Island Of Misfits

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We also sell bottled mineral water.........

The important part.

Ya'll win! How can I possibly compete with all that and still survive........................

53F @ 95% RH, rain, and predicted to reach 65F.

A class action lawsuit by Portland’s homeless for losing private property when they clean up illegal camps. Mostly heirlooms worth millions…………….

The comparison of the two Jalapeno lemonades is interesting in that the water extraction actually has more flavonoids and the ethanol extraction has more capsicum. Next I will try extracting with ethanol and then adding the water before steeping and filtering it, so as to grab more of the water soluble flavonoids.

Lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My heat exchanger arrived and I got it mounted and running. I need to pick up some fittings to finish plumbing it, but the fan runs.
Love it
The food is vacuum sealed in heat resistant bags, so is not in contact with the aluminum. The beads however are easily scattered and you can't just drop a vacuum sealed bag into aluminum beads, like you can hot water, you have to scoop half them out, put the bags in and then pour the first half back in on top.

Hee, hee, hee, maybe I need to fluidize it when loading........................

I had one with about an 18" blade inside, but it lacked good balance to use as a cane.

We practiced with the bo and jo in Aikido and the boken in Kendo, but I could never find a local cane master, so never developed my cane art beyond what you can do with a stout stick.

The only times I've ever been armed with a cane, I needed it to walk after knee replacement and I couldn't wait to get rid of it, because it subconsciously causes me to walk funny and put uneven wear on my hips and shoulders, which start to rebel with pains of their own.

If I just carry one, with it seldom touching the ground, it feels "dandy", which is not an image I want to portray as a fight avoidance technique.

It is easier to actually inconspicuously carry a SW640 and ostensibly way easier to be masterful with in our dotage.
Reminds me of the scene from Raiders of the Lost arc....when the guy comes out beautifully swinging a sword around, our hero draws his gun and shoots him. I read later that wasn't scripted, they were fooling around and kept the scene.

I've got about 50+ volunteer Caster plants popping up all over our two acre heaven. .. and the beans can be used in so many nefarious ways.
Almost lost some chickens that either ate a bean or a leaf and so, I quit eating their eggs for a month

Also got the ornamental caster trees , not good for much but shade

That just seems like a bunch of really bad choices... what’s he’s making his smoothies out of... LSD? 🤣
Welcome aboard TheVoice

are you the Voice of one crying in the wilderness or the Voice of reason?

Welcome aboard TheVoice

are you the Voice of one crying in the wilderness or the Voice of reason?

I’m the child of the Voice Crying out in the wilderness, but when I speak of Him it is only bc He teaches me what to say. After that... I do the voice for video games and commercials. I’m studying growing to start a business tho... besides that, I’m just a person that loves a challenge and a brilliant mind.

View attachment 273381
Buy me a beer and I'll show ya where the horse bit me!

Beers on! One of ours bit me more than once somewhere I can show in public.

Reminds me of the scene from Raiders of the Lost arc....when the guy comes out beautifully swinging a sword around, our hero draws his gun and shoots him. I read later that wasn't scripted, they were fooling around and kept the scene. Bubba

Yeah, the water cooled Browning was pretty much the end of banzai charges. Armored knights on horseback faded into history when bullets started flying as well.

Guns cut right through most the youth and brawn advantages, though the legal repercussions of blowing a hole in someone, versus giving them the sound thrashing with a big stick that their pappy (mother) should have, can get expensive.

I once blew the rear tire off the vehicle that tried to run me over and it was me that ended up in court, because they had only my (disputed) word that he tried to run me down and my smoking gun and admission supporting his claim I blew away his wheel.

50F @ 88% RH, partially cloudy and predicted to reach 73F.

Ho hum, another riot at City Hall with broken stuff and arrests.

Progress on my Jalapeno syrup for Jalapeno Lemonade. I macerated three medium seeded Jalapenos in one cup of 190 proof, one cup of distilled water, and one cup of granulated sugar in a Vitamix at high speed for a minute and then let set for an hour before straining through a cloth and distilling off the alcohol in a EtOH Pro.

The terpenoid/flavonoids are polar and water soluble, so the water does a better job of picking them up than the alcohol, but the alcohol does a better job on the less water soluble C18H27NO3 capsicum.

I used the rest of my standard recipe Jalapeno syrup as a standard to measure against and this time they are damn close. Both tasty, with slightly different flavors and the alcohol/water extraction having more heat.

I again produced about 200 mL of around 130 proof strongly flavored Jalapeno vodka as a biproduct, which can be sipped separately or added to the finished lemonade for even more Jalapeno flavor, with an alcohol kick.
Beers on! One of ours bit me more than once somewhere I can show in public.

Yeah, the water cooled Browning was pretty much the end of banzai charges. Armored knights on horseback faded into history when bullets started flying as well.

Guns cut right through most the youth and brawn advantages, though the legal repercussions of blowing a hole in someone, versus giving them the sound thrashing with a big stick that their pappy (mother) should have, can get expensive.

I once blew the rear tire off the vehicle that tried to run me over and it was me that ended up in court, because they had only my (disputed) word that he tried to run me down and my smoking gun and admission supporting his claim I blew away his wheel.

50F @ 88% RH, partially cloudy and predicted to reach 73F.

Ho hum, another riot at City Hall with broken stuff and arrests.

Progress on my Jalapeno syrup for Jalapeno Lemonade. I macerated three medium seeded Jalapenos in one cup of 190 proof, one cup of distilled water, and one cup of granulated sugar in a Vitamix at high speed for a minute and then let set for an hour before straining through a cloth and distilling off the alcohol in a EtOH Pro.

The terpenoid/flavonoids are polar and water soluble, so the water does a better job of picking them up than the alcohol, but the alcohol does a better job on the less water soluble C18H27NO3 capsicum.

I used the rest of my standard recipe Jalapeno syrup as a standard to measure against and this time they are damn close. Both tasty, with slightly different flavors and the alcohol/water extraction having more heat.

I again produced about 200 mL of around 130 proof strongly flavored Jalapeno vodka as a biproduct, which can be sipped separately or added to the finished lemonade for even more Jalapeno flavor, with an alcohol kick.
Hmmm I didn't realize terps are water soluble, or non polar. That explains a few things from the old oil making daze.


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