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We'll have see what we can do Nick !--- I grow some stuff that both Rose and Umbra have bred !-- Giggy and Dog have or are growing stuff I bred !--- We got some fine genetics up in here ! --I still haven't bloomed my mutant GG but I plan to !-- I've also got one more GG to sex !--If it's a male ---There will be seed !-- Probably cross him on my high dollar Tranquil Elephantizer! - It's the one they call the Slow Motion Love Potion! --- It's a beast !---
Whew it's hot. Got in my car for lunch, and the thermometer was resting on 110, that's in car with all windows down. Under a shade tree, I'm looking at 99. Had me a little toke, and a couple glasses of cold apple juice. Too hot to eat much
This picture is relevant. Lol
Dog he looks happy! -- U don't really let him get high do U ? --- My dogs are potheads !---Specially that little bud thief !--
Heat advisory here too but the thermostat in the house says 76 !
my dog loves my brownies. he has some arthritis. i give him just a small taste and an hour later he is a puppy again. as far as cats go, back in my youth, i had a roommate who was always leaving bud out on the coffee table. he'd get up in the morning and it would be gone. for months he thought he was just supporting my bud habit and was irritated that i didn't thank him. then one night he got up to take a leak and on his way thru the living room caught my cat, dylan, stealing away with the bud of the evening. he was the most mellow cat. i just thought he was chill. apparently he was quite medicated too...
Fogey,. Haha that's good one. I bet that cat was mad when a bud didn't get left out for him.
Keef, just an internet picture. My pit looks similar though. My Dane likes to be around when we smoke. Well roll the windows up and smoke a joint. The wife and I, and the dog be faded on the dirt roads.
Just got back from the hardware store !--- They roofing the house down the street !-- Mane that has to sucks! --- Heat index probably close to 110 !--- I give my pups green leaves out the grow room !-- The little black and white would rather have bud !--- Caught him the other day with part of a cannacap stuck on his face ! --He knows what's in that box and would rather have bud !--I have to watch him all the time !--Leave something out he gets it !
i didn't think of that giggy. thanks. i just googled chocolate toxicity for dogs and they have this cool meter on petmd. looks like i should be safe. he gets about 5 grams of brownie which according to petmd is ok even if it was 100% dark chocolate.
Gonna storm here in a bit, air is heavy with moisture and the clouds are just exploding over head, they went from white to deep purple in about 15 mins.....good time for a nap.
Wish I could nap but this is like D.D.'s Monday! -- I'm being a good husband and helping her with her Wake and Bake !

Got some fab work to figure out !--- I need 2 poles about 12 ft. long in the grow room to hang lights only problem is I can't make the corner with something that long !-- I got a couple lengths of 1 1/8 inch wooden dowel and some 1 1/4 heavy wall PVC ! --See if I can make it work !--Slide the dowel into the pipe to bridge the gap and pin it with a screw ?
Rose, your wagon is beautiful.
We due for rain soon. Looks like it may be a nasty one.
Dog stay cool !--- I been thinking about building one of those self powered ice chest that U can ride !-- Starter motor and a battery inside !---Might leave enough room for a drink or 2 !--- Ride my ice chest to the beach and back !-- That's just how I roll !

Hey Umbra -- About those THCA crystals ? --- U got to start with a clean extract -- Then dissolve it in BHO again !--- If the butane comes off slow enough you'll end up with small THCA crystals on a bed of yellow CBD powder !--- Should be able to separate them with a dry sieve !--Slower the butane comes off the bigger the seed crystals !--- After separation the THCA can be Recrystalized !--- The seed crystals are added to a THCA saturated solution -- As the solvent slowly evaporates the crystals will grow !-- This process gonna take months Umbra !--- but the purity !---WOW! -- The CBD portion can be crystallized the same way !
Keef, your email got kicked back to you. resend it, I deleted a bunch of stuff. My dogs get into everything related to food. We have saga palms and they too are deadly to dogs. My dogs have dug under the sagas and made a shade bed. It's been relatively mild here this week...high 90's. Next week it will be over 100 every day. I put plates of water in the grow room to try to increase the humidity some. Watered the 5 gal bags and let it runs off a bit and after all that rH is 38%.
That would be cool. Like I said, I think they're looking for harder stuff. My plants are good but not improved like the stuff that's coming out of the left coast co-ops today.

My first sale to a dispensary, it was the highest they have paid for a lb. It was also the Emerald Cup winner. Plenty of dank to be had...everywhere
Umbra there doesn't seem to be any Cherry Limeade in Texas !-- Am I looking in the wrong place ?
Top dollar !--That's the way the O.F.C. rolls !-- Make me proud !
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