Kindbuds Outdoor Grow 07

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cool deal yeah im just going to let them naturly flower their going to get alot bigger and dl yes i do belive its over ferted to but it was dry fret from what my bro said so i dont know what to do i flushed is 2 days ago and im going to go check on them right now peace ill have an update later on today
hey KB the ladies are looking great bro. they sure love where u planted them:D hows it going brother? well will see u around bro peace
Hahahahaha its going great aside of geting busted yesterday but hey oh well its just bull **** im going to get a good lawer and get out of it hopefully well yeah the plants are going great the big ones are good look and the babys are geting biger their on their 3 node ill get pics + i got a few sproutlings around that are looking good and yeah they love the soil and the nutes from the water thats what i think it is well i get some pics this afternoon
Massive Update comin its going to be a update of all my plands the big ones an all i think theirs like about 25 pics comin as soon as i can get the pics up
ilight hears some pics of the biggest one Brittany lol





sweet grow bud, didnt even see this thread and i used the bottles to cover them too. (great minds and all). i had an early sart too, not as early as you mind, but im not far behind.

keepin an eye on this 1 mate good luck 85CANNABLISS
you too man ill be watchin your grow looks good so far oh yeah and i cant wait till they start showing their sign their not yet :( lol come on girls!!! Give it up lol
will you see signs of sex soon? i dont no, i just thought it was when the nights drew shorter that triggered them to flower. but youve got the experience over me so i suppose u no better?
yeah it like that sometimes but sometimes they show sign sooners sometimes has to do with the height sometimes then others its all about the sun etc well yeah im just hopin they are girls
I need yall opinons on something do yall think a should let them grow as tall as they want or should i do lst ortop them ???
DLtoker this week i will do what i told you

man dont top them leave them as they are nothing its better than all natural grow (yeild will be thesame any way)
yeah and i ant worryied about them being found eather im just going to let them grow and not top any of them well maybe a few havent mad up my mind yet
just top some, and let the others grow into monsters. i like the sound of it, thats what im doing anyway.

but your babies are look in sweet KB, makin me itch for for next month to see the size of them then. cant wait.

yeah thats what im doin 85 i got the two ones from the beach im going to top and thats all and yeah just wait till sept-aug
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