First EVER Grow - Prototype grow box

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Def want to bury them. The cotyledon (seed leafs) want to be as close to the soil. The leaf growth you have there should happen in about 3 inches of hight imo

Are the cfls just hanging ontop on them or have they got a type of reflector?
What watts are they? How big of an area?
2 of them have small reflectors and are really close, the other doesnt and is higher up.
They are 75w cfls which only produces 1200 lumens each <--waay not enough
and my box is 2'x2' and is 4' tall
Hi Moses,
Good luck with your first grow!
-If I was you I would get those plants you have in the same pot seperated into different pots. It looks like you have 3 in there and it can be a problem later. Seperating them now should not be too tough. Once you go to flower them it might be a problem if one or two are male and one or two are female. By then the roots will be all grown together and it will be tough to seperate them.

-Keep a fan blowing on them, get those CFL lights down to 3 or 4 inches away, and that will reduce the stretch. I would also check out the threads here on high stress and low stress training, particularly tying down and pinching stems.

-What kind of CFL lights are you using? Specifically the k spectrum rating? I veg with CFL's and I get a lot less stretch than that.
:welcome: sensi!

I got rid of the runt and i am getting pots for all 5 of them tomorrow - I tried today but they were already closed

I have my lights as close as possible, I just really need an hps or more cfls and they are at 2700k
WELL more like 1 new pot right now....I made a beginner mistake - I ran out of soil *facepalm*
Hopefully I did my first transfer correctly
I am getting more soil today - 2 bags, soil like I am using now, almost no nutes

The pots are 8"x8"

just picked up 2 more bags of generic soil, very few nutes

I will transplant the rest and post pics tonight :aok:
I got all 5 transplanted into the 8x8 pots
there is hardly room for 5, so I will only grow 4 next time
pics tomorrow :D
hey sorry I havnt put any pics yet- camera is dead, but charging
pics tonight or tomorrow morning I PROMISE :D
Hi mosespmg ya want to try coco in hempy buckets its not rocket science and ive found this to be the best performing sorta manual hydro set up going after 14 years of growing constantly.
Any help just ask me dude.
I got my hps, 150w because of money, but its still awesome
16000 lumens :hubba:

Hope yall like em




You need to paint those walls flat white or take that 16k lumens and cut them in half. Your wasting ALOT of light with those walls. Can you get the light any closer? Or is it to hot? I would also suggest a fan in there if its possible.

They are looking much better though. Congrats on the new light.
:aok: thanks for the advice man
I am working on a reflective material,
It isnt too hot but I dont want to risk it being any closer with no fan
I am getting an 8" fan tonight and hopefully 1 more later
I would go with white over reflective material. It usually is better at reflecting.
I also got some Fox Farm NUTES

I dont know the ph of the soil so I am going to start off extremely low
- like 1/8th strength, I am getting a ph meter soon

I got Big Bloom - worm castings and bat guano
and Tiger Bloom - 2-8-4

I need to know when to add them and what strength Thanks
the plants really like the hps :aok:
I switched from 24/0 to 18/6 last night and will continue for at least 5 more days - depending on how they do/how big they get, before 12/12
--for anyone wondering-- I switched to 18/6 so it doesnt shock the plants going from 24/0 straight to 12/12 :D

Help with the nuts is appreciated
How old are they now? Are they showing sex?
they are about 16 days now, and no sex -- I dont want to veg them too long so I dont run out of room, I am going to veg 3-4 weeks total

any advice on the nutes?
All i can say is start low at about 1/4 the recommended and then work your way up. When you see there colour. You can normally start at about 3 weeks on low. Your plants did have a slow start though.

Your plants will continue to veg under 12/12 light until mature so it wont speed up the process just slow down the growing. When you see some hairs that's when you know flowering is starting and that's when you want to start thinking about changing your nutes to flower nutes.

I strongly suggest you read this. Its not allot of info but will help you understand how they work much better. If you click on each nutrient it will also show you what def looks like. hXXp://

This is all how i do things, Others may have other ideas.

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