BC Purps and BC Kush

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Ganja Farmer
Bud of the Month Winner
Oct 31, 2007
Reaction score
Well, here goes another journal. Just started 5 bc kush and 5 bc purps seeds. Pics to follow when there is something to see.
should be an interesting grow,i have been wating to grow bc purps for quite some time,hopefully within the next year or so.look forward to following your journal "my chairs pulled up" let the show begin.
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'luck, man...

green mojo for ya ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Sounds good buddie.
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So far of the 10 germ'ing seeds I have 3 purps that have germed and been put into soil and 1 Kush that just popped today. The other seeds should be popping pretty soon and I will get pictures up when they break soil.
Update...All 5 purps seeds have germ'd and are in starter trays of fox farms ocean forest. Still waiting on 1 of the Kush seeds to germ, the other 4 are all also into starter trays of fox farms OF. I can see 2 of the purps seeds poking out of the top of the soil so I should have some sprouts later today or tomorrow. I still promise that pictures are coming when there is something to see, right now it would just be 2 starter trays with some wet soil in them and I don't think that would be too entertaining. So pictures when I feel there is something worthy of taking a picture of :D. I'm gonna let this one Kush seed try germin for another day, we will see what happens.
You are going to love these strains, I can't wait to see some pics when they get a little bigger. Let me know if there is anything that you want to know about the strains
3 seeds have broken ground and shown there first leaves. 1 Kush and 2 purps. I can see 2 more purps and 2 mroe kushs breaking soil with their seeds now. 1 of the Kush seeds is still trying to germ, I think I have lost hope in that seed.

MassProducer, did you find any keeper mothers in your kush or purps?
Sounds good.. Great germing..
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Ok, update time. I have 8 seeds that have sprouted, 4 of each the purps and kush. 1 of the Kush seeds didn't germinate and one of the purple seeds didn't sprout. It's ok 8/10 isn't too bad. Pictures very soon, they are still just too small to justify taking pictures.
Ok, the time has come that for some pictures of my garden. The plants have been transplanted from their starter cups to 1 gallon pots. They are now under 400w mh in a 36"x20"x96" cabinet that I constructed. This week I will be putting mylar up, get ventilation system setup (room is at an acceptable 84F right now) and a carbon scrubber running. Ok enough about the future plans let's see what is currently happening in the cabinet!

Green pots = Purps
Tan pots = Kush



I had forgotten how quickly these little babies grow up. I can't believe the change in size over just 2 days. I will post pic's soon, but they are doing very very well. I watered today with an organic compost tea that was gifted to me by the nice guy at the hydro shop when I was buying mylar and some nutrients. Tomorrow I'm gonna hang mylar, setup fans and possibly build a carbon filter, and take some nice pictures for you all.
Wow, there are way to few hours in a day. Pretty much didn't get anything done in the grow room except for hanging some of the mylar today. I got about half way done and decided it was time to :bong: and never did get it finished. However, I made a promise to get some pictures up "soon" and I am not one to go back on my word. So here are some pics of the babies and some of the partial work I got done today. I am gonna try to finish up mylar, build a carbon filter, and figure out ventilation tomorrow.

Thanks for reading.







i wish i knew wat strain i have going now. so if anyone askes wat strain it is when smokin it i dont feel like a goon an say oh its jus weed. its like callin ur pet dog "dog" or ya cat "cat" lol.
i like the thought of bein ab;le to call it something lol. would it be a sin to the MJ gods to just create my own creative nickname for my finished product?
P.S. love ya grow box set up? good luck and thanks for pix for us to see. we all love pictures.
also i think u could get away with lowering ya lights closer to them maybe at least 6 inches to em maybe. correct me if i'm wrong anyone, but i think like someone else once told me if its too warm to hold ya hand that close then its too close to ya plants. i believe in veg is when u really wanna hit em wit as much light as possible not? can anyone confirm or deny this thanks
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Thanks for the kind words zip. I like the box because I was able to build it, sure every piece of wood isn't cut exactly straight and sure the door doesn't fit on just right, but it was cheap and it was something fun for me to build and its just the size I needed it. As for naming your girls, why not? I say go for it!
Just saw your edit zipflip, right now the light is about 18" from the canopy of the plants. Temp's are at about 85F at that height. I will be doing some fan and ducting work tomorrow and hopefully this will cool the box enough to move the light down to about 12", but I am almost positve the are not being light deprived as the MH bulb is 35,000 lumens and it is recommended to have 5000 lumens per square foot (the part of the box that they are in is just under 6sq ft. and I am doing mylar which should help with reflecting the light so more can be used by the leaves.
everythin is always more appreciated when u have to do it from scratch and have to put fourth ya own inginuity blood sweat an tears. i totally hear ya on that. how close are ya lights to ya plants?
but the naming thing-- im a principal type person and the thought of givin somethin a name or title that already has a name or title(but just dont know the strain) seems a lil discrediting to the one who did name it first an wat not.... but oh well like anyone will ever really give a crap wat i call it or be a spectator lol. so yeah i think i might just give it my own title.
oh i didnt catch where u said they were MH lights. i thought it was floro's u had under ya hood there. my bad
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Alright, got the rest of the mylar hung and almost done with building my carbon filter. Next thing I gotta do is get some kinda ventilation going, but I wanted to get the carbon scrubber made first cause it'll make ventilation easier. After I get that part of the room complete I'll start on the mother side of the box and get it ready for the cuttings I will be taking from the plants growing now.

Considering adding nutes for the first time on the next watering, whether it be tomorrow or Tuesday. I will probably start with 1/4 dose of FF Grow Big and 1/4 dose of FF Big Bloom.

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