Crash Journal

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No tent to inspect this morning, so I got an extra 30 minutes sleep. I had been getting up early to check the tent before the lights turned off.

I've been thinking about that tent... and the nice zippered door on it. I had to replace the door to the grow room with a cheap vinyl accordion door, which swung in, so I could get in and out without crushing the plants. But the accordion door doesn't block enough light to flower photo period plants. Since I'm tossing the tent anyway, I'm thinking about replacing the accordion door with the zippered door in the tent. It will look a little weird, but I'm the only one who will see it.

Another borg killing idea... Hosing off the mother plant worked so well I wanted to do it with the flowering EM auto. Unfortunately that would make a mess of the trichomes. But I could, in theory, just hit individual leaves. A garden hose is not that selective, unfortunately. My idea is to use my air compressor and hit the back of each leaf with a blast of high pressure air, maybe even rig a siphon to a water bottle, so it would be high pressure mist instead of just dry air. Going to be some surprised critters when I get home from work...
I made the air mister when I got home tonight. Each time I press the trigger I get a 1 second blast of mist before it turns to just dry air. I blasted the little EM auto one leaf at a time. It's as mite free as I can make it without chemicals.

I tried to get a pic of air mister in action, but I screwed up and got stoned before I tried. So I have a ton of images of my hand, the door, the ceiling etc., but not one image of the mist coming out of the nozzle... I did remember to unplug the air compressor this time.

I checked/scoped another 50 leaves in the DWC - they were all leaves I was pruning anyway. I also checked the mother plant before spraying her down again. I saw no mites today in the scope. I did discover the shrubs near where I was keeping the mother plant are infected. I have some spray for all the non-food/smoke plants. Going to cover the whole area with it.

On a different topic, just how much cal-mag is too much? The reservoir has double the recommended cal-mag, and yesterday I added another gram of calcium nitrate. But still, I get this:


PH dropped since Saturday from 5.9 to 5.7. Since I am topping off the reservoir every 12 hours using PH 7 tap water, I don't know how that can happen. Are the roots not taking in the calcium because of the low PH?

Some pistils on the buds closest to the side light are starting to turn amber. Harvest should be in less than 4 weeks based on my very limited experience. If the borg is going to, ahem, crash this grow, it's going to have to get moving.
I made the air mister when I got home tonight. Each time I press the trigger I get a 1 second blast of mist before it turns to just dry air. I blasted the little EM auto one leaf at a time. It's as mite free as I can make it without chemicals.

I tried to get a pic of air mister in action, but I screwed up and got stoned before I tried. So I have a ton of images of my hand, the door, the ceiling etc., but not one image of the mist coming out of the nozzle... I did remember to unplug the air compressor this time.

I checked/scoped another 50 leaves in the DWC - they were all leaves I was pruning anyway. I also checked the mother plant before spraying her down again. I saw no mites today in the scope. I did discover the shrubs near where I was keeping the mother plant are infected. I have some spray for all the non-food/smoke plants. Going to cover the whole area with it.

On a different topic, just how much cal-mag is too much? The reservoir has double the recommended cal-mag, and yesterday I added another gram of calcium nitrate. But still, I get this:

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PH dropped since Saturday from 5.9 to 5.7. Since I am topping off the reservoir every 12 hours using PH 7 tap water, I don't know how that can happen. Are the roots not taking in the calcium because of the low PH?

Some pistils on the buds closest to the side light are starting to turn amber. Harvest should be in less than 4 weeks based on my very limited experience. If the borg is going to, ahem, crash this grow, it's going to have to get moving.
My last grow started this in the 5th week of flower. I discovered late that my runoff had to low of PH that probably caused it. I just harvested the ugliest one today which was ready last night when I checked it. The sugar leaves had also started to take on the cal deficiency look by harvest time but it didn’t seem to effect the buds. They were sticky and much larger and bulkier than I thought. Learned to do more runoff testing during my next grow instead of just adding more cal mag
I'm not too concerned. It just looks bad. I've had some pretty ugly harvests myself! My potted plants have similar deficiencies. I should be checking runoff on those too, but I've been lazy about it.

