Mentalpatient's White Berry Grow

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I like the " in a tree" idea ! good thing we are not exporting koala's yet (yet) !! coming along nicely mp.. the natural drying will improve the taste 100% not long to go now ! peace and all the best !
Haha you funny guy purple! Being in the trees is cool after a while, but when you're first going up in the branches, I tend to get kind of nervous that a branch might break under my weight or something.. Can be scary!

I'm expecting good things to come from this strain when naturally dried. Can't wait!
MeNtAlPaTiEnT said:
Haha you funny guy purple! Being in the trees is cool after a while, but when you're first going up in the branches, I tend to get kind of nervous that a branch might break under my weight or something.. Can be scary!

I'm expecting good things to come from this strain when naturally dried. Can't wait!
LOL ! yeah i thought i might try this tree growing as well and ummm well there ain't a lot of branches to hold on to when falling ! hxxp://
hum... tree growing
I hadn't ever thought of that one.
Your plants are looking sexy as hell Mental... waiting for them to fill in and the trichs to finish is the hardest dam part though...
Hey, just stopping by for a quick sec.





now you cant say when you look at that close
up that thats not blueberry x white widow. i can just
tell by the plant, it looks so bomb dude good job
Hey thanks don don, she's looking as beautiful as ever! Really starting to fatten up on me.

Unfortunately, some lights fell on some of the front colas when the lights turned off tonight. One branch is bending over completely now, but it didn't snap so it's fine. Smells great in the box now since the buds had a rumble with the lights. Hope it didn't mess with the potency too much on those buds.
so how do you get all your lights
to turn off together? with a timer?
if so how do you put all those bulbs and
chords into one timer
holy holy holy flying cows! that looks good! i envy your ganja farming techniques! great job on those plants mental and a superb pheno too!
thedonofchronic said:
so how do you get all your lights
to turn off together? with a timer?
if so how do you put all those bulbs and
chords into one timer
Yup, I use a standard timer. I plug all my lights into a power cord, and then the power cord into the timer.

Another unfortunate thing happened today.. The lights were all off about 4 hours into the light period. I wasn't too thrilled haha.

Hey cannabis037, thanks for the kind words! She certainly is a good pheno huh? Wonder how my next White Berry in line to be flowered is going to turn out!
Thanks for the kind words folks. Thinking of chopping her down soon and bringing my other WB lady in here to flower. She's already initiated the flowering cycle so I won't have to wait a couple of weeks to get her to start, so that's a bonus!

June 11

Here's some pictures to show how my lady is doing. Not as great of pictures as last time, but you get the jist of it :cool: .

One of the colas is severely bent over. It's laying against another cola to stay upright at the moment... The bar going across the box holding 3 of my lights decided it wanted to fall forwards onto my buds :(. I'm not too worried about it, plus it didn't snap the branch, just a little LST if you will..

Today she is at day 51 of flowering! I could harvest any day I want to! This makes me super happy. If I let her go longer, I know she will fatten up a bit more. As far as her potency... I think no matter when I harvest, she'll get me stoned that's for sure.

Took a few sample nugs 3 days ago, they are drying in a drawer at the moment. Thinking of microwaving a few tonight just to see what happens!









hey mental, just catching up on your journal.
Those cola shots up at the top of the page are sweet pic's man
you definitely need to post one of those for BPOTM!
Keep up the good work man, can't wait to see your harvest pic's next!!!
wow cool man there looking awesome man!
50 days in eh,not long to go,
did you get a scope yet,
i know all about waiting around for it to finish up,
but dont cut them too early you'll only miss out on potency and taste,
and you can always quick dry some to keep you going,
get that scope and check out the trichs,!
oh and ii would avoide the microwaving! its abit harsh,
try putting it at the back of your pc near the exhaust fan,or anywhere warm air is blown over the weed,
it makes for much smoother smoke, but it will still have all its chlorophyll,
which seems to give the weed a kinda minty taste,
im not a huge fan of it, but it still gets you stoned!!
June 13

Ok folks, she's down! A little bit of an early harvest at day 52, but things are good.

No pics tonight since I'm in a hurry. I can say that she weighed 362 grams wet. The main cola weighed a whopping 52.8 grams wet! That's all for now, happy growing!

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