The little seedling that could:

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exhale some smoke......:48: :bong2: :bongin: the friends coming tonight one is preggers so no smoking inside. it will be a garage night.
dont worry chef I wont..I love mc preggers to death she is guest of honor. I will give her the best rib hehe
Well she may take a slab eating fer two and all.
here we go..

violets pistils and v up next to her blue cheese sista..see the difference both are indicas.. course mystery may be kush..

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Gettin there! Nice recovery from the pollen fiasco..(was that the room?)

how much longer?
same room...

mine take a while because I only want couchlock. soooo...I am not sure the sour cream and nl5 I think will be first maybe 6-8 weeks more maybe less I havent grown them through yet depends on what they show me.
Hey 2dog...lookin good! My NL#5 takes about 63 to 65 days to get 30% amber, but mine is from Dr. Atomic...I don't know where yours comes from, but I thought I'd give you something to compare to....
thanks LF..I got this from my bro whos friend gave it to I am not sure where it is from he said the seeds were from the UK.
hey 2dog nice plant! no disrespect but i love being high as a kite and listening to british people talk always makes my day sure its the same way on the other side
me too east I watch the BBC almost everyday! absolutely fabulous have you seen it? u should u tube it man...
more pics of violet.

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Im glad to see shes growin up just fine

Best Wishes
Heres some Purple Mo-jo for ya
your little girl is turning into a soon you'll be hacking her into little peices. Lookin Good!
Violet is looking as beautiful as her name implies :) I love a good come back story, hehe :D

thanks peeps if her clones take she wil soon be a proud mommy..
hard to see her in my sog..

she is happy and healthy!

her pistils and notice the stems are back to her violet color.

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sorry some of these pics stink but I am nervous about messing with the lights too much as I have some plants in advance flowering..she is the densest gorwing plant I have ever seen and she is in the middle to get the good light lol...I will try for better pics of my violet...sadly her clones did not take. I may reveg her tho ;) that is kind of exciting!

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