why dose everyone say nice plants

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Sep 26, 2008
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hi just been reading grow journals and some poor guy has got plants that are so streched and budding on week 6 with nothing on them and he would of got more from a 20 bag but people say nice plants why? would it not be better to say get some light that 26 watt bulbs no good and your waisting your time
not sure how to new to forums but not new to growing just feel sorry for the guy
sliderz said:
hi just been reading grow journals and some poor guy has got plants that are so streched and budding on week 6 with nothing on them and he would of got more from a 20 bag but people say nice plants why? would it not be better to say get some light that 26 watt bulbs no good and your waisting your time
hee hee heeee.prol'y for the same reason you never tell a Mother "that is one ugly baby!".. ;)
sliderz said:
hi just been reading grow journals and some poor guy has got plants that are so streched and budding on week 6 with nothing on them and he would of got more from a 20 bag but people say nice plants why? would it not be better to say get some light that 26 watt bulbs no good and your waisting your time

There are alot of threads like that but if you read the entire thread plenty of people chime in on how they can improve their anorexic seedlings. Good question though.
its mad its so easy to grow but some people mess it up so easy if i was growing and did not now how and my plants were like bean stalks i would hope some one say dude your a sad man grow like this

godspeedsuckah said:
or your wife has a big ***.......that is a no no in itself!!!!

A woman is standing nude, looking in the bedroom mirror.
She is not happy with what she sees and says to her husband, 'I
feel horrible; I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you to pay me a
compliment.' The husband replies, 'Your eyesight's damn near
sliderz said:
its mad its so easy to grow but some people mess it up so easy if i was growing and did not now how and my plants were like bean stalks i would hope some one say dude your a sad man grow like this

Was your first grow perfect from day 1 to harvest?

No it wasnt, no ones is.

People learn as they go along, if someone is growing a lanky ill plant, then its a learning curve, grow methods need to be learnt, growing MJ has its pitfalls, it also has its rewards, if the person is doing it as best they can with tools at hand and have the love in their heart to keep at it, then the next grow they change things for the better and slowly become competent, if we all sit and say ... wow dude that looks total disaster, the grower will have their confidence re set to zero, this forum is not a place where experience laughs at the learner, its a forum that gives praise for keeping a plant alive, and any harvest is an accomplishment.
true i get the idea its all about your plants are lame but good grow and im not telling u there no good . its a shame
this forum is not a place where experience laughs at the learner, its a forum that gives praise for keeping a plant alive, and any harvest is an accomplishment..................... i agree with that
many people can laff at me as i dont no forums or computers but feel free to help its the same thing. one thing is im not growing a lanky computer . all this topic was about was why people say good plants when there not and advice would be good for that person , i now 99% say good on this forum . it was just a question sorry if i up set people
I think you can be very polite and say "hey it's coming along but...
I would recommend you do this and this."
tactful placement of words as not to insult a newb into quittin growing. but slide in sage advice to help em on there way. No body likes to feel dumb ;)
I agree with Mutt..there are ways to get your point across with out offending ..and letting someone know they maybe heading for trouble by doing this or that...this is a wonderful site full of polite and careing people..you do get those so called bad seeds..they get weened out and they move on...I say nice job all the time..even if they dont look all that great..because they do..thaey are growing..and if it makes them happy..take care and be safe
i hope every grower has good look just wish people would say if plants look lame say so and help him or her and dont say cool plants when there not and he or she could do better:confused:
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