Head Scratcher...

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LMAO dude, I knew I wasn't crazy!

I was thinking like what if Earth is just this tiny little ball floating in a fishtank size galaxy...

Cus you know ALOT of WEIRD stuff has happened over the Earth's lifetime, lots of unexplained things.
Who knows, earth might of just been an alien water storage facility and life grew from the germs in their water. Ive always thought something like that could be possible
Our own reality may only be an experiment from a higher intelligence, as if were a super intelligent college experiment, we may only be existing in a petri dish or a test tube, we may not be existing at all, we may only be here in thought and what we think of is reality is only a dream to end when the sleeper wakes, a complex yet simple electrical impulse.

When thing like this happen the Gov tends to not give all the details, cause it could cause an uproar and mass panic, but if you ask me i think this story alone could cause a slight panic. Im sure there more details to this story, but will we ever know, probly not........
ive been hearing so much about 'pandemic flu' (i dont know anything about it) about to hit... lol idk thats what came to thought when i read that lol

maybe god just sent us this...
HippyInEngland said:
Our own reality may only be an experiment from a higher intelligence, as if were a super intelligent college experiment, we may only be existing in a petri dish or a test tube, we may not be existing at all, we may only be here in thought and what we think of is reality is only a dream to end when the sleeper wakes, a complex yet simple electrical impulse.


WHOA! THAT WAS SOME CRAZY STUFF!! that got me thinkin real hard man
I saw this movie once... I can't remember what it's called, but I think it had Charlie Sheen in it. There was something set up along the equator, and it was like a bunch of little volcanos that sent out greenhouse gasses to slowly kill us all. Once we were all dead the aliens that had it set up were gonna come back, reverse the damange, take the planet, drain it of it's natural resources and then move on. I can't remember what it was called though... that's gonna bug me until I can remember now.

Either way, I've always been afraid of some stuff like that happening. Since I'm not a Christian and I don't believe in God, I'm less inclined to think that God rained a giant metor down to just make SOME people sick. Unless it's another Soddom and Gomorah thing. Which could have been aliens too.

I had always thought : "What if, when Moses went up the mountain, who he was actually talking to were a couple of aliens playing a joke and we took it too far!" LOL!!

I told you... I think wierd **** when I'm stoned!

Metal Chick......

If i had the time and the space i could post some scripture from the bible, and some interpretations and blow your mind.

I'll try to find you some really simple stuff that maybe you could just listen to.

Starting with revelations. I used to not be a believer and still am a skeptic in many ways, but the signs are all here, and we are literally 4-5 years away from a cashless society. You will walk in a grocery store or Wally world, put the items in your cart, and then walk right out of the store. computers will read the RFID chips, tally your cost and auto deduct it from your account. This is scary stuff people. this is exactly what John the apostle predicted thousands of years ago after the uprising of two beasts. The beast have been identified. Religion aside, only horrible things can happen with a cashless society. Everyone here should go to catherine austin fitts www.solari.com website and listen to the housing bubble downloads for free. Then you'll get a fascinating reality check on how the US economy really works! Youll be amazed, and then you'll realize what a horrifically scary thing a cashless society will be.

There's just to much to write and i don't have the time, and you all probably don't care so.....we'll just stick to the weed stuff and i'll encourage you all to Blow your own minds and read the book of revelations.

Also, i have admittedly not read the site rules LOL so i don't know if religious posts are a bigger no no than political LOL.

Personally, i lean toward a little of both. Religious and Sciencetific. I am very excited about the next 5 years with the turmoil i expect and AM PREPARING for! :D You all owe it to yourselves to inform yourselves and see where this world is heading, and where you have been decieved to follow.

Here ya go DL!


Interesting they claim "no one was hurt".

what by the impact??? the ensuing sickness does not count?

cover up? I read in another article that they are now discounting it as a geyser.....which is it? Space impact, or natural occuring geyser???
Editor's Note: After this story was posted, an AP story reported that a Peruvian scientist said the hole was caused by a meteorite. [Story]
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Scientists doubt that the supposed meteorite strike that sickened some 200 residents of Peru last weekend actually involved anything from space.

Based on reports of fumes emanating from the crater, some scientists actually suspect that the event could have been some kind of geyser-like explosion rather than a meteorite impact.

"Statistically, it's far more likely to have come from below than from above," said Don Yeomans, head of the Near Earth Object Program at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

The noxious fumes that have supposedly sickened curious locals who went to examine the crater would seem to indicate hydrothermal activity, such as a local gas explosion, because "meteorites don't give off odors," Yeomans told SPACE.com.

Skepticism warranted

Several times in recent history, reports of meteorite impacts have turned out to be untrue after scientific examination. Doubt in the scientific community was as rampant today as the speculations out of Peru.

