early start grow

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So if one can only have 6 plants total does the size or how much yeild those 6 plants give have any effect on that or is it just strictly 6 plants and the rest of da details dont matter? Man I wish Texas was a medicinal state the government just has no idea how many sick people could be feeling better right now if only they had cannabis. I mean how much more proof do they need that this plant is helping people like ME and YOU live day to day life 'normally' and not in pain. I refuse to take a pill that the sideffects are worse than the intitial problems you know. Anyway, my afternoon rant, sorry it was on your page. :D On a better note...Im with ETTESUN purple has always been my fav color to! Guess thats why I cant stop starring at your girls. Where you gonna do your laundry if you get a light?
Lol megan bout the laundry, cant get out of laundry. We will put a splitter on the water outlet for the washer. It is the only room in the house that isnt kitchen or a bathroom with water running to it. The room is also on the back side of the house and very dark, so, the light being on at all hours wont bother anyone inside or out.

As for the six plants, the state law says six in flower and twelve in vedge. I THINK, this is what I read the other day in the artical about how medical marijauna growers have inundated our county. I read an unbeliveable number of plants are being grown in one area down in the south county, 25,000!!!!! lets see, at 12 per recomendation, means 2083 recomendations in that area alone!!!! That would mean that area had the biggest population boom since the gold rush!!! Even at four recomendations per grower, that would be 520 people growing in that area (the little market down there must be doing record business). The paper reported shots fired, people in flax jackets and guard dogs all over that area. Since our county is lightly populated, for years now the Sherrifs office has been getting smaller and smaller due to budget cuts. They can not handle this at all. The population is up in arms about this problem, not even counting the problem of the gardens around town that are smelling up the area. The district attorney is in a bad place too, he may have to recomend leaving the 12 plant rule because of the threat of law suits due to the Supreme Court saying that the doc must recomend the amount of pot for the patient. Who knows how this will turn out, but a public meeting is schedualed for the 28th.
I think residencey should be required to grow, like a years worth of power bills/property tax receipts or something like that. The area they are growing in.....has no electricty....tho it is a huge subdivision. Illegal plants are still harvested and busted here. But that is due to Federal money and personel.
Dang, sounds like Cali has just become their own little country it just amazes me when I think about how it would feel to grow legally must be a huge relief not to have to worry about going to jail. Im not sure CA new what they were getting into when they decided to allow Med Patients to smoke and grow their own pot. Im hoping its just a matter of time before the rest of da United States catches up to Cali's way of thinking. :D
Maybe the US legislators will finally realize they could raise a HUGE amount of cash taxing MJ. Is kinda funny they just dont get it.
Spent some time re-arranging the linen closet today. All of this fit nicely on two shelves. Done burping these jars and now for the month cure.....right. Been bonging all along. Today marks the first time the husband will smoke since last January. I sure love when he gets laid off.;) I would be amazed if this was the three pounds the county allows.

harvest jars.JPG
My Mr. Wonderful tried some of this years bud last night (first time smoking since January). He tried the AmethystNorthernlites "Tuffy", his fave plant. Her buds are almost black they are so dark purple. She got him high, he said, she was smooth and easy to smoke. He kept taking a bit of a nug and putting it in his pipe, saying that she is "black all the way to the stem". (the light is not good where he was sitting, she is really very very dark purple) Now I need him to do me a taste test on the Purps bud. I smoke so much, I cant tell what is good or better, but I can tell the best (I think), my vote goes to the Sugar Grandadddy Purple. Later smoke reports from him to follow.
hey tcbud looks great..who needs clean cloths....lol..its great to have a veriaty to smoke from it seems that i get tired and not as high on one strain so ill smoke on another..wow..then go back if need be..as far as cure..you burpped them for a week to 10 days then they are ready for the cellar if you have one..or a cool dark place..you may want to get a fridge for that much weed..lol..and will wait for tests from Hubby thanks KEEP M PURPLE
I agree about a variety 4u. I have some that is great for day time, like the purps, it gets you up and going with just a couple hits, very psyco active. I find myself doing stuff I have put off for a long time. The Grandaddy on the other hand, is strictly for the couch and night time. The early Amethyst is great to smoke when trippin out in the world. I already thot of getting a small fridge for this stuff. But, there is an area downstairs that does not heat up much in the winter, but gets pretty warm in summer. So, for now, the linen closet is gonna have to be the place. I have some ice chests that may be the way to go, I will check the temps in them over a period of time and see how cool they can or do stay without ice.
As for Mr. Wonderful, and I say that with much love in my heart, he is on the couch, glued to the TV, and has taken one muchie break so far, dried apricots. LOL....he is catching up on all the fave TV programs from the last week. Tokin' and smokin' he seems to like the Purps real well, he says it is a creeper. Now, to get him to try the mango. A friend said to me it reminds him of the blueberry for a fruity taste. I think is tastes spicey. I love it when he can smoke with me. Yip Yip, I dont have to go outside to smoke anymore!
your funny...sure would like to try those Purps...sounds like my kinds a smoke..I do have some purple budd comeing cant wait to grow it..my friend says the Frosting clone he gave me is a purple budd..and wow is the stalk ever purple they are in flower now 2weeks..sounds like Hubby is haveing a great day..and Hope he gets back to work when YOU need him 2...But untill then smoke it up with him...does he not get tested when returns to work?..I sure hope not..the coolers i think will stay the same tem inside ice or no ice..test it tho im curious..i will too..lets check notes next weekend..temps outside and temps inside. Mango is Next grow? thanks for shareing and leaving the kind words in my threads...KEEP M PURPLE
Wow, im happy your husband smoked! Tell us how he likes the mango!

