question about lights

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Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
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now im not lookin to do any serious growing but i heard you can grow good buds useing Black lights and such. you should know the exent of my growing exp. is haveing about10 plants growing in my window. i dont have them anymore but . . . im still curious about the black ligh t technique. ive heard is makes the buds purple or white or something.
i heard about this when i was 16 and im 24 now. i just rememberd hearing about that after reading some posts about lighting. Im NOT planning on growing any time soon either since there are 2 young kids in he house.
No blacklights! Use compact fluorescents, high pressure sodium(flowering) or metal halide(vegging).
black light can't grow plants it does not have the right light for plant growth marijuana like white-blue light for veg and red-orange for flowing the best way it to find out for your self. take a bag seed and plant it when it pops out of the dirt put some black lights over it see what happens.

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