I think I will raise the PH to 6 in the reservoir tomorrow morning. I haven't had to adjust it for a while. The nutes have kept it between 5.8 and 5.9 until now.
Received 6000 predator mites today. I let 2000 go in the grow room, even though I haven't seen a single spider mite in there for two days. I wasn't thinking when I sprinkled them all over the plants. They are packaged in a shaker bottle full of vermiculite, and those GSCs are super sticky. It was like dropping a glazed doughnut upside down in the dirt. So much for winning BOM this month : )

The other 4000 bugs ended up on the plants outside, and in the shrubs. The shrubs are lousy with spider mites. I'm sort of hoping the predator mites will have enough food to breed and stick around for a while.

I have some ladybugs coming later in the week, but now I don't want to use them. They will eat whatever mites they find, which could be bad for my predator mites. I will probably let them go in my mother's garden. She doesn't have a mite problem, but there are aphids on her flowers every year.

The GSC flowering seems to be accelerating. The pistils aren't all curling yet, but the trichomes are already almost all cloudy with a few amber. Running two Mars TS-3000s 20/4 with one above and one on the side. Hey, that's another reason to like autos, an extra 8-12 hours under the lights during flower.


Grr, the whole week has been like this. Had to up pot some tomatoes last night and got muddy just fetching the pots from the yard. At least the wind is dying down some. Probably already blew my predators away. I hope the ladybugs like rain.

I got the ladybugs from Amazon. The mites from Arbico Organics.
I avoid Amazon when I can. I don’t like Besos. Thanks though. I might try my small local hardware store. They have started to stock items that look oddly targeted towards cannabis cultivation. Fox Farm soil and nutes too. And Coast of Maine soil. Kudos to them for giving the customer what they want.

Thanks @boo, I will do a search. I am not lazy about searching the whirled wild inner-nut. Just curious if there were known good sources. Just put some plants outside so I want to be prepared if needed.
I avoid Amazon when I can. I don’t like Besos. Thanks though. I might try my small local hardware store. They have started to stock items that look oddly targeted towards cannabis cultivation. Fox Farm soil and nutes too. And Coast of Maine soil. Kudos to them for giving the customer what they want.

Thanks @boo, I will do a search. I am not lazy about searching the whirled wild inner-nut. Just curious if there were known good sources. Just put some plants outside so I want to be prepared if needed.

Sometimes Amazon is just easier, especially when I'm in a hurry. When the mites showed up I would have sent Brandon a check if he had offered a solution : )

Our local Taylor's started carrying Fox Farm soil and nutes, and Vivosun tents and lights a few months ago. They now have multiple displays taking up a fairly large area of their store. I bought some Happy Frog there and the cashier started telling me all about her grow and asking about mine - all without once saying weed, cannabis or pot.
Grr, some varmint walked on my raised garden and trampled several okra seedlings. I had a lot of trouble getting them started this year, too. Had to be the cat, but he was too smart to leave identifiable foot prints.
I noticed that two of my eggplants got eaten by the rabbit last night. I think a need a short fence. They wore me out on my winter garden. I gave up on it
We had a couple of rabbits last year that I half befriended, but they haven't been around this year that I've seen. They were mostly just eating the lettuce growing wild in the yard from a spilled seed pack.
We had a couple of rabbits last year that I half befriended, but they haven't been around this year that I've seen. They were mostly just eating the lettuce growing wild in the yard from a spilled seed pack.
Dang I just went out and checked since you reminded me and half my eggplants are gone. The other half will surely get eaten tonight. I gotta get a short fence for my tiny garden
I noticed that two of my eggplants got eaten by the rabbit last night. I think a need a short fence. They wore me out on my winter garden. I gave up on it
Never had too much trouble with bunnies, but the whistle pigs were murder on the Old Hen's little garden. She came in one evening just testifying. She's a live and let live kinda gal, but she told me in no uncertain terms that she wanted the pig terminated with great prejudice.
Ask, and thy shall receive. Mr. Whistle Pig got a bad case of lead poisoning in the form of a .22LR between the blinkies, and the 'yotes ate well that night.