Details surrounding the incident are also increasing experts' skepticism.

"Many of the reported features of the crater ('boiling water,' sulphurous fumes, etc.) point to a geological mechanism of the crater formation," wrote Benny Peiser, a social anthropologist at John Moores University, in a daily newsletter that catalogues research and media coverage of space rock impacts and other threats to humanity. "I would not be surprised if, after careful analysis, the alleged meteorite impact reveals itself to be just another 'meteorwrong.'"

It's not impossible that the crater was left by a meteorite, Yeomans said, but if so, then the impact object most likely was small, based on the size of the crater. It would also probably have been a metal meteorite, because those are the only kind of small meteorites that don't burn up as they plummet through Earth's atmosphere, he added. Small stony meteorites rarely make it to the surface.

A couple features of the event reports suggest there was a space rock involved, said geophysicist Larry Grossman of the University of Chicago. The bright streak of light and loud bangs seen and heard by locals are consistent with a meteor streaking through Earth's atmosphere, he said. Most meteors do burn up, never becoming meteorites (which is what they're called if they reach the surface).

Because no one actually saw anything impact at the crater site, it's hard to say whether a space rock was involved because they are often deceptive as to where they will land. Many times, people swear a meteor landed nearby when in fact it was so far away that it dipped below the local horizon but never actually struck the ground.

"Sometimes these things land hundreds or thousands of miles away from where [people] think they will land," Grossman said.

Investigation needed

Pictures of the crater show that the hole in the ground appears fresh, Grossman said, and the debris strewn around it is consistent with a meteorite impact but also could have been caused by digging.

And there are no previous reports of noxious fumes emanating from meteorite remnants or their craters, he said.

"If the noxious fumes came from the hole, it wasn't because the meteorite fell there," Grossman said, saying they would like have come from something already in the ground.

Grossman said that to determine whether the crater was made by a meteorite, the water in the hole must be pumped out and any large chunks of rock at the bottom should be examined to see if they are consistent with meteoritic composition.

Peruvian geologists are on their way to examine the crater, according to news reports.
something similar happend in the 60's-70's when a satellite crashed down to earth.
or maybe it was just a movie that said it was a true story...don't know.

but that has to **** being sick after something from space crashes in your back yard.

It will probably be on the news if it hasn't already, just because people are getting sick or dying, it will only be a 5 second coverage since it's not in the country you're from, then they'll go to a different story on how someone is dying or sick, and so-forth.
big labowski- "well that's just your opinion..man."
Mystery illness meteor link probed
A fiery meteorite has crashed into southern Peru over the weekend, experts have confirmed. But they are still puzzling over claims that it gave off fumes that led to 200 people falling ill.

Local residents said a fiery ball fell from the sky and smashed into the desolate Andean plain near the Bolivian border on Saturday morning.

Jose Mechare, a scientist with Peru's Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute, said a geologist had confirmed that it was a "rocky meteorite", based on the fragments analysed.

He said water in the meteorite's muddy crater boiled for maybe 10 minutes from the heat and could have given off a vapour that made people fall ill, and scientists were taking water samples.

"We are not completely certain that there was no contamination," Mechare said.

Jorge Lopez, director of the health department in the state where the meteorite crashed, said 200 people suffered headaches, nausea and respiratory problems caused by "toxic" fumes emanating from the crater, which is some 20 metres (65 feet) wide and 5 metres (15 feet) deep.

But a team of doctors who reached the isolated site said they found no evidence the meteorite had caused sickness.

Doctors told an APTN cameraman at the site that they had found no sign of radioactive contamination among families living nearby. But they said they had taken samples of blood, urine and hair to analyse.

Peasants living near the crater said they had smelled a sulphurous odour for at least an hour after the meteorite struck and that it had provoked upset stomachs and headaches.

But Jose Isisuka, a geologist for the institute who was studying the crater, said he doubted the reports of a sulphurous smell.
MetalChick: I think I love you.
Think they used a Jimmy to tow that hog?...
Press are not free to state and publish facts, the net is to a degree likewise, only press facts as we are told are seen, the powers above only let us see what they think we can manage in our minds!

A sulphurous odor sounds bad.. sulphur tri or di oxides are quite offensive, Sulfur monoxide, less common, occurs naturally in the plasma torus of Io and interstellar space. Sulphur can produce some nasty byprodructs when catalyzed with mineral metals- which I'm assuming this "meteorite" was chocked full of. Combined with intense heat, and near anhydrous conditions, the introduction of Oxygen from our atmostphere probly made a whole slew of toxic gases and compounds.

Just a slightly educated guess, but I'm going to assume that people will get over the sickness and all will be well again as stuff dissapates from the crash site

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