Treat's Tent Tales

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I think you are probably right.
From what others said it seems like I can wait till I flip the lights and see flowers for real to be sure? Is that right? Or can they somehow drop pollen in the pre-flower stage. Lights are currently on 23 hrs a day.

I keep an eye on it every day and there hasn't been much change in the past week.
Thanks for taking time to answer- much appreciated.
So the two plants that I did two days ago are suddenly showing quite a few red/purple stems.
Any ideas?
These are the only two plants who have this happening.
They are 55 days old and vegging away. Appear to be girls by the preflowers.
I'm still a total newbie and this is my first try with FIM.
Purple stems usually denotes a plant being slightly "agitated" Something isn't exactly right, but not gonna hurt ya much, either!
I just checked my second blueberry (short super stout little plant) and I think I see the dreaded "balls" everywhere.
Isn't it early for this?
I'm still a new grower and don't want to rip it out if I'm wrong. The older Blueberry @ 55 days still isn't showing that level of sex (pre-flowers).

Now my super newbie question of the day.
When using nutes (this is my first time) do I give this to the plants instead of a regular watering? Do I mix up 10 litres and water them with that instead of plain water?
Or do I mix some up and feed that in ADDITION to a regular watering? Like 150 MLS or so?

By the amount of growth on them - I think they are fine.
Can plants be "too bushy"?
Posting pics shortly

Well the young un's (Day 32) are starting to show sex.
Think I spotted a new boy and a new girl today.

Garden is going OK. Gave them some epsom salt spray yesterday since I don't have any cal-mag.

Still a lot of early leaf damage that I want to pull off- but I'm restraining myself.

Comments welcome.
tastyness said:
I just checked my second blueberry (short super stout little plant) and I think I see the dreaded "balls" everywhere.
Isn't it early for this?
I'm still a new grower and don't want to rip it out if I'm wrong. The older Blueberry @ 55 days still isn't showing that level of sex (pre-flowers).

Now my super newbie question of the day.
When using nutes (this is my first time) do I give this to the plants instead of a regular watering? Do I mix up 10 litres and water them with that instead of plain water?
Or do I mix some up and feed that in ADDITION to a regular watering? Like 150 MLS or so?

By the amount of growth on them - I think they are fine.
Can plants be "too bushy"?
Posting pics shortly

The plant showing at 32 days....are you sure it's not an auto? You have some autos going too and maybe it got mixed up? However, some plants do show that early.

Yes, a feeding is a watering. Do not mix up more nute solution than you are going to use.

I do not believe a plant can be too bushy.
There are more pictures in a post I made here in general growing with better pictures- the site doesn't let me post the same one twice.

The two autos look very similar and not at all like the blue which does kind of resemble the other blue- but I could have mixed them up!

Actually three plants in this group have sexed now. Two boys- 1 girl.
Wow- can't wait to see what happens when I really give them food. Last grow was a modified masscocobuckets run and I was using coco nutes that I just mixed into each watering.
I know that overfeeding and over watering can be big traps for newbies like me.
If bushy is good we are in for a treat. I've got one where the internodes are like 1/2 in apart. Barely peeping over the edge of the grow bag and already at 6 nodes and ready to be FIM'd.
I thought I would ask a bunch of you for ideas.
I hate this title and know if I ask real nicely for a new title one of the moderators might be able to change it for me.

Tasty's Tent Treats came to mind Or
Tasty tries Tent - Film at 11:00
Winter Wonderland (cause temperature has been biggest challenge)

If I could indulge in a nice hit I'm sure I could come up with better.
So light one up for me and think good thoughts.
LOL yes, THG or another moderator can change your title if you ask nicely . . . doing a great job girl, be patient . . . we have our chairs pulled up and are watchin you go

With a screen name like tastyness :icon_smile: you have alotta material for good thread titles !!!
Ahhh- Dan Patience.... not one of my stronger virtues.
Here is the sign I had to post in my grow room.

