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That's a good reason to grow !-- it won't take much weed to recoup your expenses !-- I'll be back on track with my rotation soon after my RO water incident !- My goals when I started growing again was to supply household needs first and foremost !-- Next was to double that so I can learn to do these extractions !-- Then start putting up inventory for the end of prohibition !-- When prohibition ends everyone and they brother is gonna say they know everything there is to know about growing weed been growing all thier life !-- How could could someone document thier past grow experience and their contacts ! -- I walk in and tell them -- Hello - I be Keef - from the O.F.C. !
Gannt !- lWhen U grow enough and have an excess - Hippy got a red cement mixer - He be Master of Bubble Hash !-- Rosebud runs a Magic Butter Machine - Makes RSO , Cannabutter , Canna- lots of stuff !- Cuz up there in the free states they got THC Gummy Bears !-- We got lots to learn !--
Well it'll be awhile before I can afford a $60,000 Super Critical Hash O Machine !-- but !-- They got that 1 pound BHOgart Hash Oil Machine for $600 that'll recover most of the butane -- I'm figuring if I can master BHO Wax and or Shatter by the end of prohibition I can make just about anything anyone else can make !-- Take from the pharm to retail packaged product for Wholesale !--
imo edibles is a difficult part because the dose is hard to get right and the FDA is going to get involved sooner or later. Focus on flowers and concentrates.
If you eat a whole one, you'll learn quickly! Half of one wasn't a good experience for me. Takes a L O N G time to wear off, too.

Gummie bears...make you a dummie. Ate all, but the head, and like Hippie said, takes a long time to wear off. Maybe they gonna pass `em out again at this Cup. Be nice to have a few. Later.
Morning OFC, not much sleep last night, gave up...getting a bowl and cup of coffee, called in and told them I was taking off today. I'll probably get tired around noon today, sucks when you cant sleep.
Good morning Krav and the rest of the OFC. Sure does suck when ya can`t sleep. See , I got my 3 hours last night, so here I am, wide awake. So, all we can do is start the morning off the right way, the OFC way. And that means that it`s time for "Wake and Bake". Get a cup of coffee and a bowl and we gonna do it. "Wake and Bake" in Curmudgeonland.
Morning O.F.C.!- didn't sleep much either - then wake up and see on the weather channel we got something in the gulf !-- Help me with my math - I be 4 ft. above sea level !-- if there were a 4 ft storm surge with six ft breakers ?- Never mind it wouldn't matter , would it !-- U see an old man headed north with a fist full of clones -- that would be me !
Morning Umbra !- Flowers and extracts which ever brings the most return !-- I 'm gonna learn all about it !-- I got time !-- Sounds to me like this BHO would be a good goal !- --Be making some Shatter down at the beach one day soon !-
Depends on the market, Keef. Kids around here don't want anything to do with buds. It's wax/shatter or nothing. Go figure. Personally, it's the same buzz, so why bother going through all the added steps? The only thing I bother with refining is the popcorn buds and leaves. They all go to bubble hash.

Got a personal visit from Green Santa. Got some BIG ole plants! Gotta get 'em out in the pot pen quick. Thanks, Santa!
Wake and Bake: :2940th_rasta: The day has been quite all day. Just, surfing the net. :vap_bong__emoticon:
Anyone wanna get high ?-- Been laid up with pressure and pain in da face !- Managed to get out and get supplies but I had something to do that I didn't get done !-- Yoop check your e-mail !- So that Green Santa fellow been working ?-- Nice guy !--- I gotta get the Gloman to post pics of that T.E. Widow cross I was calling White Elephant !- White Elephant has already been used !- What about -- Tranquil Widow ?--He got a fine young lady !- Giggy got one !- Hear there may be some more around soon !-- and some more Tranquil Elephantizer too ? -- Yo Umbra - I want to be flexible and have the knowledge to produce what ever the market wants !-- In my mind if I can grow successfully in aero -- I got a basic understanding of ebb and flow and DWC and wouldn't hesitate if I needed to grow that way !- One day I'll get some of that FOX FARM dirt ya'll use and see what I can do in dirt !
Keef, I have talked to a few folks on other boards that have that wanted to find work in the canna industry. Most went to CO. 1 mentioned how truly bad the growers he met were, and he said something about how badly the plants looked. They told him, no one will ever see them, we will blast them with butane. So for some it is a way to cover up bad growing. Which imo will lead to bad bho as well.
True dat Umbra !- Am I wrong that there will always be a market for the best ?-- I might be an Outlaw but I got princibles !-- U got to be able to take pride in what U do !-- They want shatter ?- Shatter made from the T.E. ought to get they attention !-- Looks like we gonna have a side by side conparision of the Tranquil Elephantizer and the Tranquil Widow come fall !--
Got weather coming !- might get cut off from the mainland but we good !-- Got my emergency kit ready !- Weed , extra lighters , bag of decarb and empty caps -- Got a full tank of gas and my D.C. to A.C. inverter out !--- I'm good !-- it be Texas Flood part 2!
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