Growing something, but I don't knwo what yet (Indoors/Outdoors)

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candyman said:
So I have done some cleaning up and rearranging. I have added 2 CFL bulbs and uncovered the plant. Take a look (I'm surprised how well my camera adjusts to the light I can barely see through).

How long should it take before I know the gender and when should it start flowering?
checkout benny420 grow in (grow journal)
BlueSmoke said:
Given that you A) Have roommates and B) they are not pro-cannabis, you have some major problems. You should stop now, unless you want to be in jail, or have your roommates become cellmates....

It is their right to live in a home that is not used for growing. If you for some reason get busted, then by their living in the same household...they they may find themselves in legal issues. Not trying to be a downer here, but you are in a situation that really does not have much of an upside to it. Also, if they are anti-pot, they may just turn you in for growing when they have told you they are not on-board with it.

Seems like a lot of risk and trouble for a little MJ. Save yourself some headaches and just get your MJ from someone until you have your own place to grow.

Please don't post about my life when you aren't me. I'll take care of my life and me and you can take care of you. The fact that my room mates aren't okay with growing is irrelevant to my growing project and this topic, therefore you are just posting spam, as I am in this post (forgive me). The fact that my room mates smoke it but are against growing it is a weird thing they refuse to back up with any reasons. I hope if you really want to talk about his you will make a new topic to further discuss this, or PM me.
candyman said:
The fact that my room mates aren't okay with growing is irrelevant to my growing project and this topic, therefore you are just posting spam, as I am in this post (forgive me).

So...if it is not relevant to assisting you with your grow...then why did you mention it? Are you intentionally wasting our time with facts that you want us to ignore?

Part of the reason that you posted was that you were new, and needed assistance...but I guess I was wrong, and you know it all. I won't offer advice or assistance again.
anyway............... dont forget to get a small breaze on your plant to. somthing that will keep the air circulating around it cuz you want you stem to stay strong or it will keel over,, also remember just cuz the soil is dry on the top it dont mean it is under, also make sure you do have a couple holes in the bottom for the water to run out so you dont get root rot and DO NOT use any ferts right now anyway good luck buddy and happy growing
candyman said:
Please don't post about my life when you aren't me. I'll take care of my life and me and you can take care of you. The fact that my room mates aren't okay with growing is irrelevant to my growing project and this topic, therefore you are just posting spam, as I am in this post (forgive me). The fact that my room mates smoke it but are against growing it is a weird thing they refuse to back up with any reasons. I hope if you really want to talk about his you will make a new topic to further discuss this, or PM me.
.... ok i would like to hope that the air is now clear.. bluesmoke is just trying to point out the flip side of what some think could be a tricky sticky situation .. we are all here to grow and confide in others experiences and knowledge every time i enter a national park i have more to contend with and roomies definatly are not my problem i.e poaches hunting ,lands dept, rangers , greenies,surveyors,walkers runners cycleiists,and so lets get on with the task at hand as i am sure we are all adults so ....on with the show ..yee ha
purplephazes said:
And what bluesmoke said prison is not a nice place to be at the best of times
posted on the fact that i have no idea as to which country or state the person/s are living /growing and nor do i care the only thing i care about are buds juicy fat femalelicious buds yet my country carries severe punishment if caught ..but my view of this is based on the fact that buds come 1st
walter said:
anyway............... dont forget to get a small breaze on your plant to. somthing that will keep the air circulating around it cuz you want you stem to stay strong or it will keel over,, also remember just cuz the soil is dry on the top it dont mean it is under, also make sure you do have a couple holes in the bottom for the water to run out so you dont get root rot and DO NOT use any ferts right now anyway good luck buddy and happy growing
i just have to say that ...nothing hops like a kangaroo too
Okay so I have kept the plant well lit, the leaves are pointing up though, could it be trying to hide from the light? I have had the lights on for pretty much 24 hours a day.


6 days in now. I see a small leaf coming out of the middle of the leafs on top.

I put another seedling in the soil to get it started. I plan on moving it to another cup and adding more light and a fan.

These are pictures of it first in the cabinet then second outside.






very nice candy see how those leafs are pointin up like that ... which means they like the envioronment you have created !! well done! if you should find that they lean to oneside i.e the top of the plantturns to face the light just turn the cup 180deg and it will then turn again to face the light on its own .. this is good for the over all strength as well.. lookin good keep doing as you are on track to 1metre buds !! dont put more seeds in the same pot dude !! each in their own pllleeaasssee.. give them a 3-4 hour dark time as well and watch wat your leaves do ...yee haa
1 week in: So the other seedling never appeared so I am thinking it was a dud. The cup my plant was in fell over last night due to disproportionate weight. Once the water is gone from the cup the cup tips over (due to the fact that I have a light fixture taped to the handle of the cup, heh), so I watered it and put it in my gardening cage outside this morning. I took pics, please tell me how they look.


8 Days in: The plant seems to be happy still. Under one of the leaves looks discoloured, like yellowish. I moved the light a little away from that leaf. So far, so good.



They are coming along nicely you can give them a few hours dark time 3--4hrs although some would say different ! looking good all the same!
11 Days in: I have continued constant light, however I have been bringing it outside more often because the weather has been good lately. Last night my plant got 2 hours of darkness. I also have another plant now that is doing fine. How long from the beginning should I be trying to figure out gender? Also take a look at my beautiful plants. :)

Also, thanks purplephazes :)



she's coming along real nice candy and hell yeah sunlight to the max over your way ! i have rain for 3 days now i am glad you have good weather you can still keep her under the lights 24 if you wish or 20 its all good ! she 's standing strait and proud bro top job
19 Days in: It has progressed a lot. I wasn't taking too many pictures lately but I plan to take pictures more often now. Should I be moving the lights?

Someone suggested that I use nutrients. Does anyone else agree? How much do they usually cost? Where are they found? Which ones are best? Are they expensive? Do I need a lot?

It's exciting growing my own buds. It's almost hard to believe that I found some soil, put it in a cup, threw a couple seeds in and now I have this. :D




hi there candyman those girls look good i think its time for a bigger pot IMO . are you using nutes as yet. maybe 4 -5gallon pot would help her along if you grow her out doors is that your plan ?but others will help you here to i hope. peace dude
I have moved my cabinet to a friend's house. He does not have room mates.

I was wondering how everyone thought these plants might fair when I move them outside soon. I'm not sure really, I have been bringing them outside to get used to wind and sunshine but I'm afraid they might die if the wind is too strong or there is too much rain or somethign like that.
One of the lights fell on the plant last night and burned some leaves. What should I do?

Also, I used watered down milk to fertilize the soil and add nitrogen into the soil.



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