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Had a power nap !--

Wood Hippy -- Cloning is what I do !-- My boxes ain't nothing but big aerocloners that I add nutes to and grow from cut to harvest! -- If U only gonna need a few plants a bubble cloner might be best !-- That be a bucket or other container of water !-- Put an aquarium pump stone in it -- find U a piece of Styrofoam that fits in the container ! -- Poke some holes in the Styrofoam -- Stick the cuts thru the holes --float it in your container with bubbler running Green side up --and U cloning now !

To far invested for small bubble cloner in the long run. This is about not having to ever go see the weedman again ever.
O.K. Hippy !-- Different people and different ways to grow I get confused about who's doing what !-- U grow in dirt or water ? -- I try to remember this stuff but I smoke a little weed !-- It don't matter !-- I like a rotation !-- I don't get these big harvest like some but I get a couple plants every couple weeks !-- It requires a seperate veg and bloom to run a continuous garden ! -- A 60 day finisher would work well and there's lots to choose from !-- Anyway if U stick a couple clones in bloom every couple weeks -- They start coming out every couple weeks after 2 months !
I know if I was around that many taters I'd be fermenting and distilling my a** off !-- Back Yard would be full of them blue barrels !--
U don't want to go see the weed man again ? -- I can't wait to go see my old dealer again !-- Put him to work for me !-- We have history !--
G--Last act of defiance ?-- That's how I want to go out !-- They take a T.E -Bone steak out my a** ? -- I be at least walking away with a ham sandwich !
Told the dentist one time --" We not gonna hurt each other are we ?"-- He was super gentle and sent his Nurse out to tell me to find another dentist !-- I guess he just wasn't that confident in his skills !
I know if I was around that many taters I'd be fermenting and distilling my a** off !-- Back Yard would be full of them blue barrels !--

I joke with a couple of boss about all the time.
I thinking Aero clones and then DWC 8 to 12 medium sized plant spread out 2 to 4 weeks apart for harvest time
That'll work Hippy !-- A rotation is like a machine if one part jams the machine don't work !-- Did U see Bud's boxes ? -- I love them boxes Mane !-- U could DWC in them -- spray them from the top like Bud does or spray them from the bottom like me !-- Same nutes would work for all !
Always take more cuts than U need --and veg more plants than U need! -- Take the best --Leave the rest !
Unless it is your very last cut of something then U baby da hell out of it !
Pumps are on 15 off 15 !-- When they on there's 396 gph of nute water shooting around in there !-- Like a thunderstorm !-- U can clone with tap water and room light !--
I guess I could give U the whole tour !-- The Nursery cloning station feeds rooted cuts to veg.

After they root they move to veg !

When about 14-16 inches tall they go to bloom !

So I give them about 2 weeks to root then veg for about a month then move to bloom for about 2 months !-- So 3 1/2 months from fresh cut to harvest ? -- Just trying to make it work !-- I'll get better with time !

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I just added 3 boxes to bloom so I just spread them out some for now !-- Now the machine can start cranking it out !-- No reason I can't get 5 harvest per year per box !
Keef this is where I'm at so far i'm only using the pocket until the bedroom is done then I can put two bins for reservoirs where the veg bins are right now

Are they gonna drain back to the res. fast enough Bud ? -- I know with these 396 gph pumps if I had a seperate res it would drain the res faster than I could get it to drain back to it !-- So I went with a self contained box !-- I been looking at what U doing !--I may do something like that but I'd pump it out the box let it run back into the box for a return trip !-- I like it but it seems complicated getting the water from this box to that box and back !-- I just spray straight up and let it fall back down for another trip for now !--
Bud I might have to set a box up similar to yours in bloom and see how I like it !

Some of U old vets know how U used to have to "Pad" a requisition form ? -- For the uninitiated if U need 3 of something U ask for 5 or six !-- Then hopefully U get what U need !-- Well I may have been padding my requisition forms a little lately !-- Possibly ? -Maybe ?-- O.K. !-- I Have all I need to set up 4 more bloom boxes !-- So when I have the plants (by spring) I double up on bloom !-- Harvest 2 boxes every 2 weeks !-- The brochure says I might be able to get 500 grams per sq.meter-- that's my 2 boxes- - I might?--I don't see a problem !-- Maybe more ?
Anyway don't tell D.D. !--O.K.? -- I just need 4-- $10 boxes !
Are they gonna drain back to the res. fast enough Bud ? -- I know with these 396 gph pumps if I had a seperate res it would drain the res faster than I could get it to drain back to it !-- So I went with a self contained box !-- I been looking at what U doing !--I may do something like that but I'd pump it out the box let it run back into the box for a return trip !-- I like it but it seems complicated getting the water from this box to that box and back !-- I just spray straight up and let it fall back down for another trip for now !--

I am running inch and three-quarter back to the res then I'm running half inch line from the pump all the way around the room and then those tiny little feeder lines Off the half-inch i'm going to leave it running for the night and see how it goes with just the 2 bins and then add 1 more tomorrow and then just keep adding bins as I need them
This is how the too in the veg room are set up the One bin feeds the other one sorry I'm no artist I would just take a picture but with the water in there you can't see it

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