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Hippie can't slide nothing past U ! I was in no way suggesting breaking a rule ! Fact is the Nurse Larry Group found a way without breaking an M.P. rule !-- U would think they would be willing to share their solution to the problem ! Doesn't have to be but one link between the groups -- not the triad spider web we had at stalag 420 ! They kinda closed the door after the animals had already broke free!-- it has been a hoot interacting with the NLG as if I didn't know who they were ! Giggy - man U got to quit posting weather reports !-- I already have a general idea where ya at ! That just between U and me !
Hey guys I'm back on this logo for a hat or tee shirt thing !-- if someone with an artistic flares doesn't design it I 'll just get the the logo design team at one of the hat and tee shirt places to design it for us !-- I'm thinking an arc across the top saying Curmudgeland -- with a logo of Dadums burning one - under Big -- O.F.C. logo with room underneath for our user names ! Be making my first Cup one day and would like to be able to I.D. any of my peeps who might be there !
O.F.C. -- I have received my first spanking at M.P. -- it was too gentle to really be called a spanking !-- I was wrong and got a good talking to !-- I think I shoulda been banned for a few days myself !-- anyway to prove my humility -- I'm gonna ban myself for three days !! I promise when I return I will be a good boy and try not to pick on our moderators !-- See U guys Thursday morning for wake and bake !
Well it looks to me like I got 2 hermies. These 2 plants are in the new soil I picked up at the Cup. Not the least bit impressed with it. Supposed to be formulated just for MJ and no nutes need to be added for entire grow. The plants are about 1/4 the size of the ones in Sunshine #4. Tried to email the company once and voce my displeasure with their product, but it would not go through. I will try again. Let`s see if the pictures tell the story.
hermie #1 (first 4 pictures) hermie #2 (second 5 pictures)

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Yep, they both in that new sh#% I got at the cup. Only had enough to plant 3 pots. Got 1 male and 2 hermies in it. First hermies I`ve ever had.
Good morning Curmudgeonlanders. Wake and bake is late this morning, so let`s get with it. It`s wake and bake time. Get your coffee and your bowl and have at it. Peace.
morning yooper and the rest of the ofc. got my coffee. man i died around 8:00 last night and awoke at 4:00 this morning. i haven't slept like that in a long time. yall have a wonderful day.
Good morning all. yep I don't think I would use that dirt anymore. yesterday I went out hunting. Got rained on. Good thing I took my rain coat. Saw a monster buck. He was coming right for me. Then he scented me and turned around and ran off. But It was nice seeing him. When I got back to my quad, there was ice on my seat . Won't be long, it will be snowing .

Have you noticed how little the outdoor growers are posting? there busy trimming.
Good morning bozzo. A monster buck in sight the first hunt, very interesting. Gotta mean more hunting time. Yeah, we had a hard frost yesterday morning. You`re right about the outside growers, they be busy making scissor hash.
Yep, trimming and making bubble hash! Got three more to trim and God knows how many more batches of hash to make.

Yoop, which seeds were the hermies? I can believe you can't contact the soil people. Just for ships and giggles, I took out all the fliers that were handed to me at the Cup. Damn near every one was kaput. Lots of fly-by-night companies taking advantage of us poor old stoners.

I think Bozzo was the only one to make out at the Cup. He conned enough free T shirts to pay for his ticket in!:)
Good morning hippie. How`s the trimming` fingers holding out ? Don`t know how many tee`s he got, but I got 3. The hermies were 1 of each seed. Only common denominator was the dirt. Both of `em were only 1/4 the size of the girls in Sunshine #4.
Dr.O`s Universal Growing Medium, IMHO just plain sucks. Takes way too long to dry out.
Nice Nap !-- afternoon Wake and Bake !-- Surf's up !-- water temp 80 ish ! Air temp nice at 86 --nothing special just another day in paradise !-- Umbra - I'm a water farmer that feed the soil thing just doesn't apply to me !-- I take it U have some university horticulture schooling !-- The O.F.C. needs a go to dirt doctor -- save a lot of research and quessing !-- what do U think can U be the go to person for dirt problems ? I still haven't received my Nurse Larry seed !-- they musta got lost in the mail ! Just kidding !-- historically when two groups come together there is an exchange of gifts that bonds the two.groups into one ! That time is coming soon enough ! Hey !- Rosebud how's it going ? How goes the grow ? Thought about going back and reviewing your past post and exploits along with the whole Nurse Larry Group -- but U know I would rather get to know U guys as U are now with added responsibilities and stuff -- still hasn't been an introduction to the individuals in the group !-- how many already post on the O.F.C. I'm quessing -- 75% ? -- is that even close ?

I will try to answer any questions you have, and if I don't know, I will try and point you in the right direction. I have no formal training in horticulture. Its just a hobby. I have been growing cannabis since 1975 and have made every mistake you can make. Its just a lot of trial and error, and I have read lots of books.
5 years ago or so I got together with a few other members here for 420. First thing was an exchange of seeds, lol. I belong to a few other sites where they have a seed shop. Most have a freebie program when you purchase seeds. I have been giving away stuff as freebies for a few years.
Yopper that stinks about your hermies. That is a big fat drag. sorry.

Umbra, so good to see you.
She was a good healthy plant I share the pain Yoops
Good morning hippie. How`s the trimming` fingers holding out ?
To quote Ring Starr, "I've got blisters on me fingers!"

Got three more to go, and it'll be two after today. Got a big load of bubble done, with much more to go. I honestly couldn't smoke all this crop in five years, and I've still got half a dozen quart mason jars from my first grow two years ago, not to mention all the grows since then.

I'll be shifting into breeding mode this winter. Gonna start some from seed and let them go to seed. At four bucks a pop, I can't resist. Not sure what flavor I'm going to shoot for yet, but I've got a few ideas. I've also got the tent for a second project.

I'd really like to cross that Blue Mountain Jamaican with something that would bring the flower time down to something reasonable. Northern Lights worked for the Vietnamese Black, so I'm thinking it should work for the Jamaican, too. Still trying to figure out which males with which females.
it will be time to break out the flower power tower soon. it's a remake of the 70's ISO-2
will be making some RSO soon. this thing makes it easy and safe. I know of at least one person that has got burned making it on a stove. She was 80 year old cancer victim. I ran 2 batches last year when I got it. My plan is to get 60 grams put away for the future. Never know when It might be needed. I had to give a good friend all of those 2 batches. He has lung cancer and not long to live I'm afraid. They say that 60 grams is the treatment that is needed . That's how I came up with 60 grams. I have paper bags all over with trim . Lots of oil
Rosebud. You said you get all the ever clear out. It has to be pretty thick. How do you draw it up into the syringe? I get mine down to where I think any thicker would not be able to get it into the syringe. I'm not worried about a little booze .
The flower power tower is a cross between a coffee maker and a still. A neat little machine. I used one back in the 70's. I just had to have one. $500 price was high, but once buy a tool, you have it for a life time.
Bozzo, it is very hard to suck up the last syring. Using a small cup on a coffee warmer is how we finish. It is much easier to get it out of a small container. A coffee mug. I will be making some this fall along with a tincture Bwanabud told me about. So many people need it. I am using the last of last years and it is thick. But you push out a piece the size of a half a grain of short grain rice ...and there you go.

I have a friend with her third go round of cancer and she is only using the oil, no chemo. Man, i hope it helps her. She got our last syring. Good luck with yours. peace and love in rso.
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