Nirvana Aurora Indica Grow Hempy Style

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lookin good, i gotta join in on this journal, im waiting for some AI seeds to come my way should be any day now, like to know more about your grow.
Mr. Moon said:
lookin good, i gotta join in on this journal, im waiting for some AI seeds to come my way should be any day now, like to know more about your grow.

hey man thanks for taking a look. If you want to know more about the grow you got to start at page 1! If you have any specific questions let me know though. You will be very happy with the AI seeds.
i bought some single seeds, and the only one that was cracked when i opened the package was the AI seed. blaaashshd! :-( so i emailed em, hopefully i get a new one in replace of the damaged one.
Here are some pictures of the oldest AI that has been in flower for 26 days.

From the looks of it I'm going to have a nice cola. It has a real earthy smell- not strong at all. All the branches are very even right under the main cola


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Here are some pictures of the AK48 that has been in flower for 8 days now.

It has a really nice fruity/citrus smell and is really bushing out-

Because of how the stem started growing and alternating it created about 3 even canopy branches so hopefully it will have some nice colas


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Now here are some pictures of the younger AI that has been in flower for 8 days now.

It has an earthy smell like the older AI, but has a skunk tone too.

The stem on this thing is fat, and the leaves are huge-


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Alright so here are some pictures of all 3 in the closet. I figured I would take some pictures today since I had to give the 2 on the corners their own booster seats.

From left to right: AK48, old AI, young AI


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So it is day 29 (4 weeks, 1 day) of flower for the oldest AI aka AI(A)

I had to empty the runoff trays so I got some pics too. The buds are starting to get fat and the top cola is really growing above the rest. I hope it buds out nicely.

Nirvana says flowering time is 7/9 weeks, so we will see. I plan on letting it go to about 20-30% amber before harvesting- hopefully she puts me into a coma. The smell is still not strong- but it has a really unique smell that is hard to describe- almost sour.


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Nice bushes there growin green. I wouldnt make an issue of the leaves just yet. Whats your watering schedule? How far away from the tops of your plants are the lights?
50bud said:
Nice bushes there growin green. I wouldnt make an issue of the leaves just yet. Whats your watering schedule? How far away from the tops of your plants are the lights?

hey thanks for stopping by 50bud- yeah I'm not too worried about it right now. I just hope they don't get any worse. Right now I am watering them every other day. And the tall plant in the middle- the tip of its cola is about a foot from the HPS. But at one point it grew real quick over night and got a little too close to the light before I had time to raise it. So I'm pretty sure it is from heat stress, but the light is in a good spot now.

You've got some really nice ones goin there Green. I think I would like to try AI in the future. I have seen very nice results from people on this site from AI. I am VERY interested to watch your AK-48. Yours is just slightly ahead of mine. I'm very curious to see the difference in the end result, being that yours is under HPS, and mine are under the LED and CFL. Comparing our plants now, they seem very similiar in size and stature. Mine is about 24" now. Yours look very happy and healthy.
hey erwin thanks for stopping by- here is an update on the AK48.

It has been in flower for 16 days now and is about 26" tall and wide- so pretty similar to yours. It is just now starting to put on some weight. I have read that the AK48 has a cherry pheno and I think I may have it. It smells very sweet and fruity. The buds don't seem as dense as the AIs, but it is still early.

The last picture is of the cola starting to form.


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kkAI 011.jpg
GrowinGreen said:
hey erwin thanks for stopping by- here is an update on the AK48.

It has been in flower for 16 days now and is about 26" tall and wide- so pretty similar to yours. It is just now starting to put on some weight. I have read that the AK48 has a cherry pheno and I think I may have it. It smells very sweet and fruity. The buds don't seem as dense as the AIs, but it is still early.

The last picture is of the cola starting to form.


Again: Looking great! Amazing how our plants look almost identical to each other. I also definitely have one cherry pheno. I have been aware of it since pretty early on in veg. I was praying that would be one of the females, and my prayers were answered. The cherry pheno was a bit slower to show sex, and is at 22" versus 24" for the other female. However the cherry pheno plant has been much more receptive to the nutes. My other female has endured some nute burn twice, and is much more finnicky. I was originally taking clones from the bigger and faster to flower plant, but changed my mind when I weighed in the fact that the cherry one is stronger, and never got burned with the nutes, and not to mention is a rarer pheno. The way the buds are forming on yours are identical to mine, only that I really haven't started to form the main cola as much as yours. It's awesome to see about where I should be in 8-9 days. Thanks.
Well I've decided to do an update for each plant- once every week.

So the oldest AI has been in flower for 36 days (5 weeks, 1 day) now. She is really starting to pack on the weight and trichome production is really going. She is 41" tall and the cola is 13" long. The cola is filling in a little more everyday. The plant still has a really weird smell- can't even describe it. It isn't a strong smell- just something kind of natural about it.

I have been varying the pH with every watering. The last watering I put at 6.0, next 5.8, and than 5.6. I read that phosphorus is taken up the best at a pH higher than 5.8- so just giving it a shot.


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Hey Art- thanks for stopping by

And Don- Nirvana says it should finish in 7-9 weeks. So anywhere from 49 to 63 days and I'm currently at day 36. So I would say I am about halfway there, if not a little more. In my opinion the AI has flowered very fast. I am going to wait until the trichomes are about 20-25% amber- might as well take it all the way, right?

And I always thought you were going to try a few buckets haha but your grow right now looks awesome man.
Well it's been a week since the last AK48 update- so here we go.

It is about 27" tall and has 2 main colas that are forming. It's really just a little bush. I don't know if it is going to be a good yielder- but I think I have a real nice pheno for taste/smoke.

The buds have a real sweet cherry smell which I have heard is a pheno people have gotten before with the AK. It just smells so good.

Out of my 3 plants this one is loaded with the most trichomes. They are even starting to coat the fan leaves. The buds are starting to fill in nice but they look a little airy- probably because it's on one of the sides of the closet and not getting as much light as the middle one.

Here is a cool weekly growth comparison:
Last week:
This week:


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iiAI 021.jpg
Those are looking very good. Mine just started with the trichomes in the last couple days. My cherry plant is a bit slower with the trichomes, however the cherry plant seems to be more desirable. I posted a few closeup pics of the buds today. Mine are almost as tall as yours now, I think about 25". It's really cool to have someone to compare with.

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