Raccoon Killing Time!

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Budders Keeper said:
sorry for the sidetrack Effen...
Spearchucker, when I was about 10 my dad shot a coyote that was killing our chickens..pointed the barrel of his black powder rifle out the back door and boom..felt like the roof rose up like a cartoon, talk about your ears ringing
I bet that black powder rifle would take care of them!

Man's war against coyotes is a never-ending debacle of death. Yes, a coyote will eat chickens or the occassional calf, no doubt. But the main food source of the coyote is moles and voles and prarie dogs.
Interestingly, more cattle break legs stepping into mole or prarie dog holes every year and are "put down" than are killed by coyotes, by far.

In nature, coyotes live in family groups with one Alpha female and only she mates and breeds. Normally, an Alpha female coyote bears two pups once a year. However, when the coyote population is threatened , such as by the annual widescale shoot-a-thons held in the Southwest, ALL the females will breed and often have litters of four or more. Furthermore, when the coyote population is low, females will breed twice yearly.

In other words, the more coyotes humans kill, the more coyotes are bred and born.

Due to the annual slaughter of Southwestern couotes, they have migrated to the northeastern US as far as New York state and as far southeast as Florida.

The only way to control the coyote population is to leave them the hell alone.


I respect all wildlife, as a matter of fact, i am a member of National Wildlife and contribute each year at LEAST once.
But, in the bible, god does say man has control over beasts and such................if i pay for my land, i can do with it as i please.
i don't go into their place of habitat and disturb them.
What's good for the goose..................................
mrkingford said:

I respect all wildlife, as a matter of fact, i am a member of National Wildlife and contribute each year at LEAST once.
But, in the bible, god does say man has control over beasts and such................if i pay for my land, i can do with it as i please.
i don't go into their place of habitat and disturb them.
What's good for the goose..................................

I don't bye into the the whole biblical nonsence, nor can you do what you wish with "your" land. But that being said raccoons are not endangered species, they are pesky vermin, their right to exist ends when become a nucance. If they stay in the woods where they belong I wont kill them, but when they negatively impact my standard of living "BOOM" thier gone.
LassChance said:
Man's war against coyotes is a never-ending debacle of death. Yes, a coyote will eat chickens or the occassional calf, no doubt. But the main food source of the coyote is moles and voles and prarie dogs.
Interestingly, more cattle break legs stepping into mole or prarie dog holes every year and are "put down" than are killed by coyotes, by far.

In nature, coyotes live in family groups with one Alpha female and only she mates and breeds. Normally, an Alpha female coyote bears two pups once a year. However, when the coyote population is threatened , such as by the annual widescale shoot-a-thons held in the Southwest, ALL the females will breed and often have litters of four or more. Furthermore, when the coyote population is low, females will breed twice yearly.

In other words, the more coyotes humans kill, the more coyotes are bred and born.

Due to the annual slaughter of Southwestern couotes, they have migrated to the northeastern US as far as New York state and as far southeast as Florida.

The only way to control the coyote population is to leave them the hell alone.


I remember a local public forum where coyote killing/population control methods were coming under scrutiny by some peta city folks.
The peta representative was saying that all the was needed was to trap as many males as possible, and neuter them..
One of the local ranchers had to tell her.."Lady, they ain't screwin' my sheep, they're EATING them!".. ;)

(trying to keep the tone lite here ;))
cubby said:
I don't bye into the the whole biblical nonsence, nor can you do what you wish with "your" land. But that being said raccoons are not endangered species, they are pesky vermin, their right to exist ends when become a nucance. If they stay in the woods where they belong I wont kill them, but when they negatively impact my standard of living "BOOM" thier gone.

I was only poking, i'm not a bible freak, i won't be knocking on your door to preach anytime soon ,lol..

And i think we are stating the same thing.?.?
Stay off my area and you live..................
I don't care if they wonder through the 8 acres i have, just stay away from my house and trash!
I had 4 turkeys walk through my property in may, one was a huge male and 3 were his women, it happened my Pitt was out in the woods doing his business and they were walking his way not knowing.
He saw them and took stance ( a REAL pitt WON'T bark, growl or warn as they enjoy fighting and look forward to it ). the male turkey saw him and opened his wings to look big and mean and poised toward my pitt as to defend his women.

It's a good thing he listens to me and stood in position til i ran to him and took hold of his collar. We walked to the side a bit and the turkeys continued on and actually stopped at the pond, drank, then moved on as if just another day...........

Could have had an early thanksgiving but i don't kill innocent animals.
had the same problem i used my night vision scope put it on my .22. use a 22 short sounds like a cap gun when shot or use the long ones with either 2 liter bottle taped on the end or a potato to silence it.17 hmr would work to but its alot louder than 22.pellet gun will not kill him unless you get a good placed head shot
or get a have a hart trap put some cat food in there as soon as he goes in cage drops then load him up drop him some where far away
Hey Effen- Where's the update? This is like an old time radio show and I'm tuning in for today's sequel.

No offense, but isn't it contradictory to even mention the food chain if your concern is for animals in general? What makes a fish less than a viable creature than a raccoon? Because it's furry and warm-blooded? If ants enter your home, do you trap them and release them outside, or do you kill them? They're only doing what they are genetically programmed to do- hunt for food.

Unfortunately, there are circumstances where humans and certain wildlife cannot coexist in the same area. Sounds like this is one of those circumstances to me. Although the fish are gone, these creatures continue to come around Effen's home- making them a potential threat to his family and pets.