After all the plant has gotten along fine without me for a long time!
Fun to have on-lookers, discovering a bit of my exhibitionist side. :eek:


Here is the round up-
It's been a bit of a crazy week. Lots of the little ones decide to show their sex, dealing with a bit of a cal-mag problem which looks to be resolving. I may have some issues with the two Kushes. They've really gone downhill in the last few days. These plants probably should have been given much more food!
So this is almost a pure H2O grow you see in these picks.
Sex update: 14 plants ( 3 were from fem seed) rest from reg.
Girls: Kush1, Kush2, BBA1, BBA2, BCD1, BCD4,
Boys: Blueberry BOTH, BCD2,
Unknown still: All three WCD and BCD3

Enjoy the picks. And check out the internodes on BCD3 - I've nicknamed it Hanging Basket because it thinks it wants to be hanging outside. Reminds me of pansies.

BCD3 aka hanging basket.JPG

BCD3 under the skirt.JPG

BCD3 nodes.JPG



BCD1 (2).JPG

BCD1 growth.JPG


BCD3 Internodes.JPG



White Rhino.JPG
Hit my 12 pic limit... here is the rest of the crew


WCD1 growth.JPG



Big Band Auto (BBA1).JPG


Big Band Auto (BBA2)-2 wks younger.JPG

Wondering about when to flip. Thinking next week, which would be six weeks from when the beans went in the ground. My two older kushes will be on week 8.

I know alternating nodes are considered key. Do I need to see this on main stem, only seeing it on branches. See pic.

Is preflowering any indication, or does that just happen during the two week "pre-flowering" period. Some do, some don't?

And lastly some plants have large nodules where branches meet stem. Can someone tell me more about these. Does it mean anything? Why some plants not others?

Off to practice cloning now, going to hone my skills on the boys cause I don't care if they live or die! I knew those boys would come in handy for sumptin'

alternating nodes.JPG

How often should I be feeding them.
I've got three that are 56 days old- the rest are 36.
using supergrow (mostly guano based 10-10-2) and I have organic compost tea that I love as well. No idea what it's NPK is.

I fed them two days ago and they've gone crazy growing. They'll need water today and not sure if I should give them food with that or not.
Wow lotsa nice pictures, tasty !! :icon_smile:

First off, you have a real uhhh . . unconventional media/nutrient setup lol . . . you got soil, with coco mixed in, topped with hydroton, and you're feeding it organically . . . quite creative !! If you shred a bit of rockwool in there and stick the whole thing in a DWC bucket, you'll have them all !! :D

Hey, it may very well work famously !! . . . but I think you will hafta watch them carefully and use your observation and intuition to give the girls a steady supply of nutrients. If you're watering say every 3-4 days or twice a week, maybe try one watering with your nutes in it and the next one with just water/epsom salt . . . alternate back n forth . . .

Is your water from a well ?? If so, how hard is it ?? Is it municipal, RO, distilled ?? What's the pH right outta the tap ?? These factors make a difference too . . .

another observation . . . you have a few plants that are over 20" and several that are 8-10" . . . you might consider fimming the tops out if the taller ones now and let the shorter ones catch up, so that your canopy doesn't get lopsided

really some good looking specimens, keep up the good work !!

jm2c :48:
Dan- Thanks as always for the quick response. Love your sense of humor. And the encouragement is much appreciated.
I was thinking of alternating the water/feed as well.
My last grow attempt was in MASSCOCO buckets and I loved it. But couldn't get coco here and didn't want to hold up starting my grow. Then was able to get some and figured mixing it in with my dirt would be the way to go.
The hydroton trick I read in a book so I thought I would try it. Figured it can't hurt.
Tap water is municipal- comes in at about 7.2.
Big one were FIM'd about a week ago. I've just been keeping the small girls up on buckets for even canopy and the bigger ones nearer the edges of the tent. Little girls were FIM'd 3 days ago.
Generally speaking, we see alternating nodes before we see preflowers. If your plants are showing preflowers, they are ready to flower any time you want to flip them. However, if you just fimmed them, you may want to veg a bit longer and let it recover a bit.

I have some concerns about the hydrotron in your soil. I read somewhere not long ago that this was not a good practice and detrimental--I'll see if I can dig up where I read it and see if it has any validity or is just an anecdotal story.
That would be great. What I read was that it helped with two things:
1. Less disturbance of roots when watering. I have noticed this.
2. Keeps moisture and helps prevent top layer of soil from drying out.
Please let me know what you find out.
They are PH neutral right? So I didn't think they would have a negative impact.

PS: Thanks for fixing the thread title- much obliged.

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