Mentalpatient's Box Grow

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Looking good my friend. Nice work so far. Keep us posted on your progress. Take care and be safe.
April 23/08

Nothing special today although last night I learned not to mess around in the garden too much when you've smoked a bunch of the herb. I was turning the mother plant around to catch light in different areas of the plant and I ended up toppling over 4 seedlings onto the floor! Ahhh! They should be alright, just a little shock, nothing too tramatic - I hope! But it was fun getting my hands dirty, adding more soil, misting, getting in tuned with nature. It was actually a nice, quiet, pleasant experience working with them last night... Anyways the last pic shows the aftermath of the whole ordeal.

Clones are doing excellent. The skinny, bottom-of-the-plant cuttings perked right up over the last few days, and are looking healthy as can be. I snipped 4 more cuttings from the bottom today, (man, there are so many shoots, so many to choose from!).





The ladies look fantastic. Nice work! Good job with the clones too. Keep us posted my friend. Take care and be safe.
i guess you have your lights on 24/7 an 18hours on and 6 off is fine for veg because the photo period is important in the weed world i beleave it to be more productive and will provide you with chance to sleep lol, also wen taking clones remember to use a razor make the cut at an angle put into water if making a few this will stop air lock in the stemm leave in rooting gel for a min place cearfuly in your rock wool jiffy plug or good soil not from a gardening center and mist with water this will help you clone transpire
HERBMAN22 said:
i guess you have your lights on 24/7
Sure do, it's way more convenient although I've been thinking about a 18/6 cycle because it saves on bulb life and saves electricity. Just two days saves 12 hours of bulb life! Three days, 18 hours. And so on.

HERBMAN22 said:
also wen taking clones remember to use a razor make the cut at an angle put into water if making a few this will stop air lock in the stemm leave in rooting gel for a min place cearfuly in your rock wool jiffy plug or good soil not from a gardening center and mist with water this will help you clone transpire
Thanks for this info! I recently purchased some sharp razor blades the other night and I find it makes a cleaner cut and it allows you to make little cuts on the bottom of the stem as I have read this is an effective technique that helps for good rooting. Apparently siccors have a 'crushing' effect.
420MrStoner420 said:
How much of the stem do you leave on the plant?
I normally leave an inch or so of dead stem sometimes even less. Apparently you don't want too much because all of it will start rotting and well... you don't want a lot of rotting matter. I normally snip just before an area where two more shoots will eventually emerge so I don't cut short my cutting/clone supply. Whenever I take a clone, that same whole branch it was taken from is still useful. I never cut the entire branch off from the meristem anymore as I did in the beginning with my other plants. So I leave basically an inch to less of an inch to the next shoot that will be growing. I don't even think about it, really.

Or were you asking how long of a stem the clones have?
Update Apil 26/08

Some pics. Nothing too special to report. Seedlings are looking good, soon they go outside and I can focus more light on the mother plant! Clones doing good, their numbers are rising. No signs of roots yet.



April 27/08

Things looking good. So far, no pests or deseases. I do have fruit flies though. They seem to chill on top of the soil. Whenever I go to water the plant, they scatter everywhere. There's probably around 10 or so. I hear they have a very low life span and I havn't been seeing any damage caused by these little fellas. Had them while I was growing inside too.

Seedlings (I think they are out of the seedling stage now...) are bigger than they actually look on the pic... Outside would be prime time for them I think! I can't wait to give my mother plant the extra light she deserves. :)

Also, I have purchased some Blood Meal with a 12-0-0 ratio. I figured, what the hell. Anything that's good for my girl is ok with me.

But I do have a question for the experienced growers... Mixing organic and chemical based ferts, good or bad? I'm assuming it's fine, as long as no burning occurs.




May i say everything is looking great. The young ladies are coming right along. As far as mixing the nutes not really sure. :confused2: I'm sure one of our local chemist will have the answer for ya. ;) GREEN MOJO, GREEN MOJO, GREEN MOJO, GREEN MOJO! :banana:
lost a clone yet?! i think im getting ready to take some from mine! wish me luck!

yours look great! think youll run out of room at all?
Most of my male clones turned yellow and light green (because I didn't tend to them and left the baggie on top without taking it off for days on end) and decided to pull a few up to see their roots. They had established nice little rootballs, which is good news. I've got another discolored clone outside without the baggie and it seems to be doing alright, also good news. Other than them, none of my female clones has died. It seems moisure will just about keep 'em going.

Pics of the garden later tonight.
lookin good mental - cant wait to see the pics of the garden. Im gonna post some new pics tonight also. Let me know what u think
Update May 1/08

No clones have shown any roots... yet. Probably going to be a while yet. It appears they are growing their vegetation more than anything. Or it could just me.

The young vegging plants in the styrofoam cups are doing well. The cold is getting to them though. Last night temps were down to 13 C. Five of the young ones are showing hues of purple, which is just awsome. I've never had a strain of marijuana that turns purple in cold temps. Too cool.

The mother plant is doing nice. Although I believe I have cut most of her worthwhile cuttings other than the main ones on the canopy. I need to get more light to the inside! I could always bend a bunch of leaves using twist ties or something to allow more light to the inside. Ideas?




Wow. Everything is looking great my friend. Nice work so far. Maybe try some lst on your mother plant to allow some more light into the interior. You can also use the twist ties to pin the leaves together. That would help a little bit. Just my thoughts. Looking great though. Keep us posted. Take care and be safe.
I figure I'll try twist ties. I don't wanna start cutting leaves or anything. Can't wait 'till the weather gets nice, the little vegging plants can go outside and more light to the mother! Maybe I'll even bring her outside in the sunshine once in a while. Thanks for confirming my suspicions about opening up the interior. I was thinking about perhaps topping her also. Not sure at this moment.
Are you going to move her outside permanently? She would be an absolute monster if you put her outdoors to veg and flower. I've used twist ties before with pretty good results so I'm sure that will help you out. Definitely don't chop no leaves. Just my thoughts. Keep us posted. Take care and be safe.
looking good. how long before you see roots on most of your clones?

wouldnt leaving them outside cause them to go into flower mode? Especially the mom? or would you only leave her out there during day light to take in those extra lumens, then move her back in doors at night for constant light?
smokybear said:
Are you going to move her outside permanently?
Na, then I'd have this grow box that's empty...

hachiroku said:
looking good. how long before you see roots on most of your clones?

wouldnt leaving them outside cause them to go into flower mode? Especially the mom? or would you only leave her out there during day light to take in those extra lumens, then move her back in doors at night for constant light?
The roots on these clones are probably going to take a while to show through the bottom of the rockwool cubes.. I'm guessing another week or two. The PH in the cubes isn't right and the amount of light they are recieving probably isn't adequate either. Only time will tell!

Leaving the mother plant outside probably won't cause her to go into flower mode because it is going to be summer soon and day light is longer each day until June 21. She will naturally flower around mid to late august, or early september. I'm planning on (if it's nice and sunny) to bring her out, enjoy the extra light from the sun and move her in where it's safe (the grow box) when it's night.

Anyways, some pics of the garden!



Garden looks great. I see why you're going to keep her inside. Maybe take a clone and do an outdoor if you have a good spot...Anyways, looking great. Take care and be safe.

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