Mystery Grow 2009

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Here we are at day 24.

Here are a few pics before I started to tuck the larger leaves under some of the younger shoots so those will grow out before these start to flower.



I think I will watch this grow as I am planning the same grow as soon as I can finish my bagseed grow. Looking great Vegs. :watchplant: :bong2:
im pulling up a chair! im thinking about tryn some lows myself. so heres some GREEN MOJO for you
I like that shade of green they are looking great at day 24
Thanks for the good wishes guys!

Here we are at day 29! The little tykes are looking good with no signs of sex yet. As you can see they are responding very well to the topping and nute schedule. I am crossing my fingers that these little ones will start showing me signs of gender here within a few days or so.



well they look great dude good luck getting ready for my Auto Ak47's just waiting for light. What was your nute sch?
Very interesting that your not showing signs of sex yet. My 4 lowryder #2 grows had shown sex by 20 days old all of them. I wonder if the topping postpones this or something. Not quite sure what to make of it.
Metalholic - I am still on the "Vegative Growth" stage. I use the General Hydroponics FloraGrow, FloraMirco and FloraBloom series of nutrients. Please note that I use about 70% less then what's listed below.

Quantity of each are based on 1 teaspoon per gallon and is whats listed on the back of each bottle.

Cuttings, seedlings: 1/4 Grow; 1/4 Mirco; 1/4 Bloom
General Purpose: 1 Grow; 1 Micro; 1 Bloom
Vegetative Growth: 3 Grow; 2 Micro; 1 Bloom
Transition to Bloom: 2 Grow; 2 Micro; 2 Bloom
Blooming Ripening: 1 Grow; 2 Micro; 3 Bloom

I'll be adding 1 teaspoon per gallon of the Kool Bloom during the floering stage up till the last week where I'll then go just plain water.

I am thinking the same thing Manel. Here we are at 32 days and no signs of sex yet. I just turned the lights back to 16/8 not that it is going to help nudge them into flowering...
I think the topping of them may haved stunted showing sex...usually they show it in week 2-3...IMO
I agree 100%! The plants are freaking out and stressing themselves with growing instead of flowering. I hope to see some promising news later tonight.

I hope they don't turn out to be hermies (or an increased male population) due to the stress of topping. =(

<crosses fingers>
Here we are at day 34 and no signs of sex yet! I guess I should not have topped this variety. But then again these little tykes are looking healthy.

We'll see how the buds form once they start to flower. =)


At day 34 I still don't see how topping can stop auto flowers. Where did you get your seeds? Also at this point if I were you I would hit the lights to 12/12 for a few days and see what you get. If you get sex showing after 12/12 then you didn't get auto flower seeds. I could be wrong but something doesn't quite sound right.
I agree something is not right and I can only assume the beans I ordered is what I received. I don't want to start bashing any one company due to my lack of knowledge on Auto flowering varieties. I got these from the site.

I found numerous boards stating their is no benefit from topping or LST'ng LR2 but none ever elude to the plants never flowering so I wonder if I totally screwed with this plants hormones. The light schedule has been switched to 12/12 to save whatever can be saved, if anything at all.
Not all is lost. You have damn fine plants growing under your ebb n flow. Seeds might have just gotten mixed up or something I don't know, but even if they turn out not to be auto flower your still going to have some killer plants. So not like its all lost or anything. Your looking real good you just might not have auto flowers. I'm sure any seeds you got from them are way better then any bag seed from anywhere else. Just let it ride and role with it your grow is still looking amazing.
I had the same siuation with an auto. Manel's suggestion to turn to 12-12 is good info. I thought my last plant(soil) was an auto ak but turned into a gigantic plant which I am unsure of its heritage. I think I might have mixed up some "normal" ak47's and that is what I am growing. For sure you do not have lr's which you do not have to do anything to but watch grow.:D 4 ur grow
You're right I should not have sounded so melancholy because I am sure there will be some killer nugs coming out this but I was really counting on this short schedule to line-up with my own activities. I wonder if these may be the free Mazar X Afghani seeds they have been giving away for free (although my package was marked LR2 while the Mazar X Afghani was not).
I have one confirmed female out of the 5 total as of this morning. I'm counting on these puppies lifting their skirts for a quick peek here in the next few days.

I am going to be changing the title of this grow to "Mystery Grow 2009" because I have no idea *** beans these fella's sent me! =) Thanks for all that participated. Maybe those that are interested can continue to follow this grow to help determine what variety I do have, if possible at all.
I don't know much about lowryder.. the plants look great, though. I am sure they will be some great buds when they are finished.. Don't fret it too much. Definitely keep us posted. Take care and be safe.

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