Community By The Fire thread, Come be with friend and be warm,

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Amateur Grower said:
BWD, I've got you pictured at about 170 pounds-and you're eatin' fat???

AG :)
Elk can be a bit long in the tooth without it.. Nothing worse than dry chewy elk meat :( Alas, nothin' a good wrap of thick cut bacon won't cure ;)
Amateur Grower said:
BWD, I've got you pictured at about 170 pounds-and you're eatin' fat???

AG :)

I wish pilgrem LMAO ifin I was 170 that put me back in high schools bout grad time reckin lol. Think last time I be findin one those scales things to friends bathroom floor I be sneakin to knows and think I tipped the scale be bout 220 guess. Me moms says I be built like a brick shat house though all the shat houses I ever be seein made of wood. I dont know bout I feel healthy be the main thing. As for crab and other tasty things yual be talkin makin me hungry. Be happy to swap grocieries from other sides. Thanks for offerin ;)

Man, I sure do miss the Louisiana gulf coast seafood. Been away from there for 6 months now, and the seafood where I'm at now is nowhere close to it.

BWD - I grew up in the bayous of south Louisiana, near the atchafalaya basin. I've still got a camp down there that I wish I could spend more time at. We grew up cane farming and marsh/swamp hunting. Growing up in a small town like that, nearly the whole town was family land in one way or another. I'm getting off topic, so here's my point. I grew up with a dude that reminds me a lot of you
Or you remind me a lot of him. Whichever. Taught me how to hunt gators and not die, which is the only way to be successful at it. A little older than me and a thick bayou accent, which is what I hear when I read you. I reckon you're more of a woods person, I think mountains of WV or something similar, but I still hear his voice when I read you and it makes me smile.
'ranger.. I worked with a self proclaimed "coonass" from the LA bayous back in the mid 70's. He worked the derrick on a drilling rig, I the floor.
He used to tell me..."Climb' dat ladda'... and puuuull yo' knife... We' fight this out like MEN!!!"... :hubba:

I'm an old rig hand myself. Electrician here though. Till I found out the office people make some real nice money without the trips offshore. 10 years on rigs here.

I know many a coonass just like you described.
TheKlonedRanger said:
Man, I sure do miss the Louisiana gulf coast seafood. Been away from there for 6 months now, and the seafood where I'm at now is nowhere close to it.

BWD - I grew up in the bayous of south Louisiana, near the atchafalaya basin. I've still got a camp down there that I wish I could spend more time at. We grew up cane farming and marsh/swamp hunting. Growing up in a small town like that, nearly the whole town was family land in one way or another. I'm getting off topic, so here's my point. I grew up with a dude that reminds me a lot of you
Or you remind me a lot of him. Whichever. Taught me how to hunt gators and not die, which is the only way to be successful at it. A little older than me and a thick bayou accent, which is what I hear when I read you. I reckon you're more of a woods person, I think mountains of WV or something similar, but I still hear his voice when I read you and it makes me smile.

Mighty happy i be bringin yual upper twitch to yur face pilgrem. Be a smile all it takes sometimes to take the sharp outa life fur sure. Hope yual find time to spend fireside here time to time. Folk like yual with life exsperinced and life teached make for folk with smarts as well as wisdom. Folk like yu and Mr Hick here have been down trails most would probably turn and run from. Hard life out there be had by some, many as a matter to fact. I lived hard in certain ways as a young man and now I live hard in the northern parts of good old Canada but its a hard I love and choose because its were I find myself home. Be a friend to any folk walks into camp and sets fireside but in truth I dont go lookin for folk cause I likes me peace and quite and dont like allot of bagage and the dramas most folk bring. Guess I be weird to most normal to some but mainly me to me and thats what counts mostly. Glad to have met yual and hope to see yual round threads often pilgrem. Much abliged to have yual fireside.

BackWoodsDrifter said:
Mighty happy i be bringin yual upper twitch to yur face pilgrem. Be a smile all it takes sometimes to take the sharp outa life fur sure. Hope yual find time to spend fireside here time to time. Folk like yual with life exsperinced and life teached make for folk with smarts as well as wisdom. Folk like yu and Mr Hick here have been down trails most would probably turn and run from. Hard life out there be had by some, many as a matter to fact. I lived hard in certain ways as a young man and now I live hard in the northern parts of good old Canada but its a hard I love and choose because its were I find myself home. Be a friend to any folk walks into camp and sets fireside but in truth I dont go lookin for folk cause I likes me peace and quite and dont like allot of bagage and the dramas most folk bring. Guess I be weird to most normal to some but mainly me to me and thats what counts mostly. Glad to have met yual and hope to see yual round threads often pilgrem. Much abliged to have yual fireside.


What you smoking tonight BWD? For that matter, what's everyone smoking? I've got a big fat joint of some Pineapple Chunk I'm working on.

Amateur Grower said:
What you smoking tonight BWD? For that matter, what's everyone smoking? I've got a big fat joint of some Pineapple Chunk I'm working on.


Pipin to the northern light X G13 be well tailerd fur the north for my pouch. How about yual friend AG what yual put to pipe tonight partner? Hope all is well yur trail a walkin to night.

Hick said:
'ranger.. I worked with a self proclaimed "coonass" from the LA bayous back in the mid 70's. He worked the derrick on a drilling rig, I the floor.
He used to tell me..."Climb' dat ladda'... and puuuull yo' knife... We' fight this out like MEN!!!"... :hubba:

Nice pick pilgrem ifin I was standin there be hard shot not to take! Did yual take it?

BackWoodsDrifter said:
Nice pick pilgrem ifin I was standin there be hard shot not to take! Did yual take it?


....only the "camera" shot bwd..:) me n the grandson were eating lunch during turkey season a few weeks back, and he just came trotting over the hill and right up to about 40 yards before he spotted the horses.
Smoking on the OG (of course)and gearing up for the day's work, we WILL get this greenhouse done today....I hope! :D :ciao: all!
Hick said:
....only the "camera" shot bwd..:) me n the grandson were eating lunch during turkey season a few weeks back, and he just came trotting over the hill and right up to about 40 yards before he spotted the horses.

Woulda filled freezer nice though ifin yual had ;) Oh well least yual knows hes out there fur the season, good luck the hunt my pilgrem friend.

YYZ Skinhead said:
BWD congrats on winning MVP. :joint: :headbang: :guitar: :banana: :vap_bong__emoticon:

Much abliged pilgremess ;) Thanks fur being my fireside.

Howdy folks..

Listen be gone maybe few days maybe not ifin I can help it. Got all tore up workin today, wife be wantin me to town for hospital but said I be lettin it ride couple day to rest. ifin I dont answers yual or partake day or too please dont be kickin stump over, I be beck soon enough. Take care of one to others fires its the only warmth we get sometime.

sorry to see this, hope you're on the mend and in good spirit!
Here's to you bud. Be keepin' the fires stoked and ready fur ya's. Here's to a quick mend, bud.


Thanks folks fur yur well wishins. Nothin some self stitchin didnt fix, aint pritty but been here done this befur. Brusin be purples and black and pride will also heal in time. Wife thinks im an idjit oh well she gets to eat LOL

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