Nirvana Aurora Indica Grow Hempy Style

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GrowinGreen said:
You've really got it out for these AIs, eh buddy? Thanks for the wishful thinking though! If you really are serious- I don't believe you can even tell the sex yet. Those pictures are of the only "preflower" that is even on the plant lol

But time will tell- and I'm definitely not ruling out it being male. I just don't think you can be that sure no matter how experienced you are.

Hey GG.. they really look nice and healthy, not sure I would worry about their height.. as for the ambivalent gender, I gotta agree w/ SwiftGT, give it a few more days and you'll be able to tell for sure.

MOJO for you bro!
Well the 2 seedlings (1 AK48 and 1 AI) that are in the cups started yellowing in the leaves so I figured it was about time to transplant them.

I used the method I described in a previous thread- I cut the cup in 4 different spots and had a cooler filled with water. I than ripped the sides of the cup open and dunked it in the water- all the hydroton floated on the top and released the roots really easily. From there are I transplanted right into the 2 gallon bucket. I used half of a gatorade bottle to create a hole in the hydroton. The roots were really long and healthly looking. So it all went very, very smoothly- roots weren't damaged at all so hopefully there won't be any shock. I definitely recommend this to anyone using hydroton and transplanting.

Here is the thread I was talking about if anyone is interested:


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Well if you have been following along in my journal you know of my "sick" AI that was very stunted at the beginning. Lately it has really been taking off! I haven't been checking it for sex because I expected it to show last- but to my surprise I took a close look and noticed the calyx and pistils! I am actually surprised this went female- it's been burnt really bad and I practiced some pinching on it in a few places.

To be specific it showed sex after 45 days of 24/0 lighting. So from 4 AIs I have 1 confirmed female!

The first picture is when she was young and was having problems- hard to believe she looks so good now.

So are you getting nervous Buddy? I would hate to take all your bud :D


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Well it is day 49 from the start of this grow and so far out of 4 AIs- I have 1 confirmed female and 1 confirmed male- which I killed today.

I believe the other AI I have in the flowering room is also a male- so that is too bad.

But the death of this male AI made life and room for the AI that has been sitting in the cup- so today I transplanted the AI from the cup into its new bucket.


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sorry to hear you got a few males,
so how are you gertting those oz;s over to buddy,
or do you have to grow it first!:D
so Super Plant Tonic, how much is it and how do you use it?
havent heard of it,
ive got three ak48's comming up now, there about a month old.
oh yea,only 1 way bets , new to me!
ill have a look at that stuff, thanks.

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