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Bud just getting set up too looks good now but it gets better !

Hey Umbra I was looking at those rosen presses --Which one U got again ? -- Do U use the 220 steel or plastic tea bags ? -- Don't make me build one like Lyfespan got cause I can !--- I don't want to build anymore than I have too !--- Just as soon order me something and get busy ! -- Rosen Press - 220 mesh-- Oil working kit - Syringes --Empty Cartridges -- Some of that Mix !-- We bout ready !-- Waiting on the weed to grow !
I use 120 to 90 micron for making the dry ice keif, then I wanted a steel rosin tea bag that was smaller than the size of the keif. I went with 37 micron. I have batteries, carts, and syringes and a small vial of VG in case I need it. I'm going to try and use some rso I have and see if it will work in a cart.
Bud just getting set up too looks good now but it gets better !

Hey Umbra I was looking at those rosen presses --Which one U got again ? -- Do U use the 220 steel or plastic tea bags ? -- Don't make me build one like Lyfespan got cause I can !--- I don't want to build anymore than I have too !--- Just as soon order me something and get busy ! -- Rosen Press - 220 mesh-- Oil working kit - Syringes --Empty Cartridges -- Some of that Mix !-- We bout ready !-- Waiting on the weed to grow !
You could easily build what I have. No brand name. Ebay from China. It cost me $495. The samething on ebay is now $900. This is the 1 I got.

Keef This is how many scrubber sits now everybody just woke up



I still have to clean everything up and make it look pretty just wanted to make sure it was going to work first

your not cooling those lights?....... nice setup....... got plenty of room for more.
Bud, it is easy enough to connect the carbon filter to the light hoods and do both at the same time.
Gonna taste nasty Umbra !- Then plug up the wick !
The VG won't mix very good and will seperate !-- Take a look at EJ Mix-- They got a video !-- Which is one of the names for a special PG that doesn't even try to disolve the oil --it just suspends it in the solution -- NE is rocking it !
With store bought wax !-- He said it doesn't seperate !-- So I gotta give this one to one -- EJ Mix / Rosen hash !-- They got a microwave trick for mixing it !
the rosin hasn't clogged the vape pen at all. I've run more than a gram thru it.
I know !- Rosen Press oil shouldn't clog any faster than nicotine e-cig juice !-I'm not gonna cut the Rosen oil in half to get it to go thru the wick better !--We grow good weed and I want to replicate that weed in vape oil !--- I did my best with RSO and gave up !-- I had my eye on that CO2 extractor but I'm sold on the Rosen technique !-- I'm looking !--
Stood in front on metal brakes and presses many days !-- I see the machine !-- Nothing but heated plates and pressure !-- Then practice !- Probably much easier on your lungs Umbra than flowers or hash or anything U smoke !-- I think there is a place for this Liquid Weed !-- How about some Frosted Cherries or what ever it was called !-- Oregon Lemon ? -- Still need a smoke report !-- Fore I buy me some !
Checking in, ...long read today. 13 is casual like that...cool heads prevail, I would trust him with my back. Nice weather, got up to hold a safety meeting with the ol hippy today, he say's howdy Rose.
Cool Heads ? -- Glad U didn't include me in that Kraven !-- I'm way past that !-- Not many secrets about what Keef thinks about stuff !-- How did that EJ Mix working for U Kraven ?
It was an early Sunday morning. Sitting at a red light. Guy pulls up to my right at the light. He starts picking his nose. Digging for gold, lol. He had his index finger completely inserted into his nasal passage. I thought it was funny and started laughing at him. I mocked him by imitating his buried finger. He got out of his truck and tried to open my passenger door. I ran over his foot when the light changed.

you don't just jump out your vehicle and walk up looking for trouble in my neck of the woods......... don't even need a permit to conceal it right there next to you.
So nice you got to see him Kraven. Just ran out to the dispensary, I was the only female in there. A cute kid said to me... do they give senior citizens a discount? I said how the heck would i know.. he kinda gulped. I told him it was ok that he called me old, but that it was my generation that really started the love affair with pot..He was a fun guy.

More snow tomorrow.
Freaking Millennials
Rose,,did you pull out your AARP card to pay for stuff. :rofl:
Evening All
Rose I would take the discount if they offered.
Umbra made me laugh, You don't try to open doors here. Goes bad quick, Hope I get to run over a foot, I assume everyone is armed.
Everybody but the Toddlers are armed in Texas. :bolt:
Take a kids bicycle and he will shoot you. Lol
DD only lets Keef have one bullet at a time.
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