Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Kravens I have to say. That is Nice. Those leaf look like you could just shake of the thc.
Keef I like the idea of swap-able boards. On Monday is when my next order gets here.
I will be following Suit.
Evening All.
Keef, 2 bands you have not mentioned...I was kind of surprised you never mentioned them. Ozark Mountain Daredevils and Mountain.
Well that's because I got brain damage and just took a left or something ? -- From there I moved on to Traffic -- Cream -- Eric Burden and the Animals -- Spill that Wine !- Jethro Tull ? -- I don't know where it goes from here ! -- Where ever the pipe leads ?-- Don't make me get all Muscle Shoals and stuff !-- I jump over to Beale Street !-- Where my pipe ? -- Oh !- Right there !--
I live on the Northern side of the Ozark Mountain Range.
Do love some Daredevils.
What up Hippy ?-- I need to quit smoking so much !-- Maybe tommorrow ? - Stevie Nicks -- Live in Atlantic City !-- Gold Dust Woman -- Rhianon -- Might have to watch that whole concert !-- D.D. on the way home !
Windy out there !-- I told her be careful !-- Wind blowed my big trash bin over so they just skipped it ! Bastids!
One of my 5 gallon buckets has a lid that has no rubber seal on the top so it is not the best seal !-- Then I remembered when Bud post a pic of some big water bottles and ask if there wasn't something to do with them ? -- This what I used before my buckets !-- I like the bucket best if they seal right !-- Blueberry in the bucket Strawberry in the bottle !--I like to hear the airlocks doing a tap dance !-- We making wine now !-- Next weekend maybe we turn it into brandy ?

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Thanks OF. Tons of great pharmers here, I'm just one of the grains of sand on the beach.
One of my 5 gallon buckets has a lid that has no rubber seal on the top so it is not the best seal !-- Then I remembered when Bud post a pic of some big water bottles and ask if there wasn't something to do with them ? -- This what I used before my buckets !-- I like the bucket best if they seal right !-- Blueberry in the bucket Strawberry in the bottle !--I like to hear the airlocks doing a tap dance !-- We making wine now !-- Next weekend maybe we turn it into brandy ?

Sometimes I do low tech, And just Silicon air tubing in Quart jar of water.
I do like buckets. Our Local Bakery always has food grade buckets with seals.
$1.49 to $2.49 3 to 5 gallons.
Got me some Elderberries growing on the place. They make some fine Wine
Thanks OF. Tons of great pharmers here, I'm just one of the grains of sand on the beach.
I got to quit show the wife pictures of your stuff.
She look at me and says. Yes Please. Hippy got his work cut out.
Hippy it can be humbling !-- but it'll make U a better pharmer too !-- One time D.D. bought me a little LED and some White Widow seed -- used to tell me go play with your Widow thingy !-- We took a joint from that puny little 1st harvest over to the dunes !-- Widow back handed me off those dunes when I stood up !-- She come sliding up beside me at the bottom of the dunes and said those fateful words !-- What do U need to grow a bunch of this ? -- I had a list !
Hippy bring her into it !-- D.D. my ---CFO /Research assistant / pest control expert !-- Now there's D.D.'s Blue Elephant (T.E. -x- B.B.) -- Once they've chunked some pollen and see what it becomes ? --It's all over Cuz ! -- I get text that say stuff like -- When did U last check pH ? --Truth be --she has become a better pot farmer than me !--
Going buck wild collecting girls and hammering away at this genetic doubling and making feminized seed
may seem like they got nothing to do with each other but in my twisted mind they do !-- The closer I get to dialing in my Zombie Juice formula the more I need to know about making fem seed !-- When my juice is right I'll do a seed run and fertilize every girl I got and make them all fem seed !-- Then it'll be time to work !
It's always been about that !-- I'm find something for the young lady to grow !
Kraven absolutely beautiful my friend

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Hey Keef she's going purple my friend she's going purple

Was it the temp change that brought it out Bud or were U just expecting it too soon ?
D.D. made it home !--
I had to have a long talk with myself today about my radical views ! -- Found out I was perfectly comfortable with them !
Was it the temp change that brought it out Bud or were U just expecting it too soon ?
D.D. made it home !--
I had to have a long talk with myself today about my radical views ! -- Found out I was perfectly comfortable with them !

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I think I was giving her too much nutrients
I guess that could be ? -- I know this Botanacare pro-government and pro bloom I use calls for about 10 mils per gallon and I'm at about 3 mils !-- They say U need less nutes with LED ? -- All I know is after trial and error --Lots of errors - This is what works for me !-- I don't know bout other lights and stuff !-- I've also read that LEDs bring out a stronger terepene profile !-- Might be true !-- I wouldn't know !- I have nothing to compare it with LEDs what I got and all I really know and I don't know that much about them !
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