thought possible for our going through it together, and we have real world skills of survival and resilience that's been tested. But I have become a natural disaster prepper. It's like a regular prepper but without the hoarding of shiny useless trinket metal or lone-wolf mentality guns.
Morning Dax...I do prepping as well...just the basics....water , food , shelter.....no shiny items. The global warming predictions for this area show it becoming semi arid...much like S. TX and the loss of our forest...guess we are going to use all the rain up first though. We are fighting a lot of problems here...we lost 5000 people in 2019 due to relocation...when the S East is having a pop. uptick...LA and MS are not getting our share of the up swing...even Bama is out competing us. I am researching some interesting studies out on why this is happening...my suggestion is to go rec. legal on cannabis...the numbers would be different then. I have flood insurance ...only by chance..I am 210 ft above sea level so it was not required by law. But my mortgage company required it when the loan was active and I have retained it even after home being paid off.
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