why do i have acid like trips??

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Aug 23, 2007
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my freind brought a couple grams of dope to my house friday night and we smoked it pretty much all the way to about saturday afternoon he was having a pretty normal trip laughing feeling good i on the other hand was messed i thought my legs were in a plastic container and i could close my eyes and see this vortex and i was walking around the house feeling as if i had done this all before in a series of stages(or levels to be more specific) as if before you are born you practice run your life and i kept repeating the word "Serious' over and over again and thats all i remember and the next day i was pretty much the same and i dont remember anything really that much but everything had a different feel to it i seem to always have crazy trips like this and i was thinking maybe its laced because my citys a hot spot for laced weed such as cocaine(most popular) and pcp(another favourite) but it seems to happen alot am i just getting really good weed or really laced weed or am i just a really hard tripper lol?
If it was laced, it's strange that your friend didn't experience the same thing.

Is it possible that you have a low tolerance? Have you smoked similar quantities before, and experienced a 'normal' high (compared to whoever you smoked with)?

I used to know a guy who was all too aware of his extremely low tolerance. He was built like an ox, but two beers would have him stumbling over himself. A single toke off a joint would get him toasted. :confused2:
yeah i get baked pretty easily and trip out pretty hard but i enjoy it so i dont really consider it a problem lol
a joint laced with cocaine wouldnt make you trip. More like a mix of speeding and being high... kinda like having energy but not wanting to do anything with it.

now PCP, well thats a totally different situation, haha
Shrug- I've poured alot of psychodelic drugs into my body- You name it, i've probly tried it. Even one's you've never heard of- I chased synthesea and pretty little colors, and life altering perceptions for years. So I'm used to hallucinating, or the head trip aspect; a decade of perpetually trying to find that secret elusive enlightment.

But weed, in high quality, not quantity, will also make me trip out sometimes. I dunno why, but I always welcome it. Moderate visuals, sence of deja vu, etc. But I know that this weed is not "laced". And it doesnt happen every time I smoke the same weed either. But I trip hard sometimes from weed.

But here's an example:
I made some pot brownies with 14 grams of oil boiled weed- I knew this was double what I usually make, but what the heck, right? I split 9 brownies with my 2 good friends, so we each had 3 each. Aside from the fact it was the most stoned and couch locked I've ever been, gravity was just stronger than all of us. My friend went home later that night and started having seizures and blacking out, biting her tongue, and convulsing half concious. Her parents of course took her to the ER- where all the docs proceeded to insinuate that she had to have done something "else". Laughing stock for a minute, IV drip, and whatever it is they do to stabilize a OD'er- then sent home.

I don't know why but she had a really bad reaction to that much weed. Tolerance, metabolism, I dunno. I've never seen anything like that before and it was scarey. I think under an altered state other personal or mental problems show signs easier- Like this was epileptic I would almost say. And it was just plain old mid grade weed. She still smokes and does fine, but I won't let her eat brownies anymore =) That's for damn sure.
I know, LOL.

Levels like you were playing a game or something?
"Now PCP thats a different story"

Don't u and i both know it..... hahaha
Talk of other drugs is not welcome here. You guys should know that. ;)

I am closing this thread.

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