Besides, he tells the stories so well.
Cruel is putting treble hooks in bait suspended off the ground. Cruel is putting anti-freeze in bowls around your place. .22 shorts are just vermin control and much kinder.

As for the "doing what's natural" wasn't Atilla the Hun just doing what was natural? The Goths? The Visigoths? Sulliman the Great? Hitler and Mousollini? Man is proprietary by nature, so wouldn't kicking the spit out of an intruder be a natural thing?

Yours truly
The Devil's Advocate
Besides, he tells the stories so well.
well he ain't no Jerry Clower...:p

I found lass's response confused/confusing, also. Interesting that it's "ok" for the coons to assert their place in the 'food chain, but not so for effen to assert 'his' dominant position over them in the same natural chain... :confused2:
No offense intended Lass, but I find responses like that are most often "emotionally" based,(poor li'l racoons) and really do not reflect reality or 'good common sense'. The fact is, the coons are an imminent threat to not only his family and pets, but to the entire neighborhoods families, pets, gardens, ect.
I don't understand how protecting them is any less a natural avenue of pursuit, than the coons natural instinct to be a sneak thief. If say, a pack rat came into the coons lair to steal the coy that she had brought home to her brood, would the coon be wrong in eliminating it? (poor lil packrat) ;)
Or would it be different, if effen were removing them because they were eating say his sweet corn?

I don't want this to degrade into an argument over "animals rights", but I would like to gain a better understanding of your views.
The Effen Gee said:
4. Don't be scared. Remember the food chain. Wear gloves, jacket, pants and shoes. Don't go after him in your flip flops like I did last night.



I went on a night bike ride last night and came home at around 1:30.
Went upstairs, fell on my bed and crashed.

At around 3 am my cats are going nuts in front of our bedroom door, which is windowed.
I can see that something tripped my motion sensor floods in the yard...my cats are more than interested in something in front of the door and I can swear I hear something, but I had recently adjusted the air/filtration setup in my planted discus tank...so I mistook one nois for another. Plus I was dog butt tired.

This morning when I opened my bedroom door, the screen door was not only shreded at the bottom, it was bent out as if something was trying to pry its way in.

Like seriously, how insane are these animals?
Do they "Nest" or burrow?
Are there any natural repellents?

...and Hippy, those rasta thongs...Almost dead on. Mine dont have the leaves though, just the colors.
You do know effin, those critters move in packs? Gettin back at you for killen their bro.....
ArtVandolay said:
Not a bad idea, Sherwood, but it will be more fun to shoot it :). I'm partial to the 12 gauge mentioned by HIE above, but a cheap .22 caliber rifle will do the job quieter and cleaner :). You can buy a cheap .22 at WallyMart :D

"Shooting it is more fun"???
That's truly sickening.
Can somebody explain to me why men love to kill? Is it some leftover Caveman edit? Or some kind of power rush?

Or is it just that men ate basically edit who honestly believe they have some kind of god-given right to take the lives of animals for ANY reason?

What part of "All Life is Sacred" do you guys not get?
Do you have ethics? Respect for the other animals we share this planet with? Evidently, not. Raccoons eat fish. Accept it. That he ate a pricey Koi is not a sin worthy of the death penalty.

You got yer Heroin, Crack and nicotine, but NO chemical is more dangerous that estrogen .

Maybe one of these days I will feel a similar urge to kill something for fun. But IF I do, I'll be blowing the heads off every rifle-happy Second Ammendmant supporting, God given rights loving, believer of The Constitution of these United States I see, certainly not raccoons.


edited for content by Hick :D
Roger that.

Perhaps I will put him outside for them to see.
I got him back from the taxidermist this morning.


Actually, the guy told me it would be a while. I guess he is busy stuffing all the rich folks tiny dogs or something...
LassChance said:
"Shooting it is more fun"???
That's truly sickening.
Can somebody explain to me why men love to kill? Is it some leftover Caveman ****? Or some kind of power rush?

Or is it just that men ate basically insensitive arrogant pricks who honestly believe they have some kind of god-given right to take the lives of animals for ANY reason?

What part of "All Life is Sacred" do you guys not get?
Do you have ethics? Respect for the other animals we share this planet with? Evidently, not. Raccoons eat fish. Accept it. That he ate a pricey Koi is not a sin worthy of the death penalty.

You got yer Heroin, Crack and nicotine, but NO chemical is more dangerous that testosterone.

Maybe one of these days I will feel a similar urge to kill something for fun. But IF I do, I'll be blowing the heads off every rifle-happy mutherfucker I see, certainly not raccoons.


It has been scientifically proven that carrots "Scream" to their bretheren when you pull them out of the ground.

I am willing to make the claim that cannabis also emits high amounts of pheramones when you start cutting them down.

All life is all life including whatever you eat.
Matter cannot be destroyed, only altered from one form to another.

Don't you fret Lass, I am sure we will all kill ourselves before we wreck the place too bad.

...But before you get all bent out of shape about guns, animals and killing I invite you to:

A, Spend a week in the woods without one. Really deep in there...where there ARE predators bigger than you.

B, Do a little reading on what kind of threats the very un-endangered raccoon poses to the neighborhood.

C, I hope to god that you don't eat meat and own no leather.

D, Try to not be such a man hating, gun hating, wanting to use guns to kill gun users kind of person. Sounds a little crazy to me.
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