Community By The Fire thread, Come be with friend and be warm,

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Sorry for me avetar change pilgrems not tryin to brag er nothin but I be tryin to change me avetar to somethin else then found out I lost the ability to post me own pics rather I need to stick with site approved ones. Talkt to Mr Hick in a pm and he said he be lookin into it so I gots to stick with these here ones. I hope I gets me face back soon folks sorry.

Cmon, we dig you with or without the pic. Your posts are what make you cool (that and being a Canadian man).
YYZ Skinhead said:
Cmon, we dig you with or without the pic. Your posts are what make you cool (that and being a Canadian man).

Be Lovin yual too babygirl ;) LoL Yual warmin me fire!

Time4Plan-B said:
Can i ask you a question BWD?
Are you the police.

Yup! Yual got me ;) !!! Im police!!! Lmfao!!! I gets chased my MNR more then I do leos! Why yual ask ifin I may ask ya?

Maybe because no one talks like you type? Maybe I mean no one who types talks like that?

Just saying.
tcbud said:
Maybe because no one talks like you type? Maybe I mean no one who types talks like that?

Just saying.

Ok so what yual want me do to make yual likin my fireside talk like the guy from the fancy mustard commercial, how does it go? "Pardon Me But do you have any Grey Poopon" Dont knows what to tells ya, I be who I be reckon I stay that way ifin yual dont mind and ifin yual do I be movin my trails elsewhere as I aint here to cause yur firesides any uncomfort pilgrem.

Im sorry BackWoods, enjoy yourself and your fire. I should never have posted that, even though I wonder at your way of turning a phrase.
I enjoy the BWD posts...Keep the fire going my Back wood drifter
Thanks folks! Thinkin I be mentionin this here topic in past. I aim to be different cause i am different and ifin yual come across different folk whos difference aint to matchin yurs then yual have the right to keep walkin past and keeps yur difference different from those yual find different cause we all just that different and some difference dont mix rather become indifferent. I be who I be true to me and ifin my fire warms yur blood little to much well guess yu could always move yur stump back from the heat reckon. I mean no disrespect to any pilgrem here cause ya know what? At the end the day there are folks here we only know by screen name and how they portray self here on line, who they be and what they be in real life is also left to imagination. I reckon I have made friends here and have also gots to undernieth skin like Mr. Mountainman wasent me intention its just how ones trail winds up. Every step we take long our chosen trail going to lead to good as well as bad its up to the individual to either stay the course of trail or leave to another better suited. I walk this one and hope all who crosses it be friend but the reality of it will be it wont happen this way cause to ever pond somethin will cause a ripple in the end we enjoy the days were it sets like mirror but deal with the ripples as they come. I hope friend folk here understand I do not conform to nothin nor no one I am who I like to be and ifin I aint to folk yu like then I guess we all lose friendships and good company fireside. I ain to keep good company and leave not so good company alone as they walk there own trails here as well as in life. Thanks to those who dont judge me here but as I said to earlier I have been to other web trails similar and met with some ignorant folk who would not take time to gets to know and understand just who I be, so I left those trails and now walk this one for how long, well I leave that up to firesides warmth.

Tc i was thinking the exact same but have to admit BWD is a more than welcome addition to our close knit community
Hey BWD i just read the above post and man i dont suffer fools easily and have few real friends but i can lay hand on heart and say ive never come across such a likeable person online as you so iffin yall dont mind ill settle up bye youll campfire.
Yual debate me membership and be mighty interestin to see resault? I am to just stay friend to all, even you just to sit fireside and not be judged ?

Respect to all

Come on by my journal (my fire) BWD, I am sorry for my words. I cant be any clearer.

Enjoy the Independence Day Celebration in your neck of the woods.
Time4Plan-B said:
Tc i was thinking the exact same but have to admit BWD is a more than welcome addition to our close knit community
Hey BWD i just read the above post and man i dont suffer fools easily and have few real friends but i can lay hand on heart and say ive never come across such a likeable person online as you so iffin yall dont mind ill settle up bye youll campfire.

Yual made me tear up bit pilgrem cause most folk dont warm by fire the same way. Thankin yual friend yur true understandin.

Time4Plan-B said:
Tc i was thinking the exact same but have to admit BWD is a more than welcome addition to our close knit community
Hey BWD i just read the above post and man i dont suffer fools easily and have few real friends but i can lay hand on heart and say ive never come across such a likeable person online as you so iffin yall dont mind ill settle up bye youll campfire.

Thank you friend cause yual seem to be only understandin, Ifin I had ability to need my fellow man be true to accommidate.

We live by our needs soon comin, hope all learn the way to live free and safe.

tcbud said:
Come on by my journal (my fire) BWD, I am sorry for my words. I cant be any clearer.

Enjoy the Independence Day Celebration in your neck of the woods.

No worries tcbud sometimes folks quick to judge or cast stone before realy truly understandin that for which they fear. I aint here to cause grief to folk rather cause a feelin of warmth and a feelin of belonging cause in a world were yual dont feel niether be a cold cold fire with no warmths to embrasse yu can cause folk to feel lonely. I live for the most part lonely as its my choice and Im good at it but most folk arnt so I extend my cyber hand by fire and gesture all those feelin cold to set be warm with friends only to side. Yual are friend tcbud and feel yual good inside and thats all it takes for making good fireside company, set anytime yu like.

Yaaaa!!!!1 Im back LOL yual be pullin me color and taken me trophy way and I gets to have my face and personal choice of avtar back!!! Seem like good trade deal done thanks for the hounor gain but I do like me own avtar reckon better. Yual need to figure it out Mr Hick sommethin weird there pilgrem. But Im back and happy bout it maybe checkin with YYZ and be seein ifin she changes her avtar ifin she be gettin glitch too dont know might help yual track bug in yur systems forest. Good luck and thanks gain.

Well just cause I aint sittin to it all the time reckon yual can keep this thread live with chat about yurselves ;) Anyways pilgrems cant be sayin much cause it aint all way down river yet but somethin good comin my ways and ifin it gets to camp in good ways thinkin seeds be on the back woods ;) My lucks be changin aint thinkin be settin bottom much longer. Anyways didnt want to be startin some dumb thread bout it and reckon this be way I started thisin here one to keep the fires of friendship glowin.

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