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To quote Ring Starr, "I've got blisters on me fingers!"
LOL that wasn't Ringo, it was John that said that on the top of Apple Recording Studio during the filming of Let it Be.
n a mornming high to all,, i'm sittin here ith a case of the dam flu,, sware it hell when it's such a nice day out side, n can't do a thing but sneezy n cough even time i go outside,,, hope thatn ll my fello tokers r doing better
Yopper that stinks about your hermies. That is a big fat drag. sorry.

Thanks Rosebud. It sure does stink. I blame it on the new type of soil I tried. All 3 plants in it, I got a male and 2 hermies. First hermies I ever had. Gonna stick with my tried and true, Sunshine #4. The 2 hermies are 1/4 the size of the girls in Sunshine.
Just wasted some more time trying to contact the company that makes the new soil. Typed out all the info they wanted, along with a long email. Try to post it and everything deletes and says invalid entry. After a couple of times I gave up. No phone number, address is a P.O. box. All I can say is "Dr. O`s Universal Growing Medium" is NO GOOD for growing our beloved herb. Takes forever to dry out. Not good. Peace.
Breaking my self imposed ban to update my peeps -- I sneezed this morning and busted a blood vessel somewhere up in there somewhere !-- underneath -- my face is not like others -- within 15 minutes I had lost a cup of blood ! And it wasn't slowing at all ! Combat Medic, ex E.M.T. E.R. tech , surgical assistant -- mane I had to pull out all the stops before I bled to death ! Had to do something fast or bleed to death in the back of an ambulance !--- I ain't got time to die !!-- saved myself with the help of my trusty sidekick !-- there is one pic U guys will never see !-- That's Ole Keef with a playtex slender tampoon ( with extra absorbent pearls) stuffed so far up my nose U could see it thru my ear !--if it breaks loose again I have to go to the hospital and have it burned !!-- might be out of touch for a few days !!-- Listen to me my People !-- Take Care of Each other !-- We is all we got ! Take more than this to kill me ! Later
That sucks, Cuz. Sorry to hear about it.

Forgive me, but I got a mental image of you with a plug up your nose. I had to laugh, but it's really not a laughing matter. Guess it' the way you told it or maybe the scissor hash....

Anyhoo, knock off the bleeding stuff, OK? Don't need my peeps in a bad way.
Morning All !!-- since this is 48 hours with no sleep I think I qualify to open up this official Wake and Bake on this ( what day is it anyway ?). Nose seems to be behaving somewhat !- I know my head be somewhat pickled !-- Anyway, come on in the water's fine !-- I should probably apologize to my newer friends--- I've given some of U a hard time but understand -- if I didn't like U guys I wouldn't pick on U so much !! I've probably harrassed poor little Rosebud worst of all ! She's alright in my book ! There's just such a limit on my knowledge about how to push her bottoms -- Time to move on and find someone else to pick on ! Picked up a gallon of 91% isopropol alcohol yesterday --- got some stuff and things
morning keef and the rest of the ofc. leef i got two bowls of iso evapping as we speak. the first run looks really good, and i set the second run in the sun to turn it from green to red and smooth it out. i'll post some pics when i get it scraped up. everybody have a great day. peace
Yoop, is that the dirt ya bought at the Cup?

You gonna hack 'em or just pinch the balls off as they show up?

Yes, that is the dirt. Guess I gonna have to write `em a letter and tell `em how I feel. Don`t know exactly what to do with the hermies. Right now they reside in the basement along side the male. Never did this seed thing before. Do not know what way to go or do. Do I keep all 3 ? Are the hermies good for anything ? The male looks ready to spew it`s pollen all over. Help make up my mind my peeps.

Late to wake and bake this morning, gotta go for it.
good morning. hermie pollen makes hermie seeds. Kill the cross dressers. and toss that dirt way out back so it does not contaminate any good dirt.
If they were in my basement, I'd shake the male in a garbage bag and toss him in the oil/butter pot, and I'd just pinch the balls off the hermies. I would not breed the hermies, because as Bozzo said, hermies make hermies.
Don't worry about pollenating the garage gals. Just make sure you visit them first in the morning, and the downstairs bunch after, not the other way around.

That pollen will keep in the fridge for a few months until you figure out which female to pollenate. Just stick it in a small vial or a sandwich sized ziplock.
this is my Chernobyl . this one never got any sign of PM .Even though it was in the greenhouse that had PM on 3 other plants in it. your right Mr. Beemer. the Chernobyl is very high in mold resistance. This one got zero ,and the other one only got a slight case of it ,and has fought it off completely. I think all 4 plants in the greenhouse next year will be Chernobyl's. the 4th picture of the purple. I cut the tops off and left the bottom. It just wont die. Pretty Flowers.

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