White Widow, Big Bud, Easy Sativa, Power Plant, Skunk

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Also on that meter....when I calibrate mine I calibrate TWICE with pH 7.01 solution (Sometimes I pour a new cup full for the second measure, but I usually use the same). You can Calibrate our meters with 4.01 AND 7.01 but its not REAL necessary. What I do is this:

1. I swirl the pH meter in RO water just to try and clean off the probe.
2. Then I setup calibration. Like the manual says from pH mode hold power button on meter until "cal" shows up in lower screen. When "cal" shows up in screen release power button and then the screen should say," 7.01 USE"
3. Stand the meter up in calibration solution and let go if it !!(balance it upright...it's easy on level surface). *****A quick note here...that little cup on the top of Nyquil is a GREAT cup to calibrate with and its plastic so you don't get any of the cross over hindrance from glass. Be sure and clean it well with tap water***** Now that the meter is stood up in cal solution stand back and watch the lcd. When the lcd says "4.01 USE" press the power to return to the measurement (this whole time leave that meter in solution!)

After you hit power leave the meter in solution and step back and watch that meter .... probably 7 out of 10 times it will immediately start drifting up and up ...that's a sign of inaccurate calibration.....so DO IT AGAIN.

Take meter out of solution and start at step 2. Follow steps with same solution (the pH solution is buffered so it won't change drastically in those five minutes, sometimes I'll pour new pH 7.01 solution). In step 3 when the screen says "4.01 USE" hit power button to exit to pH measurment mode (all the while leaving meter in solution) and watch that pH stay smack dab on ~7.01 for good. Try it...it works well for me...I calibrate my meter after I clean it about every 2-3 weeks. I love that baby.
Also, if you haven't been, let that meter warm up before you throw her in the main res. You wouldn't want coach putting you in the game cold. Before you take your main pH/ppm reading from your res, stir the solution up and fil that cough syrup cup with some of your res water. Turn your meter on put in that small bit of res solution and go do something else for a few...like hit the dugout ( I don't know why but I'm still on the sports analogy but somehow smoking too). When you come back a couple minutes later your meter will be ready to give an accurate and quick reading in the res. NO more standing there your arms getting all cramped and tired while the pH meter drops SLOWLY from 8.5 to 6.5!!! Also, Between measurements of different solutions swirl the meter briefly in a small measuring cup of the solution TO BE measured.
Well, my friend, if you weren't already, you are now a doctorate in meterology.
yea dude. i know what you are saying about the PH. it adjusts like crazy, i guess i didnt realize it was normal. i re calibrated the fine instrument twice and it appears to be better.. im thinking about exchanging it tmr any, i think it may just be funny.. but it does seem to help. (it still drifts 10th points + & -. whatev. it is what it is.

update on the babies... transplanted the k2, silver pearl, and two purple power plants before i ran out of room. im going tomorrow to get more pots.. so i can fit the rest of the purple power and white widow in. i can fit 49 in here, and thats what i plan to do! ill flower clones and clean it up in a couple months. but heres some shots of an almost full 4x4 tray.. i tagged everything, as you can see theres a good amount of bagseed, and finally were getting some good strains in there. let me know if anyone wants to see the full 10megapixel pictures.. these are cut down to 4x of what the originals are!

also, i decided to buy some BIG BUD (i only have one seed) some TOP 44, and some THC Bomb.. Those should be arriving any day. I bought em from hxxp://www.marijuana-seeds.nl/ I got mine last time from these guys in 4 days. The k2 purple power white widow and silver pearl took about a week and a half to get from the site i ordered em from.



Cheat Sheet For Y'all

** = Bagseed
BB = Big Bud
ES = Easy Sativa
CL = Crystal Limits
K2 = K2
PPP = Purple Power Plant
SP = Silver Pearl
WW = White Widow
T44 = Top 44
Well its been a few days since these guys were documented so i thought id show some change. I added super thrive about 34-36 hours ago and WOW. they really look off.

take a look at my yellow tips, im assuming this is due to nute overage? I tried bringing the PPM's up over 800 and it looks like i may have gotten a few of the weaker ones.

CHECK OUT THE STEMS ON SOME OF THESE!!!!! THICK THICK THICK!! Unbelievable. Extremely thick stems. Its amazing how a fan, on high will really strengthen those stems up as much as they are. Its definitely incredible.

Potus, definitely seeing what you mean about the algea and what not. I just got done cleaning out my whole system and the algea growth was TREMENDOUS. Im quickly in the process of figuring out what in the world im going to do about that. Im thinking about getting some of that stuff you add to the water thats supposed to combat it... what do ya think?

How do they look guys?! What can i do to improve em?










The the babies are growing up.

We've had a few problems to overcome and get by. Overall i think were doing alright. The plants that were once one week behind now dont seem so. Were waiting on 5 more Big Buds, 5 more THC Bomb, and 5 more Top 44's to sprout. They germinated in a day and 1/2 and most of them have sprouted! Im super stoked to get these babies going...

Im going to start working on the project of figuring out what im going to use for flower... Im thinking a ebb and flow bucket system with a huge res. I know a lot of planning is going to have to go into this one and it wont be easy!

Anyways, how to the babes look guys? I think we have some issues with them drying out or something as the ones with upwards curling leaves are right by the fan... which is like a storm wind. haha

Anyways... i present for your viewing pleasure...






wow, quite the setup ya got goin...ill have to go back and check out the details. lookn great
coming along quite nicely. these are 1 mo old. of course the little little ones are just about 9 days old. those are the 4 big bud, 5 THC bomb, and 5 top 44.

judging by the size of em when can i take clones and figure out which ones are females?!!





If it were me i would do it anytime now. But then again I've only on my first grow. But from what I've read they would be fine.
Im going assume that these are the males and females....

someone just double check this for me, only reason im not sure is because its ONLY BEEN A MONTH!! and they're already showing sex!!! haha!







Here's my assessment:

Pic1: Male
Pic2: Male
Pic3: Male
Pic4: Female
Pic5: Female
Pic6: Female
Pic7: Female
Pic8: Female

Congrats on the females. :)
yea,them first 3 pics are definitly males.congrads on the ladies

In the flower tray, if you were to split it down the middle, everything on the left is confirmed female, as well as two right now on the right are confirmed females for sure.

hows the height for the flower lights? i have em set on 12 12 now and im letting the other ones in the veg area get a tad bigger. do you think a 1000watt will run that 8ftx4ft tray sufficiently?

anyone have experience with using super thrive throughout the entire grow?!






Great looking stuff my friend. You're doing things the right way and I like that. Like they say, "Go big or go home!" Haha, and stay safe!!
Well an 8 x 8 tray is 64 sq feet.

Average 1000Watt HPS's are 130,000.

Thats 2,000 lumens/sq ft. So no. Doesn't sound like enough to me.
Is that tray 8x8, the one in the pic is rectangular....looks 8x2 or 3. In that case I think the 1000 is plenty. Good luck man.

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