3rd grow 4 strains of autos in a tent 1000w

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wow ham so you were able to net an avg. of aroud 2 o's a plant dry with your snowryder auto's??
sundancer245 said:
wow ham so you were able to net an avg. of aroud 2 o's a plant dry with your snowryder auto's??

Yes...The RRF packed more bud on but the snowryders were not that far behind...1.5 ounces to a lil more then 2 dry... the RRF was consistently at better then 2 ounces per plant... then only one that did not hit the 2 ounce mark was the one that had the weird spider web/cotton looking thing happen to the main cola... I had to chop that and get rid of it...if not for that it wld hve been over 2 ounces dry as well...
wow :shocked: thats alot more than i thought could be netted from an auto based on what i have read...i was shooting very low on expectations for our first grow, being new, and from what id read on them for yield i thought wed be doin good if we could net maybe a 1/2 per plant dry, i am gonna run an hps so hopefully if i do things right we do ok :aok:
sundancer245 said:
wow :shocked: thats alot more than i thought could be netted from an auto based on what i have read...i was shooting very low on expectations for our first grow, being new, and from what id read on them for yield i thought wed be doin good if we could net maybe a 1/2 per plant dry, i am gonna run an hps so hopefully if i do things right we do ok :aok:

Good luck Bro...Big pots and lots of HID lighting are the key...and a good strain of course...:)

In the future I want to grow the RRF in hydro and see how much the yield increases....
thanks dude...just looking and learning at the moment...figure thats the thing to do then try to apply it to the best of my abilities
speaking of hydro.... i was flippin through an old CC issue, and saw this bucket a guy made up. i think its a perfect concept for autos.

he used a 5 gal bucket. took a lid from a rubbermade container, trimmed to fit and hot glued it into the 5 gal bucket, so as to divide it into two separate chambers. he then filled once side with all perilite and added only water to this side. on the other side, his soil mix. but in doing this he was able to double the amount of nutes he fed his plant, w/o any signs of nute burn. he had grown the strain before and it topped out around 1000 ppm, but he was feeding them 2000.
oh--and he cut a 4 inch square out of the piece of plastic glued in the bucket. after filling with medium he set a 4" rockwool cube in the middle of the bucket where the notch was and topped off the medium.

i want to try this idea adapted to a DWC on each side. one water, one ferts. should be great for autos seeing as it may be hard to determine the timing of when they flower to switch nutes. combined with the fast growth of DWC, with lights on 24/7 i wonder how much you could squeeze out of a plant....
Hamster you make us all want to grow autos...well all of the people in my head want to grow them anyway.
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." Socrates

stonedrone said:
Hamster you make us all want to grow autos...well all of the people in my head want to grow them anyway.

Thanks for the compliment stonedrone...oh and those voices are in your head to huh...................:)
Okay well I guess this grow is kinda done....that kinda makes me sad because it was loads of fun....I just weighed up the dry bud from the two itty bitty White Dwarfs and it was 18.4 grams dry... The yield sucks but that is my fault for using a shallow planter to grow them in...but I must say what it lacked in quantity it made up for in potency...The smoke off these is way stronger then my first grow with them...I hve yet to put this stuff in the vape for fear of going into a couch lock coma...I loaded a small bowl of this in my bong last week and there is still some left...me and the wife hve smoked the RRF and snowryder in the vape and then capped off the night with 1 small hit of this from the bong and that is followed by sleep in 5 to 10 minutes later...I swear I feel like I am melting into my bed and becoming part of the comforter...

The only plant I hve left from this grow is the Pakistan Ryder...and it does not even know it is an auto...it shld probably be done flowering by now but it has not even begun...I am going to put it in my attic for 12 hours of dark time everyday and see if it starts budding up....

So in summation what hve I learned from this grow??
Well first off is that Russian Rocket Fuel is one hell of an Auto strain followed closely by SnowRyder...also I learned that Short Stuff is a waste of time unless you hve a very small grow area like a PC grow box...also learned was that Pakistan Ryder is not a stable auto strain....it's a pain in the *** to germ and grow and then it rewards you with a slap in the face when it refuses to auto flower....:)

And the biggest thing learned that I can apply to my future auto grows is that if you want big autos with big yields then use deep big pots.....:D

I might update this Journal when and if the Pakistan Ryder flowers....or I might just do a side journal...

I want to thank everyone for their support and I appreciate you guys popping in and seeing what has been going on...My seedlings in my current grow are getting bigger so I must focus my attention and energy to that grow...I hope you all will pop in on that one from time to time....
cool beans bro..def. will check out any and all other GJ you do! Here is some GREEN MOJO!!!
Thanks to this journal, RRF is on my future list of seeds to buy. I'd love to grow a batch of those ladies under my hps. Or maybe throw a couple where there's space among the bigger plants. The strain has shown that it's more than willing to grow big and potent buds. If the local seed bank doesn't have it, I'll probably end up ordering a few (or many) of them.

Congrats ham on a job well done so far! I hope that Pakistan ryder exceeds your expectations in the end.
uptosumpn said:
cool beans bro..def. will check out any and all other GJ you do! Here is some GREEN MOJO!!!

Thanks Bro....much appreciated...:)
MeNtAlPaTiEnT said:
Thanks to this journal, RRF is on my future list of seeds to buy. I'd love to grow a batch of those ladies under my hps. Or maybe throw a couple where there's space among the bigger plants. The strain has shown that it's more than willing to grow big and potent buds. If the local seed bank doesn't have it, I'll probably end up ordering a few (or many) of them.

Congrats ham on a job well done so far! I hope that Pakistan ryder exceeds your expectations in the end.

Thank you Mental....I know you will like the RRF's....
A pic of my Pakistan Ryder...nice and bushy with female hairs showing for weeks now but it will not auto flower.... IMG_0258.jpg

I am going to start it on 12/12 light schedule today and see what happens in a week or two...
Hamster Lewis said:
A pic of my Pakistan Ryder...nice and bushy with female hairs showing for weeks now but it will not auto flower....View attachment 133510

I am going to start it on 12/12 light schedule today and see what happens in a week or two...

that sir is a nice plant
eastla_kushsmoka said:
that sir is a nice plant

Thanks Bro...she is real purty.... but will be a sexy lil beast if I can get her to flower.....:)
thats a trip that it wouldnt auto flower....i hope none of my ak-47 do that lol hope it takes off for ya under 12/12 ....its a nice looking plant for sure..nice size :hubba:
sundancer245 said:
thats a trip that it wouldnt auto flower....i hope none of my ak-47 do that lol hope it takes off for ya under 12/12 ....its a nice looking plant for sure..nice size :hubba:

You shld be fine...this strain is known to hve problems..I don't think they stabilized it well enough...ak-47 is very stable from what I hve read...
Here is a pic of my last plant from this grow...she has been on 12/12 for 4 days now and I hve not noticed anything yet....

I had an interesting thought last night when I was high as hell from hitting the vape....:) Since this plant does not conform to the laws of autos in that it will not flower automatically and it seems to not be on a shortened life span...what wld happen if i cloned this plant? The only trait I am really interested in is it's short stature...if I took say 6 clones from it and then vegged them for a cpl weeks then flowered them I cld keep this lil girl as a mini mother....anyone think it wld work?


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