Kindbuds Outdoor Grow 07

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Hears a little update of 2 of the plants and i planted a bunch off seeds like an hour ago didnt bother to germanate them just stuck them in the natural ground we will se how this plan works out and i stuck them real close together about 100 yards away from the rest of my plants so yeah hears some pics of the big plants oh yeah and my gutar im workin on the Marijuana Passion one
Hears a few pics of the gutar KB its the brown acostic on next to the green one took some close ups of the kb im going to start on the back later on oh yeah and it looks kinda weird cuz the pics wear to big and i had to make them smaller thats why it looks like that



I think im getting a little carryied away planting all of them seeds lol hope they all dont pop up lol i will have like 100 plants then lol hope some of them dont pop up lol
ur plants look reallly nice KB, also ur guitar is really nice too!
lilbudd said:
ur plants look reallly nice KB, also ur guitar is really nice too!

yeah their lookin really good lately and yeah that gutar is worth 150 bucks but i traded like a quarter for it so yeah i did the KB myself and im going to start working on the back later on in the summer.
DLtoker said:
Growing fast and looking healthy. Keep it up!
yeah i will keep it up and they are growing really fast and they all look healthy to cant wait till havest time lol ill get some more pics on friday
Kindbud said:
no their is no way its going to snow it better not it said on the news only in the mountains and high elevations their was a chance of snow i leave in the carolinas so yeah i think that one snow we had this year was the only one but if it dose snow ill remember that ill probly put somethin beter over them if it snows tho like a small trash can or like a 5 gallon bucket but i doubt it will snow well peace out

Lol that one snow was a piece of **** too man, what happend? it never snows anymore. are you in the piedmont?
yeah im in the piedmont region and it didnt snow just got real cold down to like the mid 20's all of the plants wear fine sept for the biggest one who had some minor freeze damage but shes fine now
yeah they are lookin real good but we have a death one of the spouts has been steped on by something likly a deer or somethin no worrys tho got a bunch more sprout about 9 or 10 + the ones i planted a few days ago which havent poped up yet hopefully they will soon if i dont go down to the beach this weekend ill get an update on them
kayla is looking very nice kindbud. how long is the growing season where your at?
Man Kayla is looking lovely i gotta say, flourishing, glad they survived the cold spot, we had one outside for a week for various reasons, damaged as hell lol.. gonna take a few weeks to recover i think. nice to see yours are lookin so fresh! lol
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