I agree with 4u2, thats my kind of smoke. So you have anything else still goin' on?
WOW girl you can GROW!!!! Not looked at your journal properly before and just wow, especially those amythest x nl! Your hubby must be so happy now :D
Thanks all, He is real happy, off for the season. He will stop smoking agian sometime in January. Clean out his system, get ready to go back to work. Hopefully the economy will be such that he goes back about March. Is a bummer but the last company he worked for, with the lack of housing starts went out of business. But, the company he started with last spring, should weather the bad economy pretty good. He does not know if he will be tested when returning to work, 4u, he does not smoke in case of accidents during work. If you get hurt on the job, they test for drugs in the blood, if you test possitive, then no workers comp. and are imediately fired. He wont risk his job over smoking pot. So, when he works and for a couple months before he starts he does not smoke. ( I have to smoke outside )

And 4u, I grew the Mango this year. Three went to maturity, two from seed, one clone. Also, will find my thermometers and get out a ice chest and see how the temps from inside and out (of the icechest) vary.

DomsChron, He liked the Mango real well, agreed it had a fruity/spicy taste, he took real big hits off the pipe and coughed and coughed. By that time of day, before dinner, he was in a real stonned zone, so he would not say if it got him any more stoned. But, the Purps, he did say he got more and more stoned as he smoked more and more. He said he did not ever get the the point that he stopped getting more high, each time he hit the pipe. That was cool to hear. Yes and no, on anything else going on. There is a little clone in flower of the Grandaddy in the window. As soon as I get this last batch of Grandaddy all done, she is going under a 24 hour light to revedge. I got a one bulb floresent that I am gonna start revedging her under. Give her some "Grow Big" from Fox Farms and repot her. I have revedged some plants outdoor before but never inside. I liked the Granddaddy so much, I am gonna try like heck to get her to become a Mother Plant. A flowering light is on my xmas list. I already have a floresent light with like eight bulbs for vedging, costs about thirty bucks a month to use at 17 hours a day.

Thank you Thorn for the compliment, and yes, this time of year, he is very happy, laid off for the winter. It was a very long work season for him this year, or seemed that way to me. Usually, I go with him where he works, but because of my ailing Ol' Dad, and the Garden, I stayed home this year. It is so nice knowing he is not leaving this afternoon to return to work.
yea i bet thats great for you both! so when will he start work again? it sure sounds like he's enjoying being able to smoke again!
The Hope of the Future, Sugar Granddaddy Purple clone. She sits in the window now, waiting for a more hours of light.
Thorn, he will start hopefully around March. May be April, depends on the weather. I think this state is in a drought now, but a wet/dry spring will determine when he goes back.

Sugar Grandaddy purple, the future..JPG
Sounds like the mango had a low ceiling from being indica, and the Purps was sativa and must have an unnoticeable ceiling!

That's the smoke I need. I'm sick of hitting the ceiling, it doesn't seem "super high" to me anymore EVEN THOUGH I know that I definitely am ripped.
Okay guys, just one more set of pictures and I think this "early start grow" is over. All that is left is to burp this last few jars. We tried some of this....... very odd, tastes like the other Grandaddy, smells like the other Grandaddy, buttttttt........the high is different, very mellow with body/mind feeling so good.... and real long lasting. Like three hours or more!! Wow! Both of us agreed on the time of being high. The other Granddaddy does not get you high this long, and amazingly is way more of a body stone....like smoke it before bed time.
I think you may be right about the Purps, DomsChron the continued high from it does remind me of a sativa, no nappy needed when smoking it. The come down is real smooth too. I am way more happy with the Purps now than when I first tried it.

1. What we got off the last plant, Sugar Granddaddy Purple clone.

2. The largest buds are the top of plate, smallest bottom of plate. She has the deep hashy odor, almost earthy, but not a moldey earthy smell. Kinda hash like, or the memory of the smell of hash. Took two bong hits and was high for bout three hours. Not the chemical smell some of my bud has, just smells of Heaven:D .

harvest SGP to jars.JPG

harvest SGP to jars big buds.JPG
4u2sm0ke said:
hey Crazy I found her first...lol..

ahhhhh <<<waves it off>>> yer too young anyways... she's into a more mature grower, like me :hubba: :cool:

That crazy vancouver guy said:
ahhhhh <<<waves it off>>> yer too young anyways... she's into a more mature grower, like me :hubba: :cool:


:cry: ....i never get the good